Stranger nonsense.


Keep Believing
Jan 27, 2012
Have you ever been at a place you really couldn't leave and had a stranger say nasty things about you to the person they were with?
i was at a wedding in arth goldau, sz, and was hitting on these two wɪmɪn and this crazy romanian kept following me around and butting in. not exactly the same, but i don't care.
I was out at a special dinner and it was unreal. The old lady couldn't hear and her son was commenting that I was a bigger woman. ( Not so nicely either ) My son was ticked. He's just a young teenager. Really made you want to enjoy dinner. LOL.
I have been in strange nasty places but getting out is always an option, even if it's just in my mind.

Did you escape?
Well finally after dinner I escaped but it kind of sucked the fun out of everything. They were at the table next to us and literally he had to yell the whole time. I know things about them I should not know. Normally it doesn't bother me because I can sympathize with the person not being able to hear, but not when they are talking loudly about me. I am home in my little office so that is fine. I just honestly didn't know how to handle it. Embarrassing.
Two ways you could have handled it, one would have been to ask to be moved because he was talking loudly and rudely about you. Two would have been to dump a hot steaming or an ice cold beverage in his lap. Two would have been more enjoyable. He embarrassed himself.
Why couldn't you leave?
I would have. And I would have made it clear to the person/people why I was leaving.
That sucks TH.

Closest thing to tgat I've experienced is when people have said nasty things to each other about my boy. He has autism and can be a,little odd in public sometimes. Any time I've heard anyone talking about him, I've glared at them and snapped "do you mind?"
I usually get no response.
I have a story. I swear to spaghetti monster this is true.

I used to have very long hair, dark blond (then). After my father died, I took off to an island to get my head straight and mourn/detox/cope. One day I played volleyball on the beach with some locals. After a bit, I notice I keep hearing them say "Fabio." All game long, Fabio Fabio Fabio, then they'd high five or fist bump or laugh or whatever. I start getting pissed. I just want to unplug, I don't want to deal with "Fabio." By the end of the game, I'm done, tell them I'm bouncing.

Big smiles and handshakes all around. They all introduce themselves.

One is named Fabio.

That's why they kept saying it.

I can be dumb, you've noticed.
That sucks TH.

Closest thing to tgat I've experienced is when people have said nasty things to each other about my boy. He has autism and can be a,little odd in public sometimes. Any time I've heard anyone talking about him, I've glared at them and snapped "do you mind?"
I usually get no response.

That is terrible! See you did something about it though.
I have a story. I swear to spaghetti monster this is true.

I used to have very long hair, dark blond (then). After my father died, I took off to an island to get my head straight and mourn/detox/cope. One day I played volleyball on the beach with some locals. After a bit, I notice I keep hearing them say "Fabio." All game long, Fabio Fabio Fabio, then they'd high five or fist bump or laugh or whatever. I start getting pissed. I just want to unplug, I don't want to deal with "Fabio." By the end of the game, I'm done, tell them I'm bouncing.

Big smiles and handshakes all around. They all introduce themselves.

One is named Fabio.

That's why they kept saying it.

I can be dumb, you've noticed.

That is a great story! Thanks for the smile!!!
Next time, stare. See how he likes being the subject of attention. Stare, then mutter to the person next to you, then stare.

Staring works wonders in many situations.
I was right in the middle of a family celebration!

I would still have left.
And actually have done, when some family members started whispering about my eldest son I packed up the family, told the cousins they were gutless and rude, told the Aunt (whose birthday it was) why I was leaving, and left.
I can't stand people who haven't got the guts/balls to say things outright and need to spread whispered rumours.

On another note: that's one of the attractions of lit for me. People are happy to come right out and say what they think (even if it is sometimes incorrect!) At least they're upfront with their hate! In an incognito/unknown kinda way :eek:
You had one of 2 choices.
Either go over to him and whisper in his era...hey, shut the fuck up asshole....or, talk to the person next to you while pointing at him and laughing really loud

What you don't do is let somebody else ruin your day
I'm sorry, but what does Fabio mean?
Fabio Lanzoni, famous long-haired male model. In this photo, he is on the right.
