Story search in LW category


Jan 20, 2023
Hi, looking for a LW story that I started reading 1-2 years ago but then lost. I can't get this one out of my head and the search for it is slowly driving me crazy.
The story is about a married couple who have not been married for very long. The story is told alternately from the perspective of both spouses. The wife doesn't tell her husband exactly what kind of work she does, she is a "company whore" and often on business trips. After the marriage, they both go about their jobs as before, but the truth then emerges. The wife, name: Rebecca or Pamela, I think, then tries to save her marriage and fight for it.
The husband is the only man the woman has ever fallen in love with.
The man has a short name, Bob, Ron, Tom or something like that.

Story may have been removed, but someone still remembers the title or author, thanks for your help.