Study: U.S. anchor baby policy ensures easy welfare access for illegal aliens


Literotica Guru
Dec 6, 2012
Center for Immigration Studies researchers Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler issued an analysis this month showing that while fewer than 4-in-10 households headed by native-born Americans use at least one major form of welfare, nearly 60 percent of households headed by illegal aliens are on welfare.

Though illegal aliens, themselves, are barred from accessing most welfare programs, their U.S.-born children — commonly referred to as “anchor babies” — make getting welfare an easy task.

Anchor babies are rewarded with birthright citizenship despite their parents having no legitimate ties to the U.S. Fewer than two decades later, when the child is considered an adult, they can sponsor their parents and foreign relatives for green cards — anchoring their family in the U.S. for generations.
Yes, I saw Loomer dusting up this topic to target Haley. Good to see the forum righties follow the lead.

People born in the US are citizens. Don't like it, change the law. You won't, because it benefits you during you're literally complaining about your own inability to make change.
It’s a diabolical strategy for the bad hombres to get their putas pregnant before crossing the border so they can get their criminal welfare enterprises off on the right citizenship foot!
You missed out 'anchor spouses'. Like the one that Melania Knavs acquired and got her rushed through all the procedures like had never been seen before.
Didn’t he also end chain migration after getting her parents into the US?
Illegals have known about the anchor baby deal for decades.