story tags - how?


Apr 25, 2013
I just published my first story ( and as far as I understand those "keywords" I entered with the submission should be the story's tags, so it can be found easily.
Somehow that doesn't seem to have worked for I don't find it with any of those keywords when trying a search for story tags.
What has to be done to add those tags to the story?
If I'm remembering correctly, someone said that new stories don't really register in search for a while.

The keywords are the tags. It will probably just take a day or two for the database to index it into search.
There also are funny things going on in the site indexing (I can't find an author using "Author Index") for instance. I pretty much gave up with trying to find a story by the tags. Just put them in myself on my stories because they are mandatory. They aren't much help from the aspect of opening a story and wanting to know if there's a theme in there you particularly want or want to avoid, because the tags come at the end rather than the beginning.