Story stuck in pending purgatory

I had a story get stuck like this recently. PM Laurel. I did that, and my story was published within a couple of days.
Guys, write a POLITE memo to Laurel, reminding her to look into it.
Unless there is a technical glitch in the system, a major competition occupying reviewers, or several reviewers quit - You'll get your stories looked at very soon.
Good luck.
I submitted an essay to Reviews & Essays on August 11th and it's still pending, but a short story of mine submitted this Monday was approved within 24 hours. I've already PMed Laurel about this, but what I'd really like to know is why some submissions by the same author are jumping the queue.
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I submitted an essay to Reviews & Essays on August 11th and it's still pending, but a short story of mine submitted this Monday was approved within 24 hours. I've already PMed Laurel about this, but what I'd really like to know is why some submissions by the same author are jumping the queue.

When a story doesn’t get through, it can be due to a problem with the theme or plot. Send a copy if you want a second opinion. More importantly, Non con / Con must always end up with the Non Con wanting it. I realise you already know that. But hey, just trying to help. x
I submitted an essay to Reviews & Essays on August 11th and it's still pending, but a short story of mine submitted this Monday was approved within 24 hours. I've already PMed Laurel about this, but what I'd really like to know is why some submissions by the same author are jumping the queue.
This is just my best guess and I have no data to back it up, but since it is all done by hand I think that some stories get bumped up the queue if they are by more frequent authors because there is a lower level of checking needed to be done compared to newer authors. Also I think shorter stories are easier to approve since their is less to look over. Just my thought process and not based on anything.
I think that some stories get bumped up the queue if they are by more frequent authors because there is a lower level of checking needed to be done compared to newer authors.
Probably something in that.

Just had a story, my 15th I think, approved and posted with 48 hours.