Story Discussion: Varian, Main Queue 01-01-06

Varian P

writing again
Jul 20, 2004
I've posted a re-write of the opening of this chapter (post #22).
I'm changing to green the text below which has been revised.

Happy New Year, all.

I'll give you my questions at the end, in a separate post, but to preface briefly, this excerpt is the opening to a novel. Since the chapter is obscenely long, I'll post the excerpt in two segments: the first 7,200 words of the chapter follows here; the rest of the chapter is in a second post, but the full chapter is 14,000 words, so I certainly don't expect anyone to read, much less critique such a lengthy piece. But if anyone's just jonesing for material to critique or should be feeling that generous, of course I'll be grateful!


OOOOO Hurt: Chapter One OOOOO

There was a masochistic pleasure in watching those green-gray eyes begin to shimmer, pinking already with sudden tears gathering along the pale edges of the bottom lids, until the image dissolved in gray-white haze.


She had not even noticed how little she could see. She rolled diligently through the rain pooling and streaming over the asphalt and hanging in the sky like twisting strings of glass beads, slightly swaying, glinting in the beams of her headlights, rattling against the metal hood and glass windshield. She stomped the brake hard before she knew why and fishtailed to a stop just a foot or two before she would have hit it.

A huge black dog stood staring straight at her, as if it could see past the glare of the headlights. She watched its rib cage contract and its jaw open and snap shut, jowls flapping and shuddering with a bark silenced by the clamoring rain before it sprung into the next lane, out of the road, and vanished.

The motorcycle speeding toward her veered with a streaking blur of headlight suddenly low to the ground, scuttling away along the road behind her until bike and rider both fell still in their northbound lane.

Ahead a pair of headlights peeped around the bend.

She cranked the wheel hard left and hit the hazards as she rolled a careful, urgent U and crawled toward the crumpled, motionless form in her headlights. Already hitting 911 on her cell she plunged into the rain and rushed over, squatted down and touched the throat between helmet and collar feeling for a pulse. Viper-like his hand caught her wrist.

“It’s alright,” she said to the black visor of his helmet, dotted pale orange with reflected streetlights, “lie still. I’m calling an ambulance.”

The hand let go of her wrist and dragged open the visor. Rain pelted blinking brown eyes. He pushed himself up to sitting.

“Are you hurt? Maybe you shouldn’t move until the paramedics come,” she said.

“Hang up.”

When she didn’t do it right away, he reached and flipped her phone shut.

“I’m fine. I don’t need an ambulance.”

He crawled to the curb and sat. The northbound car swerved around hers in the southbound lane, passed them, snaked back right and just kept going.

“I’ll get your bike out of the road.”

She wrestled the thing up from the ground, over against the curb, got the kickstand down, and went back to him.

“Sure you’re alright?”

“I’m fine.”

“Can you ride? I can drop you somewhere.”

“I think I’ll walk it. I was almost home. I’m just right there.”

He pointed up the road. He started to stand, then dropped back down.

“Are you really sure you don’t need help?”

“I’m sure. I’m just a little shaken up.” His voice had an alarmed tone.

“Alright. I should get my car out of the road. Why don’t you let me drop you, then I’ll run back for your bike and walk it up to your house.”

He folded his huge frame into her tiny two-seater. His driveway was less than a quarter mile up the road. She parked and trotted back to the bike, and pushed it back to his house. He met her at the end of the drive and together they pushed it up toward the garage. He snatched the keys from the ignition and dropped them into his pocket.

“Thank you.”

“I’m glad you’re alright.”

“Fucking dog.”

“Weird. He was just standing there. Like Cerberus, waiting for a face-off with my car. I barely stopped in time.”

He gave her a skeptical look. "Cerberus, eh?" Mocking her knack for obscure references. “Want to come in? Have a drink?”

“I should get home.”

“That’s ungrateful. After all I’ve done for you? You won’t even stay for ten minutes and have a drink with me?”

She looked at him a moment, assessing him, then smiled.

“True. I do owe you.”

“Come on.”

Inside he took her coat and hung it in the closet. A pool of water began collecting beneath it on the polished hard wood.

“Great place. Very Frank Lloyd Wright.”

He nodded, smiling, scrutinizing her.

"What's your name?" he asked bluntly.

She turned from the view and gave him a sober smile.


“I'm Galen." He said it strangely, probing her with his eyes. "What do you drink, Vida?”

“Vodka tonic?”

“I can do that, if you don’t need lime.”

“Why don’t you sit down and let me make the drinks?”

“Alright.” He gave her a slightly pained smile. “Maybe I’ll go stick a couple band aids on. Glasses are there, in that cupboard next to the fridge. The liquor’s there,” he pointed toward the pantry. Tonic’s in the fridge. There might even be some lime juice, actually.”

“What do you want?”

“I’ll have what you’re having.”


He went, limping down the hall. He turned and cast a quick look at her cracking cubes of ice from their cells in the white tray and dropping them clattering into two tall glasses before turning into his room. Light swelled at the flick of the bathroom light switch. He forgot the errand of bandages and peroxide and confronted his mirror image. He looked like a little less than himself. Pale. Afraid. Fragile look in the eyes.

No blood on his face. He’d been wearing the helmet. But there were dark stains bleeding into the water-darkened gray sweatshirt at the elbow and shoulder. Shame he hadn’t been wearing the jacket. It hadn’t been raining, though, when he’d set out for a quick cruise.

He peeled the wet sweatshirt off and looked at the raw elbow. Not that bad, really. Could have been worse. There was gauze and peroxide and miscellaneous first aid paraphernalia in the bottom drawer. He couldn’t even remember buying it, or putting it there, but he knew that was where it would be.

He managed to get the wound cleaned and sterilized, but it was too big for even the enormous-looking bandages he would have never imagined finding a use for. It was a gauze and tape job, and one-handed it wasn’t going too well. So he gathered all the crap together and carried it out to the stranger in the kitchen.

“Want to play doctor?”

”Alright, but you’ll have to administer your own anesthesia.”

She handed him the vodka tonic that wasn’t half gone, and they climbed up onto the two bar stools positioned there at the island in the center of the kitchen. He reached his arm toward her, and she took it gently, one hand cradling his forearm, the other curving softly around the thick swell of triceps above his oozing elbow.

“Sure it’s not broken?”


She lifted his hand to her shoulder and extended his arm, with both hands, felt up along the length of his arm, from wrist to armpit, careful to avoid the raw wound midway.

“You seem to be intact.”

“You a doctor?”

She gave him a funny look.


“What would you do if you found a wrong angle in there?”

“Call that ambulance you’re so afraid of.”

This time he gave her a funny look. She began wrapping his elbow. His hand was still resting on her shoulder, his four fingers curved over the top of her blouse, his thumb resting against the smooth warm skin of her neck, just inside her collar. He stared at his thumb there innocently, intimately touching her as she bandaged him. Her gray-green eyes locked on his suddenly, as if she had caught him at something.

“You know who I am?”

“Wondering if that’s why I agreed to come in?”

He waited. She was quiet.

“Would you normally come into the house of a man you’d just met laying on wet asphalt?”

“No. Not normally. But it’s not a normal night.” She lifted his hand from her shoulder and set it on his thigh. “I figured it out while I was making the drinks. Fear not, I won’t sell your tragic motorcycle story to The Stranger for their “celebrity I saw you” column.

“Your…eh, sang froid is rather impressive.”

“Because I’m not an autograph hound?”

He laughed. “I didn’t mean that.” His smile faded. “I think you may have saved my life.”

“Because you’d have bled to death from road rash if I hadn’t been here to wrap your elbow?”

“Yes. That, and that car behind me probably would have rolled right over me if you hadn’t thought to pull your car behind me.”

“Feeling your mortality?”

“A bit. Maybe it’s good. Get a little wake-up.”

She hopped down from her stool and circled around him.

“There’s blood on your shirt, here at your shoulder,” she touched him lightly, “and it looks like you got your knee pretty scraped up, too.” The knee was torn out of his jeans. “Which first?”

“Shoulder, I guess.”

“Shirt off, then.”

He stripped off the t-shirt and turned his broad back to her. He flinched, then went rigid as she began cleaning the wound.

“It was fucking stupid of me, taking the bike out tonight,” he panted through his clenched jaw. “I just got it, you know, about a week ago. I’m not much of a rider. I thought it would be fun—it’s kind of an antique. I just went down south, to the park for a while, before it started raining. Dumb of me not to be wearing a jacket.”

“Probably won’t make that mistake again, hmmm?”

“We’ll see. I have an tragically short memory.”

She finished off her drink when she had bandaged his shoulder.

“Have another.”

“Not until the surgery’s done. Time for the knee.”

She watched him struggle to get the cuff of his pants up without dragging the stiff fabric over the tender wound.

“Looks like it’s pants off, Mr. Ross.”

“Maybe I should go back into the bathroom and take care of this one myself.”

“Maybe you should. If you’re wearing women’s panties under those jeans, I rescind my promise about selling my story.”

“I assure you I’m wearing perfectly gender-appropriate boxer briefs. I only wear the frilly panties on special occasions”

“Careful you don't hurt my feelings," she teased as he undid his fly. "You're in a vulnerable position, here."

As he finished undoing the last button of his fly, he gave her a look, only half calculated, that seemed to wipe the teasing grin from her face. Not as cool as all that, after all. Suddenly, obviously nervous, she pulled her eyes away and made a pretense of looking for something in the first aid box as he slid his pants down his thighs, then carefully drew the folds of stiff denim over the tender wound at his knee, and off.

"Why don't you sit there, and put your foot up there," she suggested, indicating one stool, then the other.

Galen took a certain masochistic pleasure in looking down on the horizontal plane of his extended leg, the knee chewed up, red and raw, clear fluid leaking around the dirt and gravel that had embedded itself in his tender flesh. Much worse than the elbow. The knee had taken the brunt of the fall, born the much of his weight and the bike's as he'd skidded down that wet road.

"Oh. Galen. Sure you don't want to go to the doctor's for this? They could numb it."

"It's alright. I want you to do it." He issued it like a challenge.



She said it lightly, with a smile and a shrug, but she was pale. And as she poured herself that second drink she wasn't going to have, her hand shook. After a few gulps of her drink, which might have been a double, a hunt for tweezers and some sterilizing, she dug in.

He wasn't going to faint. He wasn't even going to puke. He concentrated on the carbonated bite of the cold clear liquid he sipped through the cubes faintly clanging in his glass, and on the nice view he was getting of her tits. No bra under that thin blouse. Kind of surprising; she didn't seem the type. And he was so good at judging things like that. But there she was, her tits curving and peaking and swaying slightly under the delicate fabric clinging softly to her as she moved, and each time she bent close to his knee, her blouse gapped away from her body, and he could see her bare skin, right down to her navel between the pale inverted hills of her breasts. It was almost a disappointment when she extracted the last piece of Hillcrest Blvd. from his knee, pressed a piece of Neosporin-laced gauze to the seeping flesh, and began wrapping him up like a mummy. The hard part was over, but she seemed more nervous than ever. Maybe she'd noticed he was hard.

He got to his feet, a little too close to her. Wondered, was she feeling him—his size, his heat, his near nakedness. Was she afraid?

"Just relax," he sighed softly down to her. He waited until she looked up and he could read her face. "I'll be back in a minute."


Slowly the fist clenched around her heart opened, and she took a breath. For just a second she'd thought he'd…The impulse to go, without a good-bye, tickled through her whole body. Something about him. She didn't feel safe.

With a swipe she snatched her drink from the counter, the condensation chilling her skin as her fingers and palm wrapped tight around the base of the tall narrow glass, imparting a sudden, lucid calm. Strange that fear could be a comfort.

She wished him back. Hurry. Hurry. Anxiety was sweeping in like air being sucked into a vacuum through a broken seal.

Air. She needed air. White knuckled, clutching her sloshing drink, she moved to the slider, clawed the latch open, and got onto the deck. Breathe. Breathe.

An awning overhead kept the pouring rain off her, but the wind chafed her face and whipped her hair across her eyes, obscuring, revealing, and obscuring her view of the grid of orange city lights below. It seemed like her drink should be fresh, only a few sips gone, but she tipped the glass behind her bottom lip and just a trickle seeped lazily between the depleted cubes. Was she drunk?

Over the hoarse whisper of the wind and the rain thwapping the awning above and the invisible foliage below she heard the slider humming in its track behind her. The normal thing to do would have been to turn, to smile, to say something. About the view. The weather. Whatever. But she didn't feel normal. So she stood, silent, and waited. Probably he was about to say, 'Aren't you cold out here with no jacket?' Or maybe his hand was about to punch through her vision's periphery, his arm stretching away until it receded into a pointing index finger as he explained what some distant feature of the landscape, wrought by man or nature, might be.

But the seconds were slipping away and there was only the sound of the wind and the rain, and her view of sprawling L.A. was never interrupted except by the whipping strands of her hair. He remained silent. Behind her.

Now she thought he might touch her. That's what people like him did: fucked random strangers. Had one night stands. The idea of being touched by someone she didn't know scared her. Seemed ugly. It always had. But suddenly that ugliness, that fear had a strange, arousing appeal.

So, when she felt his fingers combing into her hair, she stayed still and quiet, and savored the little shudder that rippled down her body from the points where his fingertips brushed faintly against her scalp. Silent and slow, with soft strokes he smoothed and gathered her wind-wild hair. Then she felt his body against hers—more heat than touch—and his warm breath pulsed against her bare neck. Taut, stretched thin as wire, she waited for the touch of his mouth on her skin. Only when she sucked in an urgent breath did she realize how anxiously she'd been waiting to be touched. That she'd forgotten to breathe. Now she was panting urgent shallow little breaths. Waiting.

His fingers brushed faintly against her, making her shiver as he pulled her collar toward her shoulder. His lips faintly grazed the sensitive skin just below her ear, and every cell in her body seemed to constrict. Every inch of skin felt suddenly tight and faintly itchy. She waited.

His breath, his lips brushed against her again, a touch that bolted through her taut nerves like electric current, making her nipples and every hair follicle constrict. Then his tongue, hot and wet and teasing. Then his teeth. Two little nips that almost made her cry out, afraid he'd hurt her, before the incredible rush of pleasure washed over her.

"Set your glass down."

She stretched her arm to the side and set the glass on the railing. Almost the moment it was out of her hand his body drove hers forward, until her hip bones pressed against the wooden barrier, his chest against her back forcing her upper body to lean over, just slightly, but enough to make her grab at the railing instinctively. In the dark she couldn't discern how high the balcony had her suspended. The idea of a perilous drop heightened her growing anxiety. He mouthed her ear, and the sensation mingled with her fear and her flesh—from the surface of her skin to her organs to deep in her bones—tingled so intensely she started to feel delirious.

"Answer something," he whispered before stroking a particularly sensitive spot on her ear with the very tip of his tongue. "Be honest. You knew who I was before you came in tonight."

He descended on her neck again, making it hard to breathe, hard to answer.


"No? You swear?"

She was starting to feel like a liar.

"I swear."

He moved over to the untouched territory on the left of her neck.

"Then tell me ,Vida. Why did you come in with me?"

The sound of his breathing, the feeling of his mouth on her ear and neck, of his body pressing her to the railing had her more urgently aroused than she'd been in years—probably since high school, when everything was new. Fuck, she wanted him to touch her. But as she looked out into the void of night in front of her, below her, she was half scared he was about to push her to her death.

"You…I came in because…I didn't want to go home."


"And I was afraid to."

"Afraid to what?"

"Afraid to come in with you."

"You wanted that?"

It wasn't smart. Telling some strange man that you'd come in with him because you liked feeling afraid. She knew that.


"You felt…afraid of me?"

"Yes. A little."

"What about now?"

His grip on her hair seemed to tighten; she realized suddenly that she was unable to move her head. His other hand slid down her side to her hip, crossed her abdomen until his forearm belted her tight against him, and she gradually became aware of him moving his hips behind her, suddenly sure she felt his erection pressing against her ass, sliding slowly up and down against her with the motion of his hips.

"What about now? Are you still afraid of me?"

"Yes," she breathed, still dying to be touched.

"Do you want to go?"

His grip on her hair didn't loosen; the insistent probing of his stiff cock hadn't relented.



Her hair still caught tight in his fist, he backed off her just enough to allow a little gap between her and the railing, and his hand slid from her hip, over, down, and faintly wandered over her crotch. Under his delicate touch a flood of sensation pooled and began pulsing insistently. He hadn't even slipped his hand inside her pants and she already felt her climax building.

But his fingers, working so subtly, so expertly between her thighs abandoned her just as she'd sighed a desperate little whimper. Now his fingers were trilling up the back of her thigh, slowly, definitely working their way between.

"Don't," she said, softly, half afraid to deny him for fear he'd force her.

But as she twisted, ready to panic, he let go of her hair and let her turn to face him. He was looking down at her with an air of patient amusement. His gaze was so intense, so direct, she felt suddenly as though he could look right through her skin. Read her thoughts.

She wasn't used to this. Feeling…dominated. Instinctively she set out to even the scales. Reclaim her power. Feeling it already she grinned up at him and pressed her palm eagerly to the blatant bulge in his pants. She loved this part—getting a sense of the size and shape of a man, for his responses to her touch.

She drew the curve of her hand along his erection, aroused to find him so hard. Riding the wave of her power she felt a sudden urge to have him in her mouth, to hear him groan as she used her lips and tongue on him. Giving him her best wicked grin, she sank to her knees and got to work on his fly.

"Don't do that."

He said it softly. Tenderly, even. He took her hand from his zipper and coaxed her back up. She was a little stunned. If a guy had ever turned her down for a blowjob, she couldn't remember it. He stared into her for a few seconds, smiled, then opened the slider and led her inside.

Slowly, his eyes locked on hers the whole time, he guided her back until her shoulder blades and her ass bumped against a smooth, vertical plane of wall. Holding her there, he moved in close, until his thighs touched hers, until she could feel his breath on her lips. Still looking, still staring into her. Something like regret started to erode her arousal, but then he sank down, onto his knees.

The bass in her chest thrummed hard, quickened. She watched as he slid the tongue of her belt back, through the loop of her slacks, through the silver buckle, off the prong, and it flopped open to hang heavily from her hips. So quick. His hands. Her slacks unhooked, unzipped. His fingertips touched her hot, bare skin, slid down, catching the waistband of her slacks, then her panties in a single smooth gesture, and pulled them down mid-thigh. Thrumming bass, staccato, hard, fast.

He was looking at her. At her sex. David never did that. Just gaze at it from inches away.

Hot. Her face was hot. She wanted him to get back up. She moved, maybe she was going to step aside, walk away. But he caught her thighs in his hands and silently coaxed her to be still. She couldn't stand this. It was too intimate. She'd never let a man use his mouth on her until they'd been together a while. Until after they'd slept together a few times.

His breath was hot and damp on her bare skin. Did he like her smell? Did he like that she was waxed bare?

Anxiety and anticipation mingled. His warm hands slid over her skin until her thighs were wrapped in his embrace, one hand curving against her ass. Please. Fuck. She needed him to touch her.

His lips brushed faintly over her smooth mound, the hot damp of his breath teasing her. He looked up at her, took in her look of frustrated want, and touched her with his tongue.

A tiny, soft, wet touch against the soft, wet, pink flesh. All the heat in her body rushed in to that tiny point where the tip of his tongue had touched her. When he did it again she whimpered as all that heat pulsed and surged and seemed to roll inside of her.

Each little touch was a taunt. Prodded her need, vexed her arousal. But he kept his caresses so small, let so many seconds tick away between, she was almost in tears of frustration. She tried to widen her stance, to spread her legs, hoping desperately to feel his tongue slide back, lathe over her wet sex. Fuck, she needed him to really eat her. But his embrace tightened, cinched her legs tight together, making all of her, except the very front of her slit and just the tiny bit of her not hidden between her smooth, waxed lips, inaccessible to his mouth.

Each tiny little touch of his tongue made her wiggle in her torment, made her whine and whimper. Every time the tip of his wet, pink tongue made contact with her, her body tried to meet it with her climax. As if it knew it would get nothing more from him, as if it sensed that these taunting kisses, so faint, so infrequent, would have to be enough.

But then, fuck, god, yes, he pressed his open mouth to her, his lips sealed themselves against her soft, smooth flesh, and his slippery tongue pressed forward, between her lips, into her slit, lathing at last all her wet inner folds. She shuddered and whimpered and flexed against his embrace, dying to spread for him, dying for him to fuck her with his mouth. When he withdrew his tongue and its textured surface slid back over her, rubbing all along her wet, needful sex, ending with a devastating little flick over her clit, she shuddered, groaned, and thought her knees might give.

Hardly conscious of what her body was doing, her legs flexed, trying to open, her hips tried to press forward, to drive her sex against his mouth, but his arms circled tighter around her, immobilizing her, keeper her shut tight.

More, tiny, darting touches of his tongue to her, her trying to stifle the little sobs and moans threatening to squeak out. It was torture, keeping her climax so close for so long, threatening to keep her in this anxious suspense forever. But slowly, slowly, with each little brush of the tip of his tongue, that aching, throbbing pleasure built, gathering, gathering, and he'd lick, and the feeling would swell, and that little touch would land again, and the thrill would rise up, until finally another stroke of his tongue fluttered over her and a great well of pleasure flooded up and spilled over. He lightly lapped, prolonging her delicious agony, gripping her in his imprisoning embrace as he squeezed every drop of pleasure from her body. He held her as she shuddered and panted and finally calmed. At last he opened the constricting circle of his arms.

She felt strange. She couldn't remember that last time she'd been held for so long in such delicious suspense, or when she'd cum so hard. But she didn't feel at all sated. She was absolutely dying to be fucked.

To be fucked. Taken. Held down. Ridden.

Judging by the look on his face, she was going to get just what she needed. He rose, his body, his hands, traveling over her like they were taking possession of new terrain. Standing, looking down at her, he smiled like he was amused by something, evoking a spontaneous smile from her in the midst of her intense, trembling need. Then he kissed her. She hadn't wanted that before, but now, after, she wanted it.

His tongue slid into her mouth, tasting of her sex. It was like a drug working on her body, doubling her arousal, her need. Panting, he ended his hungry kiss, and with another odd little grin, started unbuttoning her blouse. Panic seized her, and she caught his wrist in her hand. He looked at her with an expression of amused surprise.

"I want…this. You," she stammered, flustered. "But I…please, leave the blouse on."

His hands slipped obediently away from her button, but then he took hold of the hem, gathering upward. She snapped. Her vision blurring with tears of panic she caught his hands again, suddenly afraid again that he was going to make her fight him. That she'd lose. That he'd…

"I'm afraid," he said quietly, his eyes guiding hers toward something near his hands, "that I got some blood on your shirt. From earlier. You should take it off. Let me wash it."

A small bright stripe of blood stretched along the fabric between his thumbs.

"I can give you a shirt to wear, if you're shy," he added with his amused grin.


He really didn't know why, but she was losing it. Her eyes had that glittery reddening look of someone about to cry. What the fuck. He'd played with her. A little. But there was no way, he'd done nothing to make her think he'd hurt her. Force her.

"I'm sorry," she breathed hoarsely, in the voice of someone struggling not to let a pending flood of tears break through. "I need to go."


He used a soft voice. He wouldn't argue. Trying to keep her there seemed like a very bad idea, if she was feeling like he was some kind of threat. He'd let her go. Live with the mystery.

She'd already frantically zipped and buckled up and was half way to the front door. He walked slowly after her. Not too fast. Not too close. She opened the door, called back with a broken 'sorry,' and was gone.

That was a first—a woman running off crying after he'd licked her to orgasm. He made himself a fresh vodka tonic as he wondered over her possible pasts. Molested as a child? Date rape? A violent assault? Or just fucked up--so repressed that a good climax sent her over the edge? Who fucking knew.

Something about it wasn't right, though. Everything about her had struck him as strong. Not the shy delicate type. Not the wounded type.

The image of the stain kept coming to him, like it was burned onto his retina, the final living image.

His vodka tonic in hand, he wandered back to his room, thinking he'd change, go to bed. But he was too wired. The accident, her. All that build-up, and no fuck to undo the anticipation. He could still taste her. The recognition, the acknowledgement of it got his dick a little hard.

He roamed aimlessly back and forth through the house, a little too disturbed by her to jerk off and go to sleep.

The stain.

From outside, a bright light blared on the living room curtains, trying to get in. Headlights.

He opened the front door. She was still there. In her little convertible, engine running, rain slanting through two violent beams of halogen light. For all the tinted windows revealed, there might have been no one inside. It might have been a humming empty shell. He tapped at the glass, rain-beaded in symmetrical chaos. No sound, no sign of movement. He was getting soaked. He pulled on the door handle.

She was hunched against her steering wheel. His core turned to ice with a sudden dropping feeling, like being in a plane that suddenly looses a few thousand feet. But then her still, silent body moved. Made noise.

She was crying. Sobbing. Gut-twisting sobs—the kind that make you think maybe you'll puke. He couldn't even tell if she'd noticed him. He touched her shoulder, softly as he could, then bent down close.

"Vida. Come back in with me."

Had she heard him? Did she even know he was there? He touched again, stroking her damp hair, tried her name again. She just went on sobbing. Impossible to leave her there.

"I'm going to bring you inside, alright?"

Nothing changed. Her hands covered her face, her shoulders hunched, her back curved, her ribs convulsed. He leaned in, got a forearm under her knees, his other arm curved around her back, under her arm, pulled her against his chest, and lifted her out of the car.

"It's alright. I'm bringing you inside, Vida," he assured her in his gentlest voice, kicking her car door closed.

"Put me down," she said before he'd reached the front door. "I'm not a fucking baby. I'm not an invalid. Put me down."

He put her down. She didn't charge back to her car.

"Come on." He tentatively touched her back, hoping to get her inside before she was as wet as he, a little surprised when she moved toward the house.

"My purse."

"I'll get it."

He trotted back to the car, reached across the driver's side and snatched her purse up from the passenger seat. Back in the house, he wrapped a blanket around her, pulled her to him, held her, rubbing her back through the blanket. She'd stopped crying, but every now and then she drew in a sudden, deep, shuddering breath. Finally, when she was quiet and still in his arms, he settled her on the couch. It was like she was in shock. Her eyes seemed not to see. He lit the fire, went back to his room, and hurriedly changed into dry clothes. When he came back she was still sitting, just as he'd left her, her unseeing eyes staring straight ahead.

It startled him when, a moment later, she spoke.

"This is so ridiculous. I'm sorry."

She was looking at him. Seeing him. He smiled.

"It's alright."

She looked like she might be about to start crying again.

"Do you think I could have another drink?"


He couldn't remember where she'd left her glass, so he got a clean one from the cupboard and threw a drink together for her, shorting her a bit on the vodka. In the morning, she'd be glad. She smiled at him, sad and grateful as he handed her the drink, then took a shaky but dainty little sip. She seemed to want it in her hand, more than anything. A little piece of security.

"God, you poor thing," she laughed sadly. "You invite a girl in for a quick fuck, and look what you get."

"I didn't invite you in for a fuck."

She gave him a bemused smile. "No?"

"No." He wouldn't have told her, before. But he could tell her, now. "I invited you in because the accident freaked me out. I was scared. I didn't want to be alone."

He couldn't resist smiling and adding,

"It was later I decided I wanted to fuck you."

"It was my gauze work, wasn't it? No man can resist a woman with a roll of gauze, I hear."

"Actually, it was the way you relentlessly wield a pair of tweezers."

She smiled. He was only half kidding.

He perched on the coffee table in front of her.

"Vida. Should I call your doctor?"

She looked shocked. Then scared. Then amused.

"What? I have one little nervous breakdown in a stranger's house, and you think it's time to call the men in white coats?"

Defensive. He smiled, hoping to calm her.

"I think someone should take a look at your stitches."

He waited. Watched a little look of surprise pass like a tiny shockwave over her features. Watched her think. Maybe she'd deny it. Or maybe he was wrong. Then she softened and shrank slightly as her defenses came down.

"How'd you know?"

The blood. I would have seen it sooner. The way you reacted. Got scared. I thought I'd scared you, but it didn't quite make sense. And just now, after I brought you back in. I saw your bra in your purse."

She just nodded.

"So, should I call your doctor for you?"

"I don't want to go back there. Not tonight."

"You may have pulled your stitches. You should at least go and check. Use the bathroom mirror. If it's bad, I'll take you in."

She just sat there, staring into the distance somewhere to the left of him.


"I can't."


He took her drink, took her hand, and led her over to the kitchen, settling her on the stool he'd sat on earlier while she dressed his wounds. The first aid kit was still there, still open, spilling over with gauze and medical tape. It was a regular clinic now.



Button by button he undid her blouse, then pulled the left side—the side with the now darkened blood stain—open, baring her breast and the square of blood-stained gauze that partially covered her nipple.

"I'm going to take the gauze off, okay?"

She nodded.

Carefully he peeled up an edge of tape.

"That hurt?"


Pinching the corner of her bandage between his fingers he slowly pulled, lifting the bandage, the white tape clinging, pulling at the delicate, smooth, pale skin of her breast. The incision, dark and thick with dried blood, came into view, a diagonal ridge just below the areola, just before the last of the tape tugged and released her nipple.

Her eyes evaded the sight of the blood-stained gauze as he set it on the counter.


She nodded.

"I'm going to clean it up a little, so I can see better. Okay?"

Another nod.

He doused a wad of fresh gauze in peroxide and gently pressed it to the wound, held it there, lifted, pressed again. She was silent, but when he looked to her face, tears were rolling down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry. I'm trying to be gentle."

"I'm going to die," she whispered.

Her words hurt him.

"They told you that?"

"They don't know yet. But I do."

"This…they operated?"

"Today was just a biopsy."

He went on, pressing and lifting, staining the peroxide-soaked gauze darker and darker, slowly revealing the neat incision beneath the dried blood.

"So you're waiting. For the results."

"I know what it is. And I know I'm going to die."

"Vida. Even if it's cancer…"

"My mom died of breast cancer when I was six. She was twenty-nine. Her sister was thirty-one when she died."

The stitches were intact. He started fashioning a fresh bandage. Gauze. Neosporin. Tape.

"I don't think I've ever thought I'd get away with it."


"Staying whole. Dying old. Of something else."

He resisted his impulse to reassure, to promise that medicine could do more now than twenty years before, when her mom had died. As gently as he could he covered her wound with the fresh bandage, carefully pressing the tape against her delicate skin, and pulled her blouse closed, covering her breast.

He understood now. Why she'd come in with him after the accident. He touched her cheek. Gave her a tender smile.

"I'll be right back."

When he returned a moment later, she was standing in front of the slider, gazing out at the wet L.A. night.

"Let me wash your blouse. Here's something warm for you to wear."

When she didn't move or speak, he tentatively touched her shoulders, then slid her blouse down her arms, realizing as he did so that she hadn't buttoned up. She had a very pretty back, smooth, muscular, defined. He slid his flannel pajama top up her arms, onto her shoulders.

"I should go."

"Stay. It's alright."

"I've put you through enough."

"You haven't put me through anything. I didn't want to be alone tonight, either. Stay."

Halfheartedly nodding her assent, she began buttoning up the flannel top. He dashed off to the laundry room, squirted the rust-colored streak with stain remover, tossed her blouse in the wash, and returned to her.

"You tired? Ready for bed?"

She looked sort of scared, but nodded her head.

"Come on."

He led her back, to his bedroom, let her pee and use his toothbrush, then did the same. When he came out of the bathroom he found her standing hesitantly at the side of his bed.

"Do you want to be alone?"

She shook her head 'no,' then stripped off her pants.

"Which side is yours?"

"They're both mine," he answered mirthfully, having gotten a good bit of teasing over the years for his indiscriminate sprawling. "Take whichever side you like, and be prepared to defend it."

She climbed in and he stripped down to his boxer briefs and slid in beside her. Met her in the middle. He coaxed her onto her side and curved his body into hers, spoon style, curving one arm over her, pulling her close against him.

They laid together like that for a long while. For three or more reasons he was wound far too tight to sleep. From the pattern and quality of her breathing, he knew she was awake, too. Thinking to soothe, to comfort her, he stroked her arm, just lightly with his fingertips over the soft rough flannel pajama top. He sensed her tense a little.

He whispered, "Should I stop?"

"No. It feels nice."

His fingers drifted up, into her hair, incredibly soft but a bit tangled, still, from the wind. She sighed quietly as he combed and petted, giving her the sorts of touches he liked best, that always seemed to soothe, to bring on drowsiness almost like a drug. Her hair was slightly damp from the rain, and it smelled just faintly of almond. She shifted and her ass flexed and rubbed against his cock. He couldn't help smiling, almost laughing at himself for having the guile to blush at being found out, that a woman in his bed would feel the evidence that he was aroused.

"You're hard."

He went on massaging her hot scalp.

"Don't worry. I can restrain myself."

"You have impressive recuperative powers, Mr. Ross."

"That's actually true, but lying in bed with you doesn't exactly constitute proof of that."

"Blood and sickness and morbid talk of disease and imminent death do it for you, do they?" Her voice had a defeated note to it.

"Tangentially, maybe you could say that."

"You don't have a scalpel fetish I ought to be aware of, do you?"

"My real thing is bone saws. Vzzzt, vzzzzzt," he buzzed in her ear, running his finger along her scalp, then her neck, relieved when she squirmed and giggled, fretting after it was already too late that his teasing might have triggered another bout of anxiety, terror or shock. When she settled down he realized her thrashing and giggling had him even harder.

"I'm not a fetishist, really. Scalpels or otherwise. But I'm attracted to real things. Sometimes fear and pain feel more real than whatever erotic games people generally like to play."

It wasn't coming out right. He just wanted her to know she wasn't…broken to him.

"So," she said in a voice so quiet he could hardly hear, "you still…you'd still fuck me?"

A little charge zapped through his body, indifferent to his brain's certainty that she was just looking for validation. Reassurance that having cancer—breast cancer—didn't cancel her out as a sexual being.

"Like I said. I can restrain myself. Restraint implies desire."

"Because I want you to."

This had to be handled carefully.

"You want me to fuck you?"

It was her word.

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HURT: Excerpt 2

She was still lying on her side, facing away from him. He slid back a bit, drew her shoulder back, toward him, until she turned onto her back, and after a moment of waiting, turned to face him in the dim moonlight seeping hazily between the dispersing rain clouds. Tracing the outline of her face with the tips of two fingers until all stray strands of hair were off her forehead and cheeks, he pressed his lips to her temple. He was thinking about it.

"You're not a child, Vida. I won't question what you need tonight. I'll trust you to say something if you change your mind."

"I won't. It's what I've wanted all night."

He could do this. Play the masochist. Begin to make love to a woman he was sure would tell him to stop just as his arousal hit its limit. Again.

It was kindness that overcame his cynical reasoning. But nothing had to overcome his body. He wanted her. Everything about her—everything—had been pulling him to her, all night. Her calm competence, her strength and certainty after the accident—on the road, and later, when she'd treated his wounds. Her blatant, frightened arousal out on the terrace. Her pain. Her fear. Her need. All of it fed his attraction. His desire for her.

And her fear. Her fear of him. Her fear of her disease. Her fear of death. He wanted to fuck her while she was full of that fear, because it was so real.

Even her wound. The incision, with it's coarse, hair-like sutures. It was raw. An opening in the fragile mortal barrier to death. A mark of vulnerability. Of frail human flesh. It belied all the artifice, the grotesque masks she, he, everyone put forth for others to look at and touch. Her waxed cunt. Her tinted hair. His wardrobe, put together by a three-hundred-dollar-an-hour stylist to give him just the right air of casual urban disarray. That fucking motorcycle of his, bought with some adolescent fantasy of daring, of leaving to chance (and mad dogs with Cujo complexes) the life he'd grown so bored with.

She was looking at him, waiting to see what he'd do. He smiled, pressed his palm softly to her cheek, and took her lips in a small, tender kiss. When he looked at her again, she looked strangely startled for a woman who'd just asked to be fucked. He gave her a chance, but she didn't say anything, so he kissed her again. A little deeper this time, tasting her lips with his tongue, then going into her mouth. She kissed him back as sweetly as he was kissing her, deep but slow. A delicate dance. An exploration.

Did she want him to touch her breast—the unhurt one? Or was she lying there, hoping he'd keep his hands out of the top he'd lent her? As a test, he brought his hand down from her cheek, and faintly brushed over the curve of her tit on the way down to caressing her smooth, bare thigh. She didn't flinch, or make a noise or protest. His palm slid over her warm, soft skin, feeling the strong muscles in her thighs, the firm round curve of her ass, the dip of her at the small of her back, taut and narrow, the softer, vulnerable feel of her belly, the ridge of ribs as his hand glided up, in the heat of the air trapped between her body and the shirt, and curved over the firm swell of her breast, over the soft smooth skin he'd seen was pale and free of tan lines, and, just lightly, his fingertips brushed over the raised, textured flesh he remembered as a delicate pink, over her hard nipple. She just went on, breathing deep, kissing him. With the pad of his thumb he pressed that firm nub of pink flesh against the side of his index finger, his whole hand gently squeezing her breast, and she sighed softly against his mouth, arching against his body.

For a while he went on like that, kissing her, caressing her as slowly, as carefully as he would a virgin, noting with pleasure, but also with a discerning concern for how it was all going for her every little sigh, every writhing movement, striving for her arousal, on guard for any sign she was anxious or afraid. Maybe he needed her fear, the way some people need love, to feel assured and alive and complete, but he wasn't such a selfish ass that he'd take it at her expense on a night like this. There was very nearly as much pleasure, as much satisfaction, giving her what she needed, as taking what he did.

He'd had her sighing and wiggling so long, he knew she'd be wet. Savoring the thought, the anticipation, his hand left her breast slowly, took its time over her belly, the skin hot and smooth, back and forth between hip bones, feeling the architecture of the body under that hot, tender flesh. The edge of her panties. The feel of the silky fabric under his fingertip sent a surging force to his cock. He loved that, touching that article of clothing, knowing he was about to go under, touch her sex. It didn't matter that he'd been there already with his mouth. The anticipation was fucking hot. All his fingertips touched down, just below the little belt of elastic along the top, and slowly slid down over the slippery nylon. What color? He'd forgotten. Even through the panties it was obvious she waxed. No pressed down puff of pubes, no rough stubble. Perfectly smooth. Down, down, over the little hillock, down, to the soft contours at the apex of her thighs, the narrow hills and the hidden fold of valley between. His cock throbbed in anticipation, aching to press between, dip into her wet heat.

With his middle finger he rubbed gently along that little valley, feeling that the crotch of her panties was moist, hearing her little groan as he teased her clit through the thin fabric. She spread her legs a little and her hips arched a little now and then, pressing her cunt more firmly into his hand. Sensing her eagerness he finally slipped his hand inside her panties, circled his fingers a few times over the delicious soft smoothness of her waxed mound, then curved his fingers down, between her open thighs, and found her silky wetness with the tip of his middle finger. Fuck, his dick was throbbing. He took his cunt-wet fingertip up to her clit and painted it with her juice, enjoying the twitch of her pelvis and the sound of her gasping a breath through her clenched teeth.

She was ready. He didn't want to make her cum first. He wanted her itchy, squirming with need when she took his cock for the first time. And he was ready, hard and aching, even though she hadn't touched him. At all.

She'd returned his kiss, sucking his lips, licking his tongue. But that was it. Maybe the way he'd stopped her before, when she was going to suck him, had put her off initiating anything. By way of encouragement, and because anything resembling the missionary position was out, with his knee chewed up and screaming, he wrapped his arms around her and rolled onto his back, pulling her astride him.

She went on kissing him, but he sensed that some of the excitement had faded for her, with that move. He sat up, palmed her ass, one cheek in each hand, and pulled her against him. Thrilled where it counts by the feeling of her crotch pressed against the underside of his hard-on he pulled two buttons from their holes and bared her uncut breast, sucking her hard nipple hungrily between his lips, licking the pressure-stretched tip of her tit eagerly until she groaned.

He took his mouth from her breast with a wet suck sound, kissed her lips, stroked her cheek. Her wet cheek.

"Vida?" he whispered. "You alright?"

She didn't answer. She just sat there, straddling him, panting and silently letting tears roll down her cheeks. He pulled her to him, holding her, stroking her hair.

"Sssshhhh. It's okay. We'll stop."

"I can't. I'm sorry. I can't…"

"It's alright. It's alright," he murmured, rocking her gently, not knowing what else to say.

"This isn't what I want."

"I know. We'll stop. I'm just holding you now."

"I don't want you to pretend to make love to me."

Okay. Now he was confused.


"It's not how you were before. Out there. On the balcony. Before you knew."

"Vida. Vida. I just... You were upset. I was just trying to be gentle. To give you what you wanted, what you needed tonight."

"Well, I don't need your fucking pity. Your charity."

Oh, she was asking for it now. He grabbed her wrist and forced her hand down, between them, and with his free hand he molded her palm and fingers over his raging erection.

"Darling, does this feel like charity to you?"

Her face. It wasn't fear. It wasn't anger. It was…hope.

What was it this girl was after? He forced her hand up and down the length of his erection while he considered.

Single frames from the hours of action through the evening flashed in chaotic meaningful order. Her hesitation, her acceptance of his invitation inside. Her confession, later, that she'd been afraid, and that her fear had been the reason. She'd admitted, as he bit and kissed her neck, that she was afraid of him, and sighed as he blatantly threatened to fuck her ass that she didn't want to leave. She didn't want to be made love to like a delicate virgin. She wanted to be fucked. Like she'd said. Her word. Fucked by him, whom she'd feared. She wanted to be afraid of something, endangered by something other than the cancer.

Done. With pleasure.

"Have it your way, Vida. I'll gladly show you just how uncharitable I can be."

Pivoting around, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood, lifting her up with him, then dropped her to her feet. He yanked open the nightstand drawer and grabbed a few condoms, and held them up to her with a grin.

"We'll definitely be needing these. We'll need more than one, depending on what order we do things in." He wondered if she knew what he meant by that. "Come on."

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her along with him, into the living room, releasing her as they stopped by the end of the long red leather couch and tossing the fistful of condoms onto the coffee table. Stunned, not caught up yet with the three-sixty things had taken since their last sweet kiss in the bedroom, she gaped down at the little pile of blue foil squares.

"Take off the shirt, Vida."

Her head snapped forward, her shocked eyes locked on his. It was pretty obvious she didn't want to, but probably she was afraid if she said no to him now, he'd stop trying to guess what the fuck it was she wanted, throw his arms up in exasperation, and leave her to sleep alone, unfucked, in his bed while his crashed in the guest room. Which was pretty close to what he was thinking.

Her eyes still red, her lashes still wet from crying, she kept her gaze locked on his as her unsteady hands found the top button and pushed it through its hole, then moved on to the next one. When all the buttons were undone and nothing but the shadow cast by the shirt covered the pale strip of torso between, she put her shoulders back and the garment slid down her arms, onto the floor.

Damn, she had a fit body. Tall, lean, muscular. Strong.

But she didn't seem so strong, just this moment. Standing there, she looked as if she'd never been naked in front of a man before. Like she wanted to run off somewhere and hide. Her hands flexed and unflexed into fists as if she was itching to cross her arms over her chest, hide her breasts. Or at least that square of gauze on the right one. He stood there, blatantly assessing her body. If she cared to, she could look down, see his prick was hard as ever, take that as a sign of his admiration. What really had him hard, though, was the way he felt about what he was doing to her. And the anticipation of all that was to come.

"How old are you, Vida?"

Something else she hadn't expected. He could hear her panting through her nose, see her tits rising and falling, her abdomen swelling and caving with each breath.

"Twenty seven," she finally answered.

"Had many lovers?"


"How many lovers have you had?"

"Lovers? I…"

"How many men have you fucked?"

After a long silence she whispered, "Four."

"And, let me guess. You were in a relationship with every one of those four men, weren't you?"


"Never fucked a guy you'd only known for a few hours. Have you?"


In three long strides he closed the distance between them, pressed his body against hers, making sure she felt his erection against her belly, and whispered, "I think you're going to like it."

He just stood there a moment, letting her feel him, letting her wonder what he'd do next. Then he whispered at her ear,

"Pull down your panties, Vida."

After a brief hesitation she moved slightly and his eyes flicked down to catch her thumbs sliding under the baby blue nylon. She'd have to bend forward to get them down, but he didn't back up to give her room, just let her twist a bit awkwardly and press against his bare chest as she struggled to do as he'd asked.

"That's fine," he said when she'd gotten them down to mid-thigh.

She stood up, looked up at him with her sad, wanting gray-green eyes from beneath those wet, tear-clumped lashes. With a single fingertip he traced a lazy pattern over her smooth mound.

"Your cunt," he purred, deliberately choosing a word that might make her squirm, "is so smooth. Tell me. Why do you wax it?"


"Yes, Vida. Why?"

Obviously she had to have an answer for that question, but she just stood there, mute, gazing up at him while he went on teasingly caressing her sex.

"What's number four's name?"

"Number four?"

"Your most recent lover."


"This his idea?"

He curved the whole of his rather large hand over her sex, his fingers extending back, between her thighs, finding her moisture.

"No," she gasped, either startled or defensive. "It's…I…"


"I like it.. How it feels. When I masturbate."

That made him smile. Not just the pleasing image of her pretty hands moving over the smooth soft skin down there, but that it was her thing. Not for some guy.

"I like it too. How you feel. To my fingers." He slid one fingertip into her wet slit and stroked forward, over her clit, provoking a visible shudder. "To my lips. My tongue. I like the way you smell." He brought his hand up, by his face, and sniffed at the wettest of his fingertips, the scent sending a swelling surge of blood to his already painfully hard cock. "The way you taste." The dipped the finger into his mouth, closed his lips around it, and sucked it clean as a pink tint suffused her face.

"I didn't let you, before. But now I want you to suck me."

He smiled as her eyes flicked down to his erection and back to his eyes with the speed of an involuntary glance. With a grin and a move calculated to deprive her of any sense of her own power in this, he put his hand on her shoulders and pushed down, savoring a moment of resistance before she sank to her knees.

He couldn't be sure if she was angry, afraid or aroused, or if some ratio of all three feelings were working on her, but looking down he watched her chest heaving with some emotion. But she made no protest. And, after a moment of her kneeling there, staring at the stiff ridge of his cock bulging under the snug cotton of his briefs, she lifted her hand to touch him.

"No," he said quietly, catching her hand before she'd put it to him. "I want your mouth to be the first thing I feel."

He answered her look of consternation with a warm grin, slid the waistband of his briefs down onto his thighs, letting his cock—hard, thick, heavy—buoy free before he circled his thumb and forefinger around the very base, holding it steady for her.

Then he waited, in hot anticipation, to see how she'd react and, if he was lucky, how she'd use her mouth on his cock. How her lips and tongue would feel.

Whether it was an act of defiance or of acquiescence or supplication, he couldn't have said, but the first thing she touched with her lips was the index finger wrapped around the base of his cock. Her soft lips pressed tenderly to the center segment of the digit, between two knuckles, she turned her eyes up to him, and he was taken by surprise by the thought that she'd just done the sexiest thing possible.

Still gazing up at him then from under those canopies of thick, dark lashes, she opened her mouth and let just the tip of her tongue, deep pink and glistening, touch the head of his prick. In a movement so slow he could hardly perceive it with his eyes, though his cock was well aware of what was going on, she slid her wet tongue in a languorous circle over the lavender dome. She did that for a long time, giving him nothing but the softest brush of her tongue in slow circles winding for a while in one direction, then the other, until a liquid pearl had formed at the tip, at the center of her swirling licks, and when enough had gathered that it threatened to drop, and run in a little whitish rivulet through her tongue's path, she ran the pointed tip of her tongue over the little slit at the tip of his cock, taking the pearl of fluid with it and making him shudder.

Next the dear girl curved her hands over his ass, taking a firm, hungry hold, and enveloped the sensitive head of his cock with her soft, wet lips. Over and over she sucked him in, just deep enough that her lips closed just behind the ridge of the dome, let him out, letting him feel the thrill of the cool air hitting the spit coating him, then sucking him in again, and again, keeping her lips soft, the thrill subtle.

He resisted his urge to take hold of her head, to pull her against him, driving his cock into that hot mouth of hers. He liked the way she was denying him, even as she sucked him, making him wait. Now her mouth had only taken him in another half inch or so, and the slightly rough surface of her tongue was vibrating deliciously at the underside of his dick, just behind the ridge, driving rippling, tickling waves through his gut. It would really be something, he thought as he caught himself groaning, if, after the way he'd eaten her earlier, she made him cum without ever really taking him into her mouth.

But just as he thought it, he felt the length of his cock sliding through the tight little 'O' of her lips, her tongue caressing the underside in firm strokes. God damn, this woman liked giving head. And she was fucking good at it. It felt so good, and he was so strung out on the cruel anticipation only another's caress can elicit, that he almost forgot that he hadn't meant to cum in her mouth. She was just starting to really suck his cock, taking inch after inch of rigid shaft between her lips, but he gathered the will to deprive himself the pleasure of climaxing, his cock stuffed deep in her mouth.

"That's enough, Vida."

She stopped immediately, but it was a few seconds before she backed off, sliding her hot, wet mouth off of his cock. She looked up at him, surprised. Confused.

"I haven't forgotten that you wanted me to fuck you."

Now she just looked embarrassed, kneeling there by his vivid cock, shiny with her saliva, being reminded of her…invitation.

"Pick up one of those condoms."

He tugged his briefs up with a snap of elastic against his skin, and waited until, after a few seconds' hesitation, she did as he'd asked. Then he extended his hand to her and helped her up, and led her over to the dining table, a few feet away. With a grin he tugged his shorts down, this time letting them drop to his feet and stepping out of them altogether. With a directing glance at the item in her hand he said,

"Open it."

Again she paused before carrying out the instruction, tearing through the foil and pulling the little rolled up sheath of latex, slightly gooey with spermicidal lube, from the wrapper.

"Now put it on me."

As if she'd been about to say something, but had changed her mind, she opened and closed her mouth, then, bending her head, she seemed to be studying the thing with…unexpected interest. Somewhere, under the canopy of her hair, where he couldn't see, she was fidgeting with it. Then, finally, he saw her face tilt up from under her hair, watched as she lifted the condom, which quivered delicately in her unsteady hand, touched the cool, moist membrane to the tip of his dick, and curving her fingers around him in a soft, open fist, unrolled the rubber down the length of his shaft.

It was very possible she'd never put a condom on a man before.

"Panties off, now."

As she slid them off he noted with a degree of pleasure that she was good and limber, at least through the backs of the thighs. The moment she stood, completely naked, he moved slowly, deliberately forward, driving his body through the space separating them, against the warm, yielding flesh of her naked body, forcing her back until she was pinned between him and the edge of his dining table. Resting his hands lightly on her hips, with one foot, then the other, he forced her into a wider stance.

He looked down. Took in the discreet view from above of her naked sex—god, women looked so naked when they had no pubic hair—at the summit of the wide triangle of empty space between her open legs. Open. To him. Her first stranger. Her first fuck. Her first sex without the precondition of love, or at lease some promise of its potential.

He moved his hips subtly forward, with the unsubtle result that the underside of his erect, condom-sheathed cock pressed against her sex—the base insinuating itself between the plump lips of her cunt, the head nestling against the faint outcurve of her belly.

As if he was about to kiss her he leaned forward, bringing his mouth so near hers he could feel tiny, rapid gusts of her breath on his lips. But before their mouths would have touched he took hold of her wrists, forcing them back, back, behind her, all the while making her lean farther and farther back, until he planted her hands for her, upon the smooth surface of the table, so that her torso was suspended at an alluring angle beneath him. Then, with a grin, he straightened up, squatted a bit, grasped her legs behind the knees, and rose, tilting her hips to an advantageous angle. He had her perched wantonly at the very edge of the table, legs bent and spread, ready for the taking.

Fuck, it was a pretty picture—one that was made irresistible, unforgettable, by the expression on her face. Desperate, fearful anticipation. The look of someone who knows that in taking what she wants, will be leaving something of herself behind.

Slowly, watching her face the entire time, he slid the thick length of his needful cock into the close, wet grip of her.

Inside her, he waited. Savored. Let linger the visceral awareness of what he was doing to her. What she—all this—was doing to him.

Holding onto it, he began to move. To fuck her. Because their bodies were barely touching except where her cunt gripped his cock, every tiny bit of friction between their flesh was loud. Vivid. He speculated that her body might be as unused to this kind of fucking—the way their bodies were fitting into to each other in this moment with no kiss, no embrace—as she was unused to this kind of fucking—being with a man who didn't know her, didn't love her. It made him feel wicked. And feeling wicked made him hot and hard and hungry.

To him, his body felt like water, a tide flowing into her. Slow. Each time he rolled in she had time to feel how he pushed her body open, and every time he receded back, he knew, she felt his body pulling at her. Slow as he was going, she was already all quivery, already making the sweetest little noise with each change of direction as the wave of him rolled in, then out.

Hot and hard and hungry. He wanted. Needed. More.

He fell over her, Planted his hands beside hers, let their bellies press together, warm and moist. Brought his face close to hers, made her see how he was watching her. Hearing her. Taking in the little furrow at the center of her forehead, the way her top lip was quivering, the way her eyes would hold his gaze for a while, then flicker down along his body, blatantly taking stock of him, until they would settle on the sight of his cock slowly drilling in and out and into her cunt.

Now and then he'd thrust hard, driving his cock in deep, hold himself there, and pulse into her with tiny thrusts taking him that little bit deeper, over and over, knowing he was pressing against her clit each time, Her little noises were turning into whining moans, and she kept shutting her eyes tight, then opening them and panting when he'd back off, denying her climax.

Fucking delicious.

But a little too easy. For her. She needed more than a fuck and another climax from him. A hundred enticing ideas buzzed his brain, intensifying the thrill of every thrust as he pumped his hips rhythmically between her thighs. She was close. Her body tense and quivering as it sought him, every exhaled breath a needful moan.

He stopped. Drew back. Let his cock, throbbing in protest, slip wetly from her cunt. He stood there, looking down at her.

As the silent seconds dissolved, her look of surprise transformed to consternation, and then embarrassment. Reclining there, her legs still spread for fucking long, humiliating seconds after he'd stopped fucking her, her cunt exposed, open, swollen, vivid and wet.

"Get up."

He didn't bark it like an order, like some guy playing at being dominant. He just said it, softly. She stood. He put his hands on her shoulders and, without a word, turned her away from him, then closed in on her until the fronts of her thighs were pressed to the edge of the table, and his groin was pressed against her ass.

She was already breathing differently. Bending his own body forward he began forcing her down, onto the table. Her resistance wasn't slowing him down much.


He didn't wait. Using the weight of his body to hold her down, and his arms to bend her unwilling elbows, he forced her forearms down to the surface of the table. Bent over that little bit more, her body offered him easy access.

"Wait!" Her voice was louder this time, and had the catch of a sob in it. "Don't do that! I don't want you to!"

Her body struggled to twist, to roll over underneath him, but the geometry of skeletons was against her. Wrenching her neck around she was staring up at him, over her shoulder, eyes and mouth open wide with fear. His smile didn't seem to reassure her.

Feeling a sudden driving urge to taste her skin, he raked his claws up her back, into the wild mass of hair at the base of her skull, baring her nape, descending on it open-mouthed and hungry, sucking and biting until she whimpered. When he looked, gooseflesh covered her arms and neck.

"You don't want me to what?"

"Please. Galen, please."

"You don't want me to what, Vida?"

"No anal."

"Never done it?"

He reached down with both hands, palmed her muscular, round cheeks, and spread her.


"You've never let a guy fuck you in the ass, Vida?"


"How do you know you won't like it?"

Beneath him she writhed violently, trying to shake him off, but he only had to put a little more of his weight on her, and she was practically immobilized. Leaning on her like that, it was hard, getting his hand down, around the base of his cock, but he managed without giving her too much wiggle room.

He felt her give up. Resign herself. It was in her tense, unbreathing stillness.

With one hand closed tight over her wrist, and the other wrapped around the base of his shaft he brought the swollen head of his cock against her opening, and with one slow and fluid movement of his hips he drove the entire length of his cock into the warm, slippery grip of her cunt.

"You tell me," he breathed behind her ear, ":if you change your mind."

Beneath him the body he'd made rigid with terror softened and breathed. The girl inside was back. Still sheathed to the hilt, he stood up.

"Now," he said, pressing down gently on the small of her back, "arch your back a little more, and stick your ass up a bit."

It surprised him when she did it. Her trust had to be pretty low at this point. But, then again, that was the point of her being with him at all, wasn't it?

Beginning to move inside her, to fuck her slowly, but deep, with the force of rolling waves, he looked down to take in the delicious view of her ass, the hills of her two cheeks rising full and round, sweeping down in admirable curves to a deep, tempting cleft between and sleek plains of back, thighs, disappearing over the horizon of her hips.

And her back. Damn, he loved her back. The soft contours of her muscles were in fine relief, now, as she held herself up on her forearms. The lone, defined hill of a single vertebra, pressure-pale, at the apex of her spine before it dropped down and away with her lowered neck. The dramatic sweep of wheat-hued skin up from the twin smooth planes running parallel on either side of her spine, up and over her shoulder blades. Her shoulders, Her trapezius muscles. The way they flexed as her body took the shock of his thrusts.

He could have gone on like that, standing over her. Fucking her. He could get himself off that way, no question. Hell, he could probably get her off like that. But it felt cold. He felt far away from her. He wanted her close. Wanted her heat, the feel of her skin against his. The feel of their bodies trying to fit together.

He sank down, slid his forearm under her, curved his fingers against her ribs, his other arm supporting him, mirroring her arm supporting her.

Now he could see her face. Now that he could watch, he was ready. Instead of those long, sliding, friction-making strokes, he sank into her, until his hips were crushed right up against her ass, and, holding her down, holding her against him, he pumped into her, breathing, grunting, panting. And with every jolt of his hips she groaned, whimpered, desperately sucked in fresh air each time he knocked a breath out of her.

He watched her. At first, she looked fortified. Like she was willing her body to endure an assault. But then, little by little, thrust by thrust, she let her guard down, let herself be soft. It wasn't pain. It sounded like pain. Looked like pain. But it was something else. Her lashes were wet again, the corner of her lip was tugged down, her eyes shut tight. And the sound, like a wail of pain, swelled and died and rose again. She was cumming. Crying and shuddering, loud and violent.

It seemed like he'd been holding on forever. Delaying over and over again, each time he'd been close. Now, finally, he let the feeling of her—the grip of her cunt on his cock, her body quivering, hot and strong beneath him—the sound of her groaning out her climax, the startled, overwhelmed look in her eyes overtake him. His own orgasm ricocheted through him so powerfully he called out her name, once, like you'd call the name of someone lost in a dream as you woke.


He whispered it, now that they were done. They lay there for a long time, panting, their breaths slightly out of phase, his sounding with hers, passing, lagging, catching and passing again. Her cunt felt with excruciating sensitivity the slow progress of his cock as he pulled out. Then he pulled her up with him as he stood.

She felt weak. Physically. Drained. Euphorically exhausted. It seemed she was inert, that every movement her body made was directed by his. He'd stood her up. Now he turned her to face him, lifted her chin so he could see her face. Stare through her eyes, as he had earlier. Read her thoughts. He gave her what seemed to be a questioning smile. Then he pulled her against him, and put his arms around her. His body was so warm, felt so strong. Gentle and safe. Not at all the way he fucked.

When he let her out of his embrace, he took her hand and led her back, through the bedroom, into his obscenely swank bathroom. He flicked the light on, and she caught sight of their reflections in the mirror, and felt suddenly, sickeningly more vulnerable than she had for the last hour, through all he'd done to her. Weird, seeing her naked body so close to his, as she stood there staring back at herself, her whole body reduced, in that moment of perception, to a raw, frightening nakedness, and a white square of gauze covering part of one breast.

Behind her, he put his hands lightly on her bare shoulders, looked with her at their mirror images, smiled, kissed her neck, then turned and dipped out of the frame of the mirror as he opened the tub faucet. She, her mirror image, was alone for a moment.

Overcome suddenly by embarrassment, then panic, she forgot the mirror. A familiar sensation demanded all her attention.


"Hmmm?" He looked up at her from over his shoulder as he held his hand under the gush of water shooting from the faucet.

"I think the condom broke."

He looked down and looked back up at her with a funny little smirk.

"I don't think so."

He rose to his feet and turned to face her. He was still somewhat hard, and the condom was still on, and she could see a mass of whitish fluid collected at the end of it. Transfixed, pulled between revulsion and a kind of admiration she watched him remove the condom from his penis, pinch off the end, and squeeze the tiny whitish balloon he'd formed.

"Looks watertight to me," he said, carefully scrutinizing how the tip was bearing up under the pressure.

She was more embarrassed than ever, now.

"Can I have a minute alone, please?"

"Need the toilet?"

"No, I…"

Damn, she was an idiot. She should have just said 'yes.'

"What's the matter? Is it getting messy down there?"

Alright. Now she wanted to kill him. At least, that was how his words were making her feel. But his voice was so mellow it almost soothed, and his expression just seemed…warm. She just stood there, struggling for what to say, what to do, as he poured some rose-colored liquid under the faucet and a white foam hillscape began advancing across the flat, gray plane of water. Then he swiped a washcloth from one of the cupboards, perched on the edge of the tub, and dipped the cloth into the steaming, sudsy water.

"It's just sex, Vida."

He reached out and hooked a hand behind her knee and coaxed her forward, toward him.

"We just fucked. Why should your body's reaction to that be such a big deal?"

She couldn't believe she was letting him do this. The slight roughness of the hot, wet cloth felt good as he slid it up the inside of her calf, past her knee, up, along her inner thigh, gently massaging as he went. He looked up at her with a strangely sweet smile as he dipped the cloth back into the foamy tub, and did the other leg. Only the vaguest notion that she'd normally feel utterly humiliated at being cleaned up like this by a lover penetrated the euphoric haze his touch was working over her. But she gasped and jumped, suddenly, vividly awake as the rough, hot cloth brushed against her sex. She wanted to pull away, but the gentle curve of his hand at the back of her knee closed hard, held her there. Then he kissed her, so softly, so sweetly at the front of her thigh, then her hip bone, then on the soft, ticklish flesh just inside, and rubbed her gently with the cloth. Fuck. It felt really, really good. She sighed as she gave up fighting, let go of wanting to fight, of the idea that it was weird. Then she whined a little as she felt her sated, exhausted body suddenly charge back to life. She'd have fucked him again, right then, if he'd asked her.

Instead, he stood, tossed the washcloth into one of the sinks, grinned like he knew just what she was thinking, and gave her a tiny kiss on the lips. Then he turned off the faucet.

"Between my knee and your incision, this'll be a bit of a trick. But a bath sounds nice, doesn't it?"

He got in first, putting his foot up on the edge of the tub, keeping his bandaged knee high and dry. She came in after him, perched in front of him, let him pull her back, against him, slowly relaxed enough to let herself soften into his embrace, her back pressed to his chest. There was an easy silence between them as he lazily combed his fingers through her hair, his touch working in concert with the heat of the bath and her physical and emotional exhaustion, making her wonderfully drowsy.

The sound of their small movements in the water was pretty. Now he was washing her back, and the texture of the cloth, the feeling of his hands, his finger, rubbing into her tense muscles seemed like the best feeling in the world. Too worn out to think about it too much, she vaguely wondered how a man who could have her so on edge—so afraid—at times, could make her feel so comforted. So safe.

"Your back is so pretty," he sighed, sounding near sleep himself.

"Is it?"

She wasn't being coy. No one had ever told her that before.


The cloth was gone. Now she just felt the tip of his finger wandering over the soap-slick surface of her back. Strangely, she felt like crying. But she didn't.

Later, when they were in bed and she was almost asleep, curled up like a fetus in the bend of his strong body, all their skin bare, save where gauze and tape covered, he kissed the crown of her head, pulled her a little closer, and sometime later she fell asleep.
Author's questions

I'd be interested to get people's thoughts on how I'm doing, introducing the characters and their circumstances. I'm aware that I'm holding a lot back. Given that this is the opening of a novel, is the pace at which insight into the characters is revealed working? Is it too slow? Is the way I've introduced them compelling? Do you feel drawn in? Is the relative lack of physical description problematic?

How is the sexual dynamic between the two characters working for you?

Any places where the dialogue seems unbelievable? "Everywhere" is an acceptable answer.

As always, any other comments are welcome.


There's some lovely writing in here, and atmosphere, and some nice interplay between the characters, but as the opening of a novel, I've got some problems with it.

Your style here is very guarded and reticent, very secretive. You’re very stingy with information and description, and the result is (in my opinion) that we don’t get a very clear picture of who these people are or why they're together. Things gain interest and poignancy once he discovers her secret, but that's because her secret is interesting and poignant. Before then, it's hard to care for these people or understand why they're together.

As presented, the accident comes off as very contrived: a gimmick for bringing your characters together. It's not believable to me, and I think that's because their reaction doesn't feel real. They're both too detached, too unemotional, too much in a hurry to get back to his place for a drink. I really think she needs to be more upset and shocked, and he has to be… Well, I'm not sure what. Maybe a little more grateful and approachable. He's not very likable as presnted here. I really think they have to form some sort of emotional attachment early on for this to work..

Apparently he's some sort of celebrity? Someone she should know? I'd like to know more about that. I really want to know who the hell these people are, and why he can ask her to to pick gravel out of his knee five minutes after meeting her in the street, and then start feeling her up on his porch five minutes after that.

For this to work, you're going to have to develop some real chemistry between these two, and to do that I think you're going to have to reveal more of who they are and what they feel. As it is they come across as weightless and transparent as two balloons, and like balloons, they seem to bump together and drift apart just as easily.

As I said, there's some good interaction in here, and the detached, ultra-cool tone of the prose is interesting and already hinting of distance and alienation and (my guess) tragedy to come. It's got a very icy, LA feel to it, which is good. I'm not sure that's the best tone for the opening of a novel, though, where we want to be immediatley engaged, either by situation or character or both. I think you might have to warm things up at the start.

Let me think about this one a little and come back to it. For now, it's nice, V, but I think we need a better, quicker hook at the start.

Question too: Doesn;t he get a big, cl;ear shot down her blouse at the start when she's cleaning himm up? Than how do we account for what happens later?

I like the action of the opening, but once the couple gets back to his aparment, I thought the story lost momentum. The pace is so slow. There are some interesting parts, but there seems to be a lot of extraneous detail in between. Maybe this information is for later, but for me at the time I was reading, it was just noise.

This is her story, yet the narrator spends a lot of time in his head. I can't recall one point where I really wanted to know what he was feeling. Switching back and forth wasn't so distracting as it was irritating. I wanted to stay with her. Hard for me to imagine reading a novel that ping-pongs perspective back and forth like this.

I adore the idea of the story. With a little leaner presentation, I think it could sizzle, at least as a short. I'll give it another read in a day or two and PM more specific comments.

I'm aware that I'm holding a lot back.
No kidding. ;) Particularly the withholding of his identity- it keeps me at a distance from what she knows, and therefore what she feels. Not good since it hampered my ability to understand why she finds him attractive. Plus, after I discovered he was 'somebody', then the accident seemed harder to believe.

Given that this is the opening of a novel, is the pace at which insight into the characters is revealed working?
I like that the characters are revealed through interaction, but I'd like to have known more about them before they became intimate.

Is it too slow?
Yes in one way and no in another. The pace of the storytelling is slow enough I was at times bored. On the other hand, the couple gets together a little too fast for me to believe it. If she left, couldn't get him off of her mind for a few days, and then returned, I'd find that more believable.

Is the way I've introduced them compelling?
I like the development through their interaction, but I still don't understand her as well as I would like. I'd rather you had let me make the fear connection instead of handing it to me.

Do you feel drawn in?
Again, yes and no. I think it makes a decent short story, but at the end of this section the only tension left is whether she lives. For me, that's not as important as knowing she's decided to continue living, no matter how long that will be.

Is the relative lack of physical description problematic?
No. I didn't even notice.

How is the sexual dynamic between the two characters working for you?
Slow and awkward early, but better later. That could be a nice touch of realism since they're strangers.

Any places where the dialogue seems unbelievable?
I'll highlight these in my PM. Most memorable are a few of his commands after he takes charge; they aren't as strong as I think she needs them to be.

Hope some of that helps.

Take Care,
Will first answer without reading the other comments (to not be influenced, hehe).

Finished reading yesterday, but didn't have time to comment then...

I'd be interested to get people's thoughts on how I'm doing, introducing the characters and their circumstances. I'm aware that I'm holding a lot back. Given that this is the opening of a novel, is the pace at which insight into the characters is revealed working? Is it too slow? Is the way I've introduced them compelling? Do you feel drawn in? Is the relative lack of physical description problematic?

I must admit I was a bit confused at first, and it took me a while to get into the story - but this might also be because I wasn't concentrating all that well when I read the story. At some point though once I got over the very first parts reading got a lot easier, and I couldn't stop reading on.

The fact that it takes a while before you really say what is going on with the characters might in part be the reason for my confusion, in part it is quite good though. If I knew from the beginning on why everyone behaves the way they do I might be less curious to read on. That way I wanted to find out what is going on.

I usually like it when I don't know too much about characters at the beginning, also concerning physical descriptions. Sometimes, a too detailed description seems to me that it is killing my own imagination... So I don't mind the lack of descriptions. Also I like the fact of finding things out along with the characters themselves.

But I must admit that at times it tired me a bit, that sometimes I was jsut thinking "so now what's wrong again" and feeling a bit impatient.

As I said, in the beginning it was hard for me to get into the story, and somehow I expected the story to go on quite differently from what it did... If that was just my lack of concentration or something you wrote I am not sure, I guess I have to reread that part and think about it...

(Sorry this is quite vague, but those are my first thoughts, quite unordered so far...)
Thanks, Zoot, Penny and Munachi!
I'm going to hold off on making a detailed response for now so I don't skew what others might take from the excerpt itself, but just wanted to check in to say I appreciate your comments.
You may be playing this one too close to the vest... if this were a novel I'd picked up off the shelf, I frankly wouldn't care enough about these two to keep reading... the good news is that I WANT to know more... and I'm frustrated and impatient with your reticence...! :)

She's more fleshed out than he is, here... but still, there are times that the witty banter (which isn't bad, you write great dialogue, actually, I enjoy their energy and interaction) gets in the way of real feeling... there's somehow a depth lacking in these two people... I can't quite put my finger on it. I don't mind secrets (not knowing who is he, for example, but knowing he's "somebody") but I don't like watching characters move around without really believable reasons... I like the IDEA of the "accidental" meeting at the beginning... but in practice, it doesn't seem to work, here... it's somehow too stiff, cool, even casual, just an "oops, silly me, I crashed my motorcycle, want to come to my place for a drink?" If I could feel more of their adrenaline, their heightened state of awareness in that moment, I would be much much more inclined to follow them back to his place...

I really like this: "A mark of vulnerability. Of frail human flesh. It belied all the artifice, the grotesque masks she, he, everyone put forth for others to look at and touch." This is a beautiful sentence, and idea... encapsulates much of what you may be going for here? Unmasking, revealing our wounds... our secrets, our red centers... THAT is compelling... !

and just a nitpicky thing, the names are off-putting to me for some reason... two kind of "strange" names... <shrug>
Thanks, Zoot, for all your comments. I'm incredibly cheered to hear your thoughts on the tone of the prose—even if it isn't working as the opening to a novel—because it suggests that I succeeded in creating prose different from that of my last big work, and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to pull it off. However, I'll ponder what you've said about the tone undermining my effort to hook the reader.

Though I'd hoped to camouflage it better, I'm afraid you're right about the accident being obviously contrived as a way to get them together, since that's essentially what it is—though it's also a blatantly contrived device for attempting to get across aspects of their personalities. I botched it, though, if he comes across as blasé about it. I meant to have him be a little in shock, freaked out in a quiet sort of way. As for her, she's meant to be a cool cookie about it, in part because she's a take charge and deal with things sort of person, but also because, compared to what she's going through, the accident's not such a big deal to her. I think you're right—I need to work on getting their reactions across better, and hopefully that will make the contrived device believable.

As for the guarded, secretive treatment of the characters, I'm holding back on purpose, but wasn't sure how well it would work, so your critique is most helpful. As always, I'll now ramble on endlessly as I think through your criticisms and my own ideas as to what I'm attempting, if you'll indulge me.

I kind of wanted their personalities and their reasons for interacting as they are to be revealed to the reader as it's revealed between them. I wanted to capture that aspect of strangers meeting where they don't know anything about one another, where they just slowly piece together an idea of who the person is action by action and sentence by sentence, and can only guess at their motivations for the things they do: going home together, getting drunk together, sleeping together, etcetera. Sometimes we just want to get laid—because we're horny, to punish an unfaithful lover, for an ego boost, to bury the memory of a shitty day at work, whatever. But we don't usually confess our own motivations, or know those of the other.

Galen and Vida both make assumptions about why the other is doing what they're doing: he assumes she came in because she recognized him and wants to shag movie star Galen Ross; she assumes he's used to getting all kinds of tail, and is just making the most of her being there (because, she thinks, "That's what people like him did: fucked random strangers. Had one night stands."). Really, he invites her in and she accepts only because they're both freaked out and too scared to be alone: she's just found out she has what she's convinced is cancer, and he's just crashed his bike.

As for why Galen can have her picking gravel out of his knee the minute he's got a vodka tonic in her hand, and he's got his hand on her crotch minutes later, he's a tester. He likes to give people a little push, and see what they do. Vida's a competent person with a can-do mentality, so she takes the gravel challenge. And she lets him feel her up—even though it's far from her usual m.o.—because, as she tells him, it's not a "normal night."

As they start to feel attracted, it's purely sexual. They're not falling madly in love or anything. Although I don't mean for them to be weightless and transparent (I was going more for intriguing and mysterious) your observation that they're like balloons that just happen to bump together and can just as easily drift apart is exactly right. There's nothing, at first, holding them together. For him, she's simply attractive enough—both physically and in her personality—to give it a shot. It's not a big deal to him. For her, she's scared out of her mind by the idea of having cancer, and is doing something totally uncharacteristic—the one night stand. And she likes it that he's a bit threatening and weird, because being scared of him is, on this particular night, a welcome distraction from her fear of illness and death.

I was hoping that the situation would be the hook, and that the reader would be interested enough to gather information about the characters as their story unfolds, but perhaps, as you suggest, it isn't enough. I'll definitely give your criticisms and suggestions more thought. It's important to me that they come across as real, feeling people, and that their behavior doesn't seem far-fetched, and I'll keep your comments in mind as I try to fix those shortcomings.

As for him missing the bandage when he's gazing down her gaping blouse at her bare breasts, the incision is on the underside of her breast, so it's invisible from that angle. But that's a hard enough detail to glean, I should probably make it explicit—maybe I'll have Galen think that through in front of the reader.

Thanks again, so much, for all your thoughtful comments. I'd love to hear any further suggestions, if they come to you.

Thanks, Penny! It's especially generous of you to comment on this, considering you took on that other piece for me, as well.

Penelope Street said:
I like the action of the opening, but once the couple gets back to his aparment, I thought the story lost momentum. The pace is so slow. There are some interesting parts, but there seems to be a lot of extraneous detail in between. Maybe this information is for later, but for me at the time I was reading, it was just noise.

Your feedback on the pacing is helpful. I know there's some fat I could trim; I'd love to know specifically which parts felt extraneous to you.
[I just got your p.m.--I'll have a look in a bit--thanks!!]

Penelope Street said:
This is her story, yet the narrator spends a lot of time in his head. I can't recall one point where I really wanted to know what he was feeling. Switching back and forth wasn't so distracting as it was irritating. I wanted to stay with her. Hard for me to imagine reading a novel that ping-pongs perspective back and forth like this.

Oh dear—that's troubling, since that's how I've written all my novel-length stuff to date. :eek:
Actually, in thinking about it, I do think that in this chapter, I'm wussing out a little; I was afraid if I didn't go into his head a bit, he'd come across as a real asshole and maybe a dangerous one. Maybe I should consider leaving his thoughts out for now--possibly that would even heighten the tension a bit--make Vida's actions seem even riskier?

Penelope Street said:
I adore the idea of the story. With a little leaner presentation, I think it could sizzle, at least as a short. I'll give it another read in a day or two and PM more specific comments.

Fabulous—THANK you!

Penelope Street said:
Varian: I'm aware that I'm holding a lot back.
No kidding. ;) Particularly the withholding of his identity- it keeps me at a distance from what she knows, and therefore what she feels. Not good since it hampered my ability to understand why she finds him attractive. Plus, after I discovered he was 'somebody', then the accident seemed harder to believe.

Yeah, I'm concerned about how contrived the accident comes off, and that the already strained credulity of it is further weakened by the celebrity thing.

I don't mean for Vida to be attracted to him as a celebrity. She's indifferent to that. In fact, she's not especially attracted to him, at all. She's only there, and only letting things take a sexual trajectory, because of the weird emotional place she's at (However, him being a celebrity, and specifically an actor, is significant to his character as the story unfolds). Once he starts up, though, right away it's a very different kind of sexual experience for her, which makes her really want what she gradually perceives he has to offer.

Penelope Street said:
I like that the characters are revealed through interaction, but I'd like to have known more about them before they became intimate.

Hmmm, this is tough. I think you're echoing a concern Zoot expressed, so I'm worried a lot of people will have a hard time with them getting physical when we know so little about them, and they know so little about each other. My idea, though, is for these strangers to get physical just because they need to get physical—not because they're deeply drawn to one another. It starts as an encounter of convenience.

However, I don't want to hold so much back that the reader couldn't give a toss about these two as things heat up. I'll give it more thought.

Penelope Street said:
Varian: Is it too slow?
Yes in one way and no in another. The pace of the storytelling is slow enough I was at times bored. On the other hand, the couple gets together a little too fast for me to believe it. If she left, couldn't get him off of her mind for a few days, and then returned, I'd find that more believable.

Hmmm, I think I may need to help the reader out with Vida's state of mind on this, because basically the last thing in the world she wants to do is go home and be alone with her fear and morbid thoughts. And she doesn't even just want to crash on this guy's couch. She wants to fuck him, and she wants it to be as intense and different from her usual experience as possible, because she wants to get out of her head. And at this point in the story, there's not enough between them to make her come back—it's only the sexual experience he does give her that makes him unforgettable to her.

Maybe I need to make his motivation more explicit, too?

Penelope Street said:
Varian: Is the way I've introduced them compelling?
I like the development through their interaction, but I still don't understand her as well as I would like. I'd rather you had let me make the fear connection instead of handing it to me.

Thanks—very helpful.
By "the fear connection" do you mean her desire to feel afraid of him?

Penelope Street said:
Varian: Do you feel drawn in?
Again, yes and no. I think it makes a decent short story, but at the end of this section the only tension left is whether she lives. For me, that's not as important as knowing she's decided to continue living, no matter how long that will be.

I'm glad you raised this. I actually think the story goes in a surprising (and for most people, probably too weird) direction, and think there is ongoing tension. But I worry that the expectation of ongoing tension, of a compelling story, may be low.

Penelope Street said:
Any places where the dialogue seems unbelievable?
I'll highlight these in my PM. Most memorable are a few of his commands after he takes charge; they aren't as strong as I think she needs them to be.

A pm with specifics would be much appreciated!

Penelope Street said:
Hope some of that helps.

It's all helpful—thank you so much!

Hi Munachi--thanks for the read and the comments!

Munachi said:
At some point though once I got over the very first parts reading got a lot easier, and I couldn't stop reading on.

I can't tell you how sweet the phrase "I couldn't stop reading on" is to me. :)

Munachi said:
I must admit I was a bit confused at first, and it took me a while to get into the story…
The fact that it takes a while before you really say what is going on with the characters might in part be the reason for my confusion, in part it is quite good though. If I knew from the beginning on why everyone behaves the way they do I might be less curious to read on. That way I wanted to find out what is going on.

This is good to know—I'll have to give some thought to what you and others have said about my not having given the reader enough to hook onto in the beginning. I confess I'm trying to tease a bit, but I guess I'd better be careful to at least give the reader enough that they have a reason to read on and gather the missing info.

Munachi said:
I usually like it when I don't know too much about characters at the beginning, also concerning physical descriptions. Sometimes, a too detailed description seems to me that it is killing my own imagination... So I don't mind the lack of descriptions.

I'm much the same way—I like trying to figure the characters in a story out via their thoughts and actions, rather than being told what a character's supposed to be like, and I also like enough left to my imagination that I can feel a character is attractive, when my standards might be quite different from the author's. Anyway, I'm glad to hear those missing details didn't trouble you.

Munachi said:
Also I like the fact of finding things out along with the characters themselves.

I'm thrilled to hear you say that—it's precisely what I was attempting to do: only let the reader learn what the characters are like as they discover things about each other.

Munachi said:
But I must admit that at times it tired me a bit, that sometimes I was jsut thinking "so now what's wrong again" and feeling a bit impatient.

That's good for me to know. If you can recall, I'd be interested to know specifically, where the text got confusing and frustrating.

Munachi said:
As I said, in the beginning it was hard for me to get into the story, and somehow I expected the story to go on quite differently from what it did... If that was just my lack of concentration or something you wrote I am not sure, I guess I have to reread that part and think about it...

I wrote the chapter, and the larger story, in the hope that there are a few surprises, a few unexpected turns, so if the story is going in a surprising direction, I'm glad.

Munachi said:
(Sorry this is quite vague, but those are my first thoughts, quite unordered so far...)

All your comments were quiet helpful—thanks so much for wading through all that verbiage, and offering your critique.

Hi, Selena--cheers for offering your critique.

SelenaKittyn said:
You may be playing this one too close to the vest... if this were a novel I'd picked up off the shelf, I frankly wouldn't care enough about these two to keep reading...

Thanks--you're driving home what other's have been saying; I'll definitely attend to this issue, and work on making the characters tangible and compelling enough to get the reader interested early on.

SelenaKittyn said:
the good news is that I WANT to know more... and I'm frustrated and impatient with your reticence...! :)

That's comforting! :)

SelenaKittyn said:
She's more fleshed out than he is, here... but still, there are times that the witty banter (which isn't bad, you write great dialogue, actually, I enjoy their energy and interaction) gets in the way of real feeling... there's somehow a depth lacking in these two people... I can't quite put my finger on it.

I appreciate you raising this, and I think it goes along with what others have been saying, about the characters seeming weightless. I do want their interactions to be somewhat superficial at this point, because they've just met, and for them to be incredibly earnest, baring their souls, would be unrealistic. But that's because they're strangers, and because they're both putting on a brave front, not because they're really shallow people. She's incredibly freaked about something she's not ready to talk about (and wouldn't talk about with him, anyway), and he's being a bit macho, I guess, trying to seem cool even though the accident's shaken him up. Perhaps I just need to do a better job of contrasting the depth of their actual thoughts and feelings with the superficiality of their slick banter? Do a better job of letting the characters play close to the vest, as you say, but give a bit more to the reader?

SelenaKittyn said:
I don't mind secrets (not knowing who is he, for example, but knowing he's "somebody") but I don't like watching characters move around without really believable reasons... I like the IDEA of the "accidental" meeting at the beginning... but in practice, it doesn't seem to work, here... it's somehow too stiff, cool, even casual, just an "oops, silly me, I crashed my motorcycle, want to come to my place for a drink?" If I could feel more of their adrenaline, their heightened state of awareness in that moment, I would be much much more inclined to follow them back to his place...

Right, I get what you're saying, and you're not alone in your opinion. The characters have their reasons, but if I don't get them across to the reader, the sequence of events isn't believable. I'll have to see where I can do a better job of getting across that he's traumatized after the accident, and that she's freaking out for reasons of her own. He only invites her in for a drink because he's afraid to be alone—he's not hitting on her at that point. And she only goes in with him because she's dreading going home to an empty hotel room she's staying at, with nothing to do but contemplate the outcome of her biopsy and how her life is going to change, or end.

SelenaKittyn said:
I really like this: "A mark of vulnerability. Of frail human flesh. It belied all the artifice, the grotesque masks she, he, everyone put forth for others to look at and touch." This is a beautiful sentence, and idea... encapsulates much of what you may be going for here? Unmasking, revealing our wounds... our secrets, our red centers... THAT is compelling... !

Thank you for noticing that moment—it does touch on a core theme of the story.

SelenaKittyn said:
and just a nitpicky thing, the names are off-putting to me for some reason... two kind of "strange" names... <shrug>

Sigh. I'm not entirely happy with the names, either. Actually, 'Galen' is growing on me, but 'Vida' is definitely going to change. Naming characters is one of the hardest things for me.

Thanks a bundle for wading through that long excerpt, and for all your comments. They're very helpful.

As for why they have sex with hardly knowing anything about each other - isn't that what one night stands are about? I didn't find that too weird or surprising, though maybe it would still be nicer if it was a bit less sudden, some kind of flirting first, maybe... But else, I would say that sex in one night stand type situation is usually more about oneself than the other one, so I didn't find it surprising that they started that without knowing each other well... what I found a bit stranger though was at first her motivation to go into his house - of course her reason for that becomes clearer a lot later on into the story, but I was a bit wondering at the moment when she did...

As for the names - did you take the name Vida on purpose? Especially considering she thinks she has cancer and is going to die, it might be a bit too obviously full of meaning... At least that is what it appeared to me while reading...
I find Galen more aloof than macho. He lets her pick up his bike; how macho is that? While gathering he is a celebrity, I thought him a shady celebrity, a sports figure known for playing dirty or an actor know for playing psychotic villains- hence the reason she might fear him. What's to fear from a 'normal' celebrity? Also, if she's not attracted to him being a celebrity, why make him one? His "Do you know who I am?" line is so perfectly cocky. I so wanted her to shrug and say, "Sure. Do you know who I am?"

Did you consider a different accident for the opening? What if she hits the dog and it's not just any dog, but his dog that has gotten away during a walk? In this situation, she feels responsible and he has no other means to get his dog to a vet in a hurry- it's not like, "Gee whiz, wanna drink?"- they're all but forced to go together. Then, if the dog dies- or at least might die, they're both facing loneliness and death. I still don't see her wanting to fuck right away, but I can easily see her feeling comfortable enough to accept an offer to come inside for a drink after she drives him home.
Munachi said:
As for why they have sex with hardly knowing anything about each other - isn't that what one night stands are about? I didn't find that too weird or surprising, though maybe it would still be nicer if it was a bit less sudden, some kind of flirting first, maybe... But else, I would say that sex in one night stand type situation is usually more about oneself than the other one, so I didn't find it surprising that they started that without knowing each other well... what I found a bit stranger though was at first her motivation to go into his house - of course her reason for that becomes clearer a lot later on into the story, but I was a bit wondering at the moment when she did...

Yes, I'm inclined, now, to think I need to let the reader in a bit more on what Vida's thinking, so it's not so hard to believe she'd go strolling into some stranger's house like that, and why she's letting him sex her up so enceremoniously.

Munachi said:
As for the names - did you take the name Vida on purpose? Especially considering she thinks she has cancer and is going to die, it might be a bit too obviously full of meaning... At least that is what it appeared to me while reading...

You caught me. With every "big" story I write I tend to go to the site and do searches based on particular meanings, relevant to the character's personality or role in the story, and look for something I like the sound of, that will also feel like the best handle for that person. I've never been happy with the name Vida, and have re-commenced the search again and again, but haven't found her name yet. For a while I was set on changing Galen's name, too, but I've grown to like it, so may keep it, now.
Did you consider a different accident for the opening? What if she hits the dog and it's not just any dog, but his dog that has gotten away during a walk? In this situation, she feels responsible and he has no other means to get his dog to a vet in a hurry- it's not like, "Gee whiz, wanna drink?"- they're all but forced to go together. Then, if the dog dies- or at least might die, they're both facing loneliness and death. I still don't see her wanting to fuck right away, but I can easily see her feeling comfortable enough to accept an offer to come inside for a drink after she drives him home.

Brilliant!! I actually really like this twist...

as for names... what about Zoe? It also means "life"... (it's my daughter's name :)) or any variation on "Eve"... I like Evie...

Edited to add: Galen could also be "Jason" (healer) or Jace/Jayce any variation thereof... even "Jay"...

Perhaps I just need to do a better job of contrasting the depth of their actual thoughts and feelings with the superficiality of their slick banter? Do a better job of letting the characters play close to the vest, as you say, but give a bit more to the reader?

You can give more to ME (the reader) while still making them both secretive and careful with one another... and contrasting the two is a fine way to draw me in... if I can see their depth, and I can empathize with their emotions, AND I can see that they don't see it in *each other* ... I'll be able to understand more clearly that the banter is just a cover for how they *really* feel... you, as an author, know an awful lot about these characters... we, as readers, know only what you convey... you don't need to blurt it all out there all at once, but there has to be something to draw the reader in, to make them care what happens to these two...
Last edited:
Just looked at the babynames site, and it lists "Vida" as latin... But of course the word is the same in Spanish, and since Spanish is such a commonly known language Vida is just very obvious. Might just be me, of course, but each time I look at the name I want to go "Así es la vida, pues..."

Even just a tiny change, to Vita, might be better imho, because italian is less widely spoken and at least to me it sounds more name like (maybe just because I know several Kitas growing up, and thus a name that rhymes)... Zoe sounds good too... Eve might have a lot of connotations again, and lead onto a bit of a different track... just my opinion of course...
Munachi said:
Just looked at the babynames site, and it lists "Vida" as latin... But of course the word is the same in Spanish, and since Spanish is such a commonly known language Vida is just very obvious. Might just be me, of course, but each time I look at the name I want to go "Así es la vida, pues..."

Even just a tiny change, to Vita, might be better imho, because italian is less widely spoken and at least to me it sounds more name like (maybe just because I know several Kitas growing up, and thus a name that rhymes)... Zoe sounds good too... Eve might have a lot of connotations again, and lead onto a bit of a different track... just my opinion of course...

Thanks, both of you, for suggestions on the names. I agree about Vida--it's too obvious, and I hear a literal translation in my head every time my eyes pass over the word (the same with Vita, I'm afraid). It's out, as soon as I fall in love with the right name, which I know I will, eventually.

I love the name Zoe, but for the name of a character, it's a bit too obviously beautiful and sexy (that's my personal association, at least).

I don't know if I can go with Kita, either, because it's a bit too close to Kitty, which will make me think of porn and Tolstoy--two things which should never be mixed in the cauldron of my sick brain.

For numerous reasons, I can't do Eve. One is that I have another story where the female MC is Eva.

Thanks! I'm not fretting. It'll come to me.
Penelope Street said:
I find Galen more aloof than macho. He lets her pick up his bike; how macho is that? While gathering he is a celebrity, I thought him a shady celebrity, a sports figure known for playing dirty or an actor know for playing psychotic villains- hence the reason she might fear him. What's to fear from a 'normal' celebrity? Also, if she's not attracted to him being a celebrity, why make him one? His "Do you know who I am?" line is so perfectly cocky. I so wanted her to shrug and say, "Sure. Do you know who I am?"

Maybe macho's not the right word, but beyond being aloof, there's something weird about a dude who opts for getting gravel tweezered out of his knee with no anesthesia--or so say I, pain whimp extraordinaire. But yeah, he's certainly not macho in a sexist sort of way--in fact, her cool competence is what first attracts him to her.

As for his celebrity, it serves, initially, to balance the mistrust a tad; it's expected that a woman will be on guard when alone with a strange man, and I want him to be a little suspicious of her, as well. Beyond that, though, a big element of his character is that he's used to playing roles, to wearing masks, to taking on personnae not his own. He doesn't really know who he is, and he's sick of playing roles/games. He becomes fascinated with Vida, in part, because what she's going through is something that cuts through artifice.

Penelope Street said:
Did you consider a different accident for the opening? What if she hits the dog and it's not just any dog, but his dog that has gotten away during a walk? In this situation, she feels responsible and he has no other means to get his dog to a vet in a hurry- it's not like, "Gee whiz, wanna drink?"- they're all but forced to go together. Then, if the dog dies- or at least might die, they're both facing loneliness and death. I still don't see her wanting to fuck right away, but I can easily see her feeling comfortable enough to accept an offer to come inside for a drink after she drives him home.

Hmmm, I do like your idea, but I'm pretty attached to the accident as it is currently, for a couple reasons. First, I want him hurt and vulnerable at the beginning--she (sort of) saves him, then helps him, which in a small way is going to parallel what he'll ultimately be doing for her. Also, I want her competent and strong here. I want her to react quickly and NOT hit the dog, which would certainly be an easy enough accident to have, and I want her to react and do all the right things in managing the situation.

I do agree with what several of you have said--that as written, the accident now comes off as contrived and gimmicky. I'm hoping I'll be able to rememdy that by doing a better job of portraying their reactions, and his reason for trying to get her to come in for a drink.
I kind of thought that's what you might be trying to do--show us them meeting and let us learn who they are as we go along. And I think you do it pretty well as far as it goes. But I think there's a couple things that might help you pull this off--

First of all, you're trying to introduce us to two people at the same time, and that's tough to do. We jump from her head to his head and back, and that makes us feel like we don't belong anywhere. We see things not from the character's perspective, but from the author's, in what you decide to tell us and what you conceal, and it becomes obvious we're being played with. That makes 3 people in the scene--the guy, the girl, and the author.

I really think you have to stick with one person and tell the story from his or her point of view. This is obviously her story--she's the one who'll come out of this experience most changed, I would say, so I'd tell the story from her perspective. That might be a little tougher, because you'll have to show us stuff about him rather than tell us, but it can be done. She doesn't have to know just who he is at first, or maybe you can tell us that she knew who he was, but not let us in on it just who. Make his house describe who he is with photos of girls laying about, abandoned lipstick in the bathroom, junk like that. We'll get the picture.

The other thing is, that when two people meet, they might not know who they are, but they sure as hell pay very close attention to every nuance and gesture the other makes. That's how we find out who other people are ultimately, not by what they tell us but by what we see and hear them do. I think you try so hard to keep us in the dark that you don't show us a vivid picture of these people and that's why they don't come aline.

For instance, if he hobbled into the house kind of brusque and pissed off, throwing down his jacket in anger at his own stupidy, it would be easier to believe that he might just drop his pants and hand her a tweezers and tell her to pick the god damned gravel out of his knee, for Christ's sake. But as it is, we don't know what he's like and so the things he does have no context. There's no character there to give his actions context and believability. That makes your characters seem vague and their actions kind of random and meaningless.

So he feels her up because he's a fast mover and a Lothario. That could be established by the stuff in his apartment, or the way he looks at her, maybe even the way he leans back so she can see his burgeoning erection as she works on his knee (he seems like a crude enough guy to do something like that). Then we're not as surprised when he gropes her on the porch, or that she stands for it. (After all, she knew what kind of guy he was after that boner business.)

As for the initial accident, yes, she might have a cool head in an emergency, but even an EMT is going to be shocked and frightened to witness an accident like that. Everyone's first reaction is "Oh My God!!!" The cooler heads then kind of internally slap themselves and do what has to be done with a grim determination. They're not emotionally void; they're just focused and kind of repressed. I wouldn't be surprised if she started shaking violently while she was having that drink as the real fear of the accdent emerged.

This can be good, and it's a very appealing idea for a story. I do think, though, that you need to show us characters we can sink our teeth into, and that usually means giving us plenty of little visuals to digest. We want to see what she sees in him, and what he sees in her. See?
Thanks, Zoot, for coming back with this second reply--it's tremendously helpful.

I'm giving serious consideration to staying out of Galen's head and telling the story strictly from Vida's POV, but I confess I'm stumped. I've written the first draft of entire novel, and there are a number of scenes where Vida's absent altogether, and Galen's interacting with other characters. It's true that this is more her story than Galen's, but it's also a story of both of their transformations. I may have to revisit some favorite novels and see how other authors handle such things.

I've been working on revising this chapter, based on the feedback I've been getting, and I'm trying to weave in more details of what the characters do, and what they observe in each other, and hope I'm getting toward giving the reader a more vivid picture of who these two are, and why they're getting up to all this nonsense--including trying to humanize them a bit with some actual shakiness after the accident, and hopefully a better build-up of erotic tension before they start writhing against each other on the deck.

I'll throw the re-write up shortly.

Thanks again!

REWRITE: opening of Hurt, Chapter 1

NOTE: Here's a stab at a rewrite. Probably it can still be trimmed down, but I've tried to flesh out the characters, and give the reader a bit more emotional meat to masticate.

If anyone feels like having a look, I'm eager to know if this version does any better at winning and keeping your interest.

Big thanks,

There was a masochistic pleasure in watching those green-gray eyes begin to shimmer, pinking already with sudden tears gathering along the pale edges of the bottom lids, until the image dissolved in gray-white haze.


Driving. She made herself believe there was only the car and the road and the night. Willing every synapse to focus on the speedometer, the wipers squeaking across the windshield, the feel of the wheel in her grip, she rolled diligently through the rain pooling and streaming over the asphalt and hanging in the sky like twisting strings of beads, slightly swaying, glinting in the beams of her headlights, rattling against the metal hood and glass windshield.

She had not even noticed how little she could see. A shadow. A movement. She stomped the brake before she knew why and fishtailed to a stop just a foot or two before she would have hit it.

A huge black dog stood staring straight at her, as if it could see past the glare of the headlights. Her heart hammering, she watched its rib cage contract and its jaw open and snap shut, jowls flapping and shuddering around vicious white teeth with a bark silenced by the clamoring rain before it sprung into the next lane, out of the road, and vanished.

The motorcycle speeding toward her veered with a streaking blur of headlight suddenly low to the ground, scuttling away along the road behind her until bike and rider both fell still in their northbound lane.

Ahead a pair of headlights peeped around the bend.

She cranked the wheel hard left and hit the hazards as she rolled a careful, urgent U and crawled toward the crumpled, motionless form in her headlights. Already hitting 911 on her cell with shaky hands she ducked into the rain, rushed over, squatted down and touched the throat between helmet and collar feeling for a pulse. Viper-like his hand caught her wrist.

“It’s alright,” she said with pretended calm to the black visor of his helmet, dotted pale orange with reflected streetlights, “lie still. I’m calling an ambulance.”

The hand released her wrist and dragged open the visor. Rain pelted blinking brown eyes. He pushed himself up to sitting.

“Are you hurt? Maybe you shouldn’t move until the paramedics come.”

“Hang up.”

When she didn’t do it right away, he reached and flipped her phone shut.

“I’m fine. I don’t need an ambulance.”

He crawled to the curb and sat. The northbound car swerved around hers in the southbound lane, passed them, snaked back right and just kept going.

“I’ll get your bike out of the road.”

She wrestled the thing up from the ground, over against the curb, got the kickstand down, and went back to him.

“Sure you’re alright?”

“I’m fine.”

He didn't sound fine.

“Can you ride? I can drop you somewhere.”

“I think I’ll walk it. I was almost home. I’m just right there.”

After easing his helmet off as if he was afraid his head might come off with it, he pointed up the road. He started to stand, then dropped dizzily down, his ass hitting the curb with a wet smack.

“Listen." She tried to smooth the warble out of her voice. Wished the adrenaline surging through her would subside. "I should get my car out of the road. Why don’t you let me drop you, then I’ll run back for your bike and walk it up to your house.”

He lifted his eyes to study her a moment. What the hell was the guy afraid of? That she was going to steal his bike?

"Alright," he finally said. "Thanks."

He let her help him up, but shrugged off her effort to support his limp toward the car, then folded his huge frame into her tiny two-seater. His driveway was less than a quarter mile up the road. When she came back with his bike he met her at the end of the drive and together they pushed it up toward the garage. He snatched the keys from the ignition and dropped them into his pocket.

“Thank you.”

He didn't sound all that grateful, but then he came through with a warm smile.

She said, “I’m glad you’re alright.”

“Fucking dog.”

“Weird. He was just standing there. Like Cerberus, waiting for a face-off with my car. I barely stopped in time.”

His smile turned to a grin that went with a raised eyebrow. "Cerberus, eh?" Mocking her knack for obscure references. “Want to come in? Have a drink?”

Yeah, right.

“I should get home.”

As it left her lips the word 'home' stung her with the image of the generic hotel room scantly personalized with a minimal complement of clothes and gear, and the thought of a night of insomnia and anxiety. Suddenly the ridiculous impossibility of strolling through some stranger's door for a drink looked more like a tempting—if reckless—alternative to driving around bleary-eyed through the LA night until sunrise.

“That’s ungrateful." His boyish smile was back. "After all I’ve done for you? You won’t even stay for ten minutes and have a drink with me?”

She looked at him a moment, assessing his pallor, the way his hands trembled as they found the right key on the ring he'd fished back out of his pocket. She tried a smile.

“True. I do owe you.”

“Come on.”

Inside she let him take her coat and hang it in the closet, then watched distractedly as a pool of water began collecting beneath it on the polished hard wood. If it pooled there for too long it would dissolve the finish. Rot the planks. A dark, soft hole. She pulled herself back.

“Great place. Very Frank Lloyd Wright.”

He nodded, smiling, scrutinizing her. She smiled, too, amused to notice that the era of the house seemed to go with the mod shag cut of his dark hair.

"What's your name?"


“I'm Galen."

The way he said it, probing her with his eyes, made her feel as if there was some inside joke she was missing.

"What do you drink, Haley?”

“Vodka tonic?”

“I can do that, if you don’t need lime.”

“Why don’t you sit down and let me make the drinks?”

“Alright.” He gave her a slightly pained smile. “Maybe I’ll go stick a couple band aids on. Glasses are there, in that cupboard next to the fridge. The liquor’s there,” he pointed toward the pantry. "Tonic’s in the fridge. There might even be some lime juice, actually.”

“What do you want?”

“I’ll have what you’re having.”


Limping down the hall, he turned and cast a quick look at her cracking cubes of ice from their cells in the white tray and dropping them clattering into two tall glasses before turning into his room. In the bathroom, light swelled at the flick of the switch. Forgetting the errand of bandages and peroxide he confronted his mirror image. He looked like a little less than himself. Pale. Afraid. Fragile look in the eyes. Even so, even though his hands were shaking, he felt a pleasant sense of satisfaction. The fear, the adrenaline, even the throbbing, burning pain were so real.

At the elbow and shoulder dark stains were bleeding into the water-darkened gray sweatshirt. He peeled away the wet top and looked at the raw wounds. Not that bad, really. Could have been worse. He managed to get the elbow cleaned and sterilized, but the wound was too big for even the enormous-looking bandages he'd dug up in the first aid kit stashed at the back of the bottom drawer. It was a gauze and tape job, and one-handed it wasn’t going too well. So he gathered all the crap together and carried it out to the stranger in the kitchen. As she turned and watched him approach, her eyes slid down from his face, over the bare skin of his shoulders and torso. She was checking him out so blatantly he caught himself smiling before a change in her expression made him wonder if she was regretting coming in.

“Want to play doctor?”

”Alright, but you’ll have to administer your own anesthesia.”

She handed him the vodka tonic that wasn’t half gone, and they climbed up onto the two bar stools at the island in the center of the kitchen. He reached his arm toward her, and she took it, one hand cradling his forearm, the other curving around the thick swell of triceps above his oozing elbow.

“Sure it’s not broken?”


She lifted his hand to her shoulder, extended his arm, and with both hands felt up along the length of his arm, from wrist to armpit, careful to avoid the raw wound midway.

“You seem to be intact.”

“You a doctor?”

Her eyes flashed up to meet his, starry, startled. Then she retracted her mysterious surprise with a weak smile.


“What would you do if you found a wrong angle in there?”

“Call that ambulance you’re so afraid of.”

So, she wasn't clueless, after all.

She began wrapping his elbow. His hand was still resting on her shoulder, his four fingers curved over the top of her blouse, his thumb resting against the smooth warm skin of her neck, just inside her collar. He stared at his thumb there innocently, intimately touching her as she bandaged him. Her gray-green eyes locked on his suddenly, as if she had caught him at something.

“You know who I am?” he challenged, instantly feeling a prick of shame for the way he'd deflected some vague feeling of guilt.

“Wondering if that’s why I agreed to come in?”

He waited. She was quiet.

“Would you normally come into the house of a man you’d just met laying on wet asphalt?”

“No. Not normally. But it’s not a normal night.” She lifted his hand from her shoulder and set it on his thigh. “I figured it out while I was making the drinks."

"It took you that long, eh?"

"Don't be insulted," she teased with an impish grin and a mischievous glance from under mascarad lashes, "I'm a bit of a pop culture shutout."

"Sure. I suppose if you'd scraped Brad Pitt up off the road, you wouldn't have known, either."

"Brad who?" she deadpanned. "Anyway, fear not. I won’t sell your tragic motorcycle story to "The Stranger" for their “celebrity I saw you” column."

“Your…eh, sang froid is rather impressive.”

“Because I’m not an autograph hound?”

He laughed. “I didn’t mean that.” His smile faded. “I think you may have saved my life.”

“Because you’d have bled to death from road rash if I hadn’t been here to wrap your elbow?”

“Yes. That, and that car behind me probably would have rolled right over me if you hadn’t thought to pull your car behind me.”

“Feeling your mortality?”

Her eyes flickered up to his face and lingered there. The way she was looking at him, it was like a curtain opening. Or a drawbridge lowering.

“A bit. Maybe it’s good. Get a little wake-up.”

Nothing like skidding over thirty feet of asphalt to slip you out of your emotional coma. And to stay out? Maybe you just had to hang on to fear and pain. Or find a fresh source.

She hopped down from her stool and circled around him, started in on the shoulder. His body flinched, then went rigid as she began cleaning the wound, but his brain was savoring the sharp sting of the disinfectant, the way her gentle touch tortured his torn flesh. She finished sterilizing and gauzing and taping, then finished off her drink.

“Have another.”

“Not until the surgery’s done. Time for the knee.”

He was aware of her watching him as he struggled to get the cuff of his pants up without dragging the stiff fabric over the tender wound.

“Looks like it’s pants off, Mr. Ross.”

“Maybe I should go back into the bathroom and take care of this one myself.”

“Maybe you should. If you’re wearing women’s panties under those jeans, I rescind my promise about selling my story.”

“Lucky for me, I only wear the frilly panties on special occasions”

“Careful you don't hurt my feelings," she teased as he undid his fly. "You're in a vulnerable position, here."

As he finished undoing the last button of his fly, he gave her a look, only half calculated, that seemed to wipe the teasing grin from her face. Not as cool as all that, after all. Suddenly, obviously nervous, she pulled her eyes away and made a pretense of looking for something in the first aid box as he slid his pants down his thighs, then carefully drew the gathers of stiff denim over the tender wound at his knee, and off.

"Why don't you sit there, and put your foot up there," she suggested, indicating one stool, then the other.

Galen took a certain masochistic pleasure in looking down on the horizontal plane of his extended leg, the knee chewed up, red and raw, clear fluid leaking around the dirt and gravel that had embedded itself in his tender flesh. Much worse than the elbow. The knee had taken the brunt of the fall.

"Oh. Galen. Sure you don't want to go to the doctor's for this? They could numb it."

"It's alright. I want you to do it."

He issued it like a challenge. He liked the thought of this good Samaritan, this woman, hurting him. More than she had already. But maybe she wouldn't do it.


She said it lightly, with a smile and a shrug, but she was pale. And as she poured herself that second drink she wasn't going to have, her hand shook. After a few gulps of her vodka tonic, which might have been a double, a hunt for tweezers and some sterilizing, she dug in.

He wasn't going to faint. He wasn't even going to puke. He concentrated on the carbonated bite of the cold clear liquid he sipped through the cubes shifting and clanging in his glass, and on the nice view he was getting of her tits. No bra under that thin blouse. Kind of surprising—almost as surprising as the fact that he hadn't noticed sooner—she didn't seem the type. And he was so good at judging things like that. But there she was, her tits curving and peaking and swaying slightly under the delicate fabric clinging softly to her as she moved, and each time she bent close to his knee, her blouse gapped away from her body, and he could see her bare skin, right down to her navel between the pale inverted hills of her breasts. It was almost a disappointment when she extracted the last piece of Hillcrest Blvd. from his knee, pressed a piece of Neosporin-laced gauze to the seeping flesh, and began wrapping him up like a mummy.

The tough part was over, but she seemed more nervous than ever. She seemed to be avoiding his eyes, busying herself with winding up the gauze and putting away tubes and bottles and tweezers. Her breathing had gone fast and shallow, and he was pretty sure her hands were shaking. Maybe she'd noticed he was hard.

He got to his feet, a little too close to her. Wondered, was she feeling him—his size, his heat, his near nakedness. Was she up for something? Was she afraid?

"Just relax," he sighed down to her, amused at how threatening a bit of politeness could sound. He waited until she looked up and he could read her face. Apprehension. Or full-blown fear. "I'll be back in a minute."


Slowly the fist clenched around her heart opened, and she took a breath. For just a second she'd thought he'd…The impulse to go, without a good-bye, tickled through her whole body. Something about him. She didn't feel safe. The way he looked at her, digging in. So taciturn. So big, so hard. And, fuck. The guy had actually gotten turned on by the little torture session with the tweezers.

The memory of the bulge of his stiff cock pressed back against him by his snug briefs sent a little throb through her.

She swiped her drink from the counter, the condensation chilling her skin as her fingers and palm wrapped tight around the base of the tall narrow glass, imparting a sudden, lucid calm. Strange that fear could be a comfort.

She wished him back. Hurry. Hurry. Now that he was gone anxiety was sweeping into the void left by his vaguely threatening presence.

Air. She needed air. White knuckled, clutching her sloshing drink, she moved to the slider, clawed the latch open, and got onto the deck. Breathe. Breathe.

An awning overhead kept the pouring rain off her, but the wind chafed her face and whipped her hair across her eyes, obscuring, revealing, and obscuring her view of the grid of orange city lights below. It seemed like her drink should be fresh, only a few sips gone, but she tipped the glass behind her bottom lip and just a trickle seeped between the depleted cubes. Was she drunk?
I think some things do remain clearer here, in others, there are still some kind of rapid turns that confuse a bit. I find it a bit difficult to really say, because reading it now means I already know a lot from reading before, and from the discussions...

About the beginning though - I figured out what confused me at first - the problem was, that I hadn't taken my mind off the dog yet, when the bike accident happened - and I thus didn't really realize it happened until I was already reading how she got out of her car and wanted to call an ambulance. This might though just be due to me being either a bit slow, or just not a native speaker and thus not as easily picking some things up...
I've sent you comments via email, Varian - you know what an absurdly verbose creature the horse is. :rose:
Munachi said:
As for the names - did you take the name Vida on purpose? Especially considering she thinks she has cancer and is going to die, it might be a bit too obviously full of meaning... At least that is what it appeared to me while reading...

I caught the name Galen too. He was a famous Roman physician. Varian's not slipping that one by me.