Submitting my story series, has been so frustrating with all the please

Mar 4, 2023
I am a bit surprised at how the process works. Something I never considered all my years of reading before submitting a story.

I am on my 5th or so rejection.....losing steam. I have edited and edited, just feeling very dejected and I think my story is unique and will be loved. But at this point I am almost ready to throw in the towel. Any advice on how to proceed?
I suppose we would need to know the reason your story is getting rejected to help? Are you writing something against the rules? Or is it something minor like too many spelling errors, or not enough content?
What are the reasons for rejection? The site has a set of generic rejection notices, usually in the form of questions.

State those, and we might be able to assist.
If you want to send me a copy I'd be happy to read and suggest what you might be doing wrong