Stories rejected as AI.


Rapid Mind
Sep 5, 2022
Lately, I noticed too many stories I sent got rejected or got 'postponed' for too long (some of these were rejected too). I do not understand the issue. I was raised in a country where people didn't speak English. When I sent my first 80-90 stories, many of the comments were about my English (Even though about 60% were still rated HOT). They suggested I use a word-proofer. I started using it, but the ideas, the writing - Everything was mine. Still, rejections or delays continued. These days I use the software VERY sparingly, and my stories keep piling in the pending column( Now I have 5...).
What exactly is the issue, and why do all these new changes affect so significantly the publication of my stories?
This isn’t really a forum where you can get insight into this or assistance. You should PM Laurel or chat with authors in the Author’s Hangout. It’s a hot topic right now.