Strange e-mail

English Bob

Nov 25, 1999
I received the following e-mail this morning - anonymous, obviously!

"Its illegal to live in northern cyprus and when we get our land back u will be kicked out of the country and maybe u can go live with the barbarians in turkey. u bastard"

Very strange! - I do live in North Cyprus (or the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to be exact) and, dispite the fact that this side of the island is not recognised by most of the world, it does actually exist and, as far as I'm aware, myself and the 7,000 odd British, other Europeans and Americans that live here (as well as Turkish and Greek) are blissfully unaware that we are risking being incarcerated in some gloomy Greek prison!

I am quite prepared for readers (if that is what this person actually is) to citicise my work as much as they like, anonymously or openly. I know that Literotica is a great supporter of free speech - as indeed am I - but I have always hoped and assumed that free speech should lead to peace and harmony rather than bigotry, racism and universal hatred - but perhaps I'm being a little too optomistic!

I don't expect that the person who sent me this rather odd e-mail will read this, but if they do, here's a message for them:

If you insist on making negative comments that have nothing to do with my writing, have the courage not to hide behind the "anonymous" button!
Well, see, that whole message was terribly jumbled in the writing...they thought it was North Cyprus, Miami...and they wanted you to go live WITH the turkeys and barbarians...

Free Speech for Whom?

The "problem" with free speech is that anyone can say most anything, including bigoted gorrillas with a cranial capacity of a peanut.

I wouldn't worry too much about it, English Bob. Annonymous Feedback allows cowards to hide behind their convictions without ever really explaining what those convictions are. It's a good bet, at least 3 to 1, that such annonymous baboons have no convictions of their own, arrived at after dilligent thought and cogent reasoning. Instead, they are espousing pablum fed to them by someone else which makes them feel superior in some way.

Having said that, I hasten to add that censorship of any form frightens me. Unpleasant comments or feedback go with the territory of erotic fiction. One has to smile a bit that so many people read erotica for the sole purpose of telling authors how sick, depraved, twisted, perverted, unnatural, and distorted such writers are, and how much better the world would be if we were all hauled away to Botany Bay so as not to infect the rest of healthy society with our "moral" deficiencies.

Discourse is impossible with such specimens, as a rule. They don't wish to hear your point of view or opinion because you are clearly "wrong" while they are clearly "right," and the fact that you can't see that simply "proves" their position. You might as well stand on the beach and yell at the tide that it can't come in just now. . .

Or, as someone remarked <and I do wish I could remember who>, it's rather like trying to teach a pig to sing. . .it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

Keep your chin up,

bookworm :p

I wish I had some.

I lived in Cyprus for two years, Limassol. You could not find a better people to live with. Greek or Turk. I was very happy there.

Stupid people will be stupid people wherever you live.
A note from a fan

Hey English Bob, Sorry that you recieved a moron alert email, but I just wanted to say.

I've been a fan of yours for a long while now. Keep up the great writing!
