Story edits



Is the process outlined in the FAQ working anymore? I have had two story edits languishing for many, many days (weeks in one case). As far as I can tell, I have followed what the FAQ suggested.

Edited (and deletions) have the lowest priority a long way after new stories.

If you are concerned, a polite PM (Personal Message - now conversations) to Laurel might move them.
OK - I kinda realise that - but the FAQ talks about turnaround times. I’m assuming I should just ignore that bit, right? Just worried I did something wrong.

That am for the reply BTW :).
OK - I kinda realise that - but the FAQ talks about turnaround times. I’m assuming I should just ignore that bit, right? Just worried I did something wrong.

That am for the reply BTW :).
How did this turn out for you? Almost two weeks here. I'm not complaining just seeking to understand. Thanks.