Strange conversations around the house:


Keep Believing
Jan 27, 2012
One of my son's just said all the invisible people killed him and my other son said that at least they didn't kill someone important. I hope they are playing a video game.:eek:
Oh no there is a massacre!!!!!! I'm glad my son is not really seeing invisible people.
I'm a suckyourbust and a suckyourpus. Get over here and get eaten by your demon. :eek:
Hearing disembodied conversations can be related to psychosis or paranormal phenomena.

If more than one person is hearing these conversations, then more likely it is paranormal in nature.

I swore that I heard my grandmother talking to herself (which she does often) in my house, but nobody was home at the time.
Mike, as a general rule of thumb, even paranormal investigators look for mundane explanations before jumping to the conclusion that it is either psychosis or paranormal phenomena.

If kids are talking about invisible people killing them, it's most likely because they are being kids and playing.

As for hearing people when nobody is around, that isn't necessarily psychosis or paranormal either. I hear my mom all the time, even when she's not there. But that's because she's been so loud and blunt all my life that I can't get her out of my head. That's why I don't have one of those little angel guys on my shoulder--she kicked him off and took its place. :eek:
Hearing disembodied conversations can be related to psychosis or paranormal phenomena.

If more than one person is hearing these conversations, then more likely it is paranormal in nature.

I swore that I heard my grandmother talking to herself (which she does often) in my house, but nobody was home at the time.

When you go to Congress, you really should push for Homeland Security to look into that for you.
Opportunity, mike!
You'll be right there..... TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE!!!