Story Theft


Literotica Guru
Sep 3, 2011
Last night I did a Google search on an extract from "Sugar Daddy" one of my stories. I found it listed on a site called under someone else's name.

I tweeted about this and within twenty minutes another lit subscriber contacted me to say his stories are there also. Neither of us has ever posted to this site or even knew of it's existence before.

I suspect wholesale theft of stories in order to be able to boast a large number of stories available.

No one in their right mind would post there because their submission engine seems to rip all the formatting out leaving one solid block of text.
It's an exceedingly slow "blog" site that's nothing more than a vehicle for the porn ads, and the content is entirely lifted from Lit. It's been around for a while.

There are lots of avenues you can pursue to try to get your story or the site taken down, but this one absolutely screams Russian or Chinese to me. That's usually a sign that even if you get it taken down, the scumbag already has another URL and database ready to go for an instant restart.

Doubt many people remain for more than a few seconds considering the craptastic formatting. Just long enough for the revenue from the ads to make it worthwhile to someone in a poor former Russian satellite state, I should imagine.
This site is known to us and to every other story site on the web (probably up to and including Amazon).

We have attempted to talk to them and they appear to not care about copyright law at all. In fact, their partners appear to be sites who steal mainstream movies and/or TV shows. If you look here for example:

You can see the alleged webmaster of Nookiestar's name "Sebastian Enger".!topic/storiesonline/lxNEsXJ-m3g

Some info on the webmaster here:!msg/storiesonline/lxNEsXJ-m3g/GaUiJ_SOPs4J

The sites listed on that page include:

Those same sites are listed as sponsors on the Nookiestar website.

Look at Google and you can see that the other sites are also copyright violation sites.

The people involved in these sites don't care if you publish your work with Penguin and Random House or have an HBO TV show or a Hollywood movie. They will take anything they can find - online or offline - and copy it.

We will continue to work on ways to stop them from copying Lit authors, but in the end the MPAA or someone else may get to them first.
Nice to know that the problem is known and appreciated, Manu.