SUB DUDE and AQUA GAL???? Hmmmmm, Questions are being AXED


Jan 23, 2011
didya EVER notice that when ever SUB DUDE shows up

Aqua gal does as well?

Are they one and the same

Are they LOVERS

Is it really grumpy old man and playing the role of a FAT UGLY OLD BROAD (Subby) and a HOT HOT Young WOMAN (AQUA)?

didya EVER notice that when ever SUB DUDE shows up

Aqua gal does as well?

Are they one and the same

Are they LOVERS

Is it really grumpy old man and playing the role of a FAT UGLY OLD BROAD (Subby) and a HOT HOT Young WOMAN (AQUA)?


Don't make me come down there.
you outa be happy Im back

ALL my threads are DA BESTEST

without me, this place is a snoozefest, aka a BUY RUM FEST:)
They will "both" show up soon

As soon as Geritol kicks in

Ole Sub Dude and AQUA "GAL"

actually they are here, THEY ARE ME

didya EVER notice that when ever SUB DUDE shows up

Aqua gal does as well?

Are they one and the same

Are they LOVERS

Is it really grumpy old man and playing the role of a FAT UGLY OLD BROAD (Subby) and a HOT HOT Young WOMAN (AQUA)?


Awww... another thread for moi?

Happy happy happy! :)

On a more serious note, did you see how many times I made AG Tee Hee and more ;) while you were away.
you outa be happy Im back

ALL my threads are DA BESTEST

without me, this place is a snoozefest, aka a BUY RUM FEST:)

Oh yeah! It sure was dull without you. I wouldn't have even bothered logging in except AG kept posting on my threads and stuff and asking questions and laughing and all. That AG just can't seem to get enough. :cool:


You should take some tips from me PeePee

Well, I see the Geritol kicked in

Howdy DOODY!

A Tee Hee by anyone to anyone BUT me is BORING


whereas, a TEE HEE directed at me, cause of ME is



Cause the STAR is me:mad:
didya EVER notice that when ever SUB DUDE shows up

Aqua gal does as well?

Are they one and the same

Are they LOVERS

Is it really grumpy old man and playing the role of a FAT UGLY OLD BROAD (Subby) and a HOT HOT Young WOMAN (AQUA)?


They will "both" show up soon

As soon as Geritol kicks in

Ole Sub Dude and AQUA "GAL"

actually they are here, THEY ARE ME


I don't mind you calling me a FAT UGLY OLD BROAD. But no need to insult AG and me by saying we're you. That's just too low a blow.

I don't mind being AQUA GAL

I draw the line at YOU

Even Pablo has standards..........low standards, but standards

On a serious note

Ole Subby

Sent me a PIC

She really is a HOT ole Gal
