Story missing in Top List

Jun 16, 2020
I've been tracking my stories to see where they sit.
One of my stories has a rating of 4.91 with 11 votes. There are four stories in the Sci-Fi & Fantasy Top List with the same numbers. Why is mine not showing up?

Also, how many votes are required to get in? I think this is what is uses, based on example data:
Last 30 days: minimum 6 votes
Last 12 months: minimum 11 votes
All time: minimum 100 votes
Is this correct?

Update. Still at 4.91 w/11 votes. Three other Sci-Fi & Fantasy stories have this. Mine is still not showing.

The toplists can be buggy. It's as simple as that. Entries get lost at the turn of pages, sometimes freeze or fail to display when they've lost votes to sweeps until they reach the vote total threshold they had prior to the sweep...

Right now, there is obviously something wrong with the 12 month and 30 day lists in all categories, because vote total is supposed to determine ranking on stories with the same score, and that is most certainly not the case right now. Stories with 9 votes are showing up ranked higher than stories with 98 votes. Whatever messed up criteria in the query/display code is causing that is probably also to blame for yours not showing up.

Odds are that when your score changes, it will slip out of whatever crack it's fallen into, and some other unlucky soul will be lost in the void for a while.

As to the eligibility requirements, I don't believe there's a minimum in any category for 30 day. The 12-month is either no requirement or 10 votes for all categories. The categories each have their own threshold for all time, and you're correct that the Sci-Fi&Fantasy minimum is 100.
Based on the current low score, and 10 votes, I should have 6 entries in the Sci Fi 12 month list: 5 (12), 5 (10), 4.92 (13), 4.91 (11), 4.9 (10), and 4.9 (10). Only two show up now.
I hope it gets fixed soon.
Are the criteria listed anywhere? It would be nice to know.
Thanks for your info.
