Straight men, bisexual women, and Lesbians only please

The perfect woman is taller than average but not too tall, curvy but not too much so, looks as good leaving a room as she does walking in, if you know what I mean ;-), has bright expressive eyes and a gleaming smile that she uses often. She's real.

She's sexy, not slutty except for when you really, really need that; smart, but not intimidatingly so; funny but not standup comedian funny, unless she has her own sitcom or movie deal; has a sense of humour; is comfortable in her own skin and in whatever takes up most of her time, whether that be work or family or some combination thereof. She can mesh and be a true partner.

She loves and recognizes and can receive love. And probaly most of all, she's patient. I don't know about bisexual women and lesbians but, as a straight male, if she's going to get along with the likes of me, she'd better be patient.