Strictly Business (Closed for Shizzz)


Eternal Brat
May 5, 2008
Marissa sighed as she leaned back against the airplane seat, trying to get comfortable. She glanced over at the man next to her. Her ex-husband, who also was a work associate. That's how they'd met and fallen in love. Then he cheated on her and then she cheated on him. The marraige obviously was sour. She was 30 years old with long dark brown hair, brown eyes, with a decent 32 cup size and a nice firm ass.

So, with that being said it hadn't been hard for her to move on. Not much. She'd remarried and he'd done the same. They didn't fight constantly like most couples did, however. They had a...civil relationship. Anyways, they were both teachers and were sent on a Study Abroad trip to Puerto Rico.

That of course brought back bitter memories as the last long distance trip they'd gone on was on their honeymoon. She pulled out her Iphone and heaved a long heavy sigh wishing that she could make contact with her husband Brett but of course, you couldn't...not while in the air. Ironically, he'd been the one she cheated on Lance with. Irony was a bitch like that.

She nudged her ex, waking him up. "What class are you teaching for this trip again?" She asked needing some sort of human contact.

He grumbled as he felt marissas elbow drive into his ribs. To say this was a little awkward was one thing, but working with your ex was ok since he had found someone else right? Well not really when she had cheated on him, but he had some responsibility with the amount if time he had spent away from home when he had become so involved with this new set up for exchange teaching seminars.

"What?" He grumbled at her a she stirred in his shirt and shorts. His blob hair falling over his green eyes as he turned to her.

"I am teaching the biotech and modern admin. Are you that bored already. We have a very long fligh you know" he told er as he shifted, turning to look at her

"Your not getting antsy about flying again are you?"
She pursed her lips and shook her head. Clearly, she was lying. She'd always hated heights. Hated them with a passion. "No, of course not. I just figure that since its such a long flight that talking would be good." She gave him a false confident smile.

Then she glanced away, looking at some of the students who were seated a few rows behind them. They were all sleep...or playing games on their Iphone that didn't involve internet.

"Um...hows ...whats her name?" she said, as she looked at her nails, idly. "Did she ever get pregnant?" She blushed because he hadn't actually told her that. She'd heard it around the office. "Orr was that a rumor? One of the temps was talking about it."
He looked at her out if the corner of his eye, seeing how obviously nervous she was

"It's Andrea, and no she isn't pregnant. We did have a scare, but she skipped a month, probably from stress" he told her matter of fairly as his eyes slid done to the exposed swell of her breasts, finding himself remembering how pert and pretty her titties were.

"What about you and that jack ass. Are you guys getting along well these days?" Se had remarried about 6 months ago and he had been married for about 3 months. The two saw eachother all the time, but his jealousy was still very real. Even though he loved Andrea, she was not the dynamo he had been married to before, and he hated that. She was perfect in every other way bit their sexual life was one of a lacking vitality
"Ah I bet that makes you happy then. " she said brushing her fingers through her dark tendrils of hair. She kept her gaze focused on everything but the window. Andrea and Marissa had never spoken much but the times they had at business functions, Andrea always made it a point to remind her who kept Lance 'warm' at night.

This always resulted in Rissa calling Andrea sloppy seconds. It was always the beginning of WW3.

"Brett? Oh things are going great with him!" She said a little over enthusiastically. If someone had warned her that marrying the rebound would result in major disappointment she may have listened. Then again, she'd been seriously hurt when Lance cheated on her that she probably wouldn't have listened.

None the less, she found it habitual to brag about her life with Brett.

"We were going to go to Hawaii before the dean assigned me to this.. I guess it can wait though." She gave an idle shrug as she pulled out a magazine from her carry on bag and thumbed through it, not really focusing on the pages, just finding ways to distract herself.
He knew her all too well to by her line about being great. He smiled to himself as he saw through her ploy

"Hawaii sounds great. It's a shame you couldn't get away" he said as he shifted in his seat, his eyes slipping to her perky breasts, a bit if cleavage exposed by her top

"Be honest though. Me am Andrea are good, but its already growing dull. See there, that's honesty" he said as his mind brought back the memories of marissa and him and how wild and lustful they had been. It was there common lust that had ended their marriage though. But if he knew her, she was in the same boat as him

"You guys could of joined the mile high club I bet. You need a long flight for that, one where people fall asleep and you can sneak off. " he said with a grin, knowing the insinuation would get her thinking about this long flight.
She glanced up from her magazine and shook her head.

"It would've been great. You remember how much I love beaches..." she said, then stifled back a giggle as his eyes found her exposed breasts. It didn't surprise her though, because Lance had always been a breast man.

"It can be dull." she admitted, after a moment of silence. " Not as exciting as it used to be...not when we were...." her voice trailed off and she cleared her throat, forcing herself to look away and check on the students. More than half of them were asleep, now.

"The mile high club. Ahh yes, i think we were avid members of that particular club. " she smirked. "Of course doing 'club activities' always did have a way of...distracting me. You were good at that though..."
He smiled, realizing she was thinking the way he was. That and she had seen him glance at her tits, and not done a thing to hide them. She always had been a tease

"Well you were always such a tease you kept me distracted. And I felt it was my duty to teach you a lesson for teasing. He told her as he watched her glance around the plane. Yep she was thinking along the same lines for sure

"I mean right now, here you are showing off that cleavage, and you love the fact I looked. " then he grabbed at his crotch, gripping the limp 6 inches that grew to a thick nine when a roused He smiled wondering if she still liked being teased back

"And now I can tease you right back since there is nothing you can do about it" he said, wondering if that was exactly true. She could be a devilish tease, and her competitive nature could be trouble. Or mayb not trouble exactly....
She smirked as she looked back over at Lance and shrugged. "You know my motto, if you've got it, why hide it?" Her eyes followed his hand as he reached down to grab his crotch and she licked her lips, squirming in her chair. This used to be their thing while going on trips.

Any kind of trips, car rides after an evening full of dancing and alcohol, plane trips, hell even in public they'd find ways to tease each other. Her and Brett never did this sort of thing.

He was usually the 'Lets fuck...' kind of guy and then get straight to it. Foreplay was not in his vocabulary.

Neither was teasing.

"Nothing I can do about it?" And she always loved challenges. "Game on, Mr. Biotech..." she teased, sticking her tongue out at him and just to prove her point, she hiked her skirt up a little, showing off her toned thighs.
He grinned at her as she mentioned her husbands lack of game, but that was soon lost as she engaged with him in their little teasing game

He watched her hike her skirt up, stopping just shy of her panties, showing off the long length if bronze thigh that he had loved to lick his way up, before devouring her pussy

"Well then" he said with a smile of his own as he pressed his hands snugly around his cock, making the outline of the slab of beef between his thighs plain and obvious.

"You better be careful before you lose this game" he said with a grin, remembering just how much fun this had been before. And forgetting all about Andrea as he eyed his ex wife
Her eyes shone bright with mischief. If anyone were to remind her she was married, she'd probably look at them with a blank stare and say Brett who. She'd always been the adventurous type though, never could stay still for a second and her sex drive was excrutiatingly high.

She smirked at him. "Remember our honey moon..." she glanced behind her to make sure no attendants were around and slowly lifted her skirt up a bit further where it showed just a tad bit of her panties. "You dared me to masturbate in my seat...said you bet I couldn't do it because I'd be too scared I'd get caught..."

Her finger lightly brushed over the her panty clad mound and she shivered. Her breasts rising and falling as she took a deep breath.
He stared hungrily as she exposed te panty clad mound if her sweet pussy, gently rubbing her sex as she reminded him of their old bet

His own hand began to rub up and down his trapped cock, aching to be freed. He smiled as he glanced around, saw nobody, and quickly yanked his cock out, slowly stroking the thick nine inches before wrestling it back into his pants, failing he simply tugged his shirt back over it, to hide it, but his hand continued to slowly play up and down his cock through the baggy shirt

"Yeah well two can play at that game" he told her after
She knew that if she watched him, she was doomed to fail. However, she glanced over at him in enough time to see him yank his cock out from under his shirt before hiding it again. She grinned and rolled her eyes.

"I bet you and Amy never do anything as exciting as this..." She said coyly as she circled her clit, squirming in her seat. She was trying so hard to be a faithful wife, to not screw up her marriage but at the same time she wanted to beg him to take her in the small bathroom.

Control. This was all about control, it always had been.

"We used to have so much fun with each other..." She purred, before pulling her hand from beneath her skirt and tugging it down some as a stewardess did one of their walk bys.
He let his hand still on his shirt, appearing to rest it on his stomach as the stewardess approached. Smiling at the way her voice purred. She had such a sexy voice.

"That we did" he said before he tucked his cock back I to his shorts after she passed. That was too close of a call

"It seems we are stuck in similar boats with our spouses. It seems such a shame sometimes" he said a little wistfully. Them he decided to poke at her

"Now it seems that the question will be which one of us can keep from running of to the bathroom to relieve out little predicaments. I could see your panties getting wet" he td her with a wink.
She gave a soft smile leaning back into her chair. "Let the games begin..." she said, before glancing over at him with a challenging look, before pulling her magazine back up to look at it for a few hours.

Of course, a few hours only lasted a few minutes.

It just seemed like it had been a few hours. "It'll be you though, just saying." she winked at him playfully. It was amusing how they were both acting like a couple of horny college students when they were both grown adults. "Last time, it was me. This time, it'll be you." Her voice was full of confident arrogance.
He chuckled at her confident certainty of his failing

"Really?" He asked with a smile. As his eyes played over her body.

"Care to wager on it? If I win you spend as much time as possible in one of your skimpy bikinis, even if it just means the top and a pair of shorts for any non professional functions. If I lose I will wear my speedo any time it's appropriate" he told her, knowing that in his speedo his cock was tucked along his waist, the thick member horribly obvious as it wrapped around almost to his hip

With that he let his hand slowly slide along his length, now trapped back on his shorts, but its form more than obvious as he tried to make her think of how much she had loved his long Girthy member
She licked her lips subconsciously, remembering all their wild nights.either way, she won but it was always nice to have the upper hand on Lance. "Deal." She smirked and then tilted her head at him. "I didn't think you'd bring your speedo to a business function. "

She continued to idly finger through her magazine for a few hours. then stopped and waved down a stewardess, asking for a drink. He honestly thought he could tease her so easily. She was the emporeress of tease. Taking a sip of her sprite she 'accidentally' spilled her soda on her top, the sticky liquid slid down her chest, in between her breasts.

"Shit! Lance do you have a napkin or something.?"
Lance chuckled as she started, asking for a napkin. He looked over to see her top growing damp and clinging to her breasts as the sprite she had ordered began to run down her shirt, leaving a glistening film over her exposed cleavage

He patted around his lap, then grabbed the bulge of his erection

"Nope I'm afraid this is all I have" he told her with a smile as he eyed her the spreading dampness going down her top, the outlines of one breast becoming even more obvious as the damp shirt clung to her

"I could lick it off for you" he offered with a playful smile. You do remember how skilled my tongue is don't you?" He asked as his hand continued to play over the lengthy bulge of his trapped cock.
She pursed her lips, trying to decide whether or not this could backfire on her in any way, shape or form. She could just imagine his mouth on her breasts though. Just thinking about it, had her squirming in her seat. He must've noticed because he had that arrogant look on his face that he always did when he saw he was winning.

"Well...I do need to be a little less sticky...." she mused to herself. "Okay."

She shifted slightly so that she could turn towards him, but not enough where she had to take off her seatbelt. Her eyes stayed on his hand which kept stroking his cock through his pants and she smirked. He knew how much she loved watching him masturbate, so even though he wasn't actually touching himself, it still drove her a little wild.
He was a little surprised when she agreed, readily turning to him to present that full firm flesh he had enjoyed so much when they were married. He smiled though when he looked up to make sure no one could see and caught her eyes glued to the outline of his throbbing cock as he continued to slowly strike it.

He leaned to her, his lips parting as he suckled on the exposed cleavage, letting his tongue lap at her silky skin and reveling in the sweet taste of the sprite mingling with that of her flesh. He raised one hand and lifted her breast, his fingers deftly catching her nipple, as his tongue slid down her cleavage, parting the flesh, then lapped up first one swollen orb, then the other. He gave her nipple a soft pinch before releasing her and leaning back

"There you go. But I'm afraid I couldn't do anything for your shirt. It's just gonna have to stay sticky and see thru until it dries" be told her with a wink as he eyed her breast and continued slowly petting the trapped beast in his pants.
She bit the inside of her mouth trying to hold back moans so as not to alert any of the stewardess'. Her nipples were hard by the time he pulled away and she squirmed in her seat. She watched as he continued stroking himself through his pants.

She licked her lips and told herself to focus on something that wasn't her ex keeping himself hard through his material pants. "Perhaps you should go take care of that. Looks painful." she said nonchalantly, pulling her magazine up and flipping the page.
He smiled as she played it all cool

"Well it isn't comfortable. But I feel it's my duty to stay out of my speedo. I wouldn't want to give any of the students the wrong idea. Of male some jealous and some, well you remember how it made you feel when I wore those" he told her with a grin

"Besides you know the old saying, ' ladies first" he told her with a smile as he continues the slow long strokes

"I bet your man doesn't fill a speedo half as well as I do" he told her with a smile as he shifted in his seat, leaning closer to her.

"And it wasn't just the speedo I filled up so well was it. I remember it filling up some other places quite snugly" he told her as he leaned close to her ear so she could feel the hit breath of his words play along her neck and ear.
Marissa bit her lip and fought back a groan at the image of her ex in a speedo. It outlined his cock just perfectly. She was starting to forget that she was even married. She cleared her throat and shifted in her seat. His warm breath caressed her ear and fanned her slender neck as he whispered in her ear.

If anyone were to look at them from where they were sitting, they probably looked like a just married couple. Her breathing sped up slightly and she sat back, to get away from the close proximity of Lance.

"Cheater..." she muttered, "but that was why we got divorced, wasn't it."
He chuckled at her response as she leaned back and away from him

"Now now. Lets be honest. Our love for games and fun led both of us astray. It's in our nature. It's the lack of openness that got us where we are" he replied

"Besides we are in a different country and that makes the rule about area codes even more applicable" he told her as he took her hand and place it on his thick trapped cock

"I thought you would have learned by now how futile it is to fight your nature by now" he said as his cock throbbed and twitched at the feel of her hand. He let go of her hand, wondering how long it would take her to pull away. Anything other than instantly was a good sign.
She bit her lip as he guided her hand to his entrapped cock. Her heart literally stopped for a few seconds. Her lips slightly parted. When he released her hands, she had the urge to pull her hand away. She ignored that urge as her hand unconciously slide up and down his crotch.

She wanted it.

She wanted it in her mouth, between her legs, in her ass.

God she wanted Lance to fuck her.

Marisssa felt his cock twitch between the material. She turned ever so slightly so that she was facing him as the lights clicked off signaling that it was night time and people could sleep.

She grabbed his hand and led it to the hem of her skirt, letting him take the lead.