Step Daughter Dilemna (closed)


That one guy
Feb 22, 2008
Lance Morgan

37 years old 6'4. Long raven dark hair, crystal blue eyes
Lithe muscular frame, well toned from a life dedicated to swimming

Lance smiled as he hopped into his car. He was leaving the gym, and
Exhausted. It was Friday and his step daughter was probably still out with friends

It was a bit of a tough situation. He had married an older woman, he loved her zeal for life. And she had only been a few years older then him, but she ja come with a daughter. She had had her early and her daughter was now a
Senior in highschool an the year was almost up. But the sad part was
Her passing. His wife ja died in a car wreck
And left him with her daughter

But all had been well. They had been amicable enough and in fact they ha come to get along much better now. He tried to give et as much freedom as he could, after all her mom ja always said life was for living and loving, and she had rarely denied her daughter much, and so Lance had tried to keep that in mind

However when he pulled up to the house, almost 9 pm after a long day at work and them the gym, her car was there. He hopped out and headed in, pausing to notice the gusting wind and the feel of rain in the air. There was gonna be a storm tonight

He walked in, saw her on the sofa

"Hey kiddo. Staying in I see. Did you get dinner?" he aske as he set his bag down. He tried not to look at her. It wasn't that he avoided her, it was just that she had become comfortable with him, and he couldn't deny her full womanly frame and how some of the things she considered pajamas were more like lingerie in his eyes. He headed straight for the kitchen, which was just behind the living room in the small house
Kylie Winters
5'8, Dark blonde hair with lighter highlights, hazel eyes, Tanned skin, 38 D breast, Runs in track.

Kylie had told Lance she was going out with friends but she knew he would be at the gym late and decided to stay home and read. Most considered her just another dumb blonde with big tits even with her high GPA. She loved to relax and read curled up on the couch. Lance had been great since her mom died she didn't know how she would have made it without him being there for her.

She looked up when he came in suprised she had been reading so long. "Hey yeah I cooked some dinner I left a plate in the microwave for you incase you were hungry." She called as he made his way into the kitchen and went back to her book. Getting lost in the pages again.
He smiled. She was a sweet girl

"ok thanks" he called back. He headed into the kitchen and opened up the microwave. He touched the pasta, felt it was a little cool an turned on the microwave to warm up. He went to the fridge and pulled out a beer, cracking it open and taking a long drink. He walked
Down the hall to his room. Through his shoe off and donned a clean white tshirt, shrugged
Out of his gym shirts and pulled on a pair of clean ones

He walked back to the kitchen, glancing at the clock he saw it was near 10. He grabbed his plate and sat down at the small table, quickly wolfing down his plate and finishing off his beer

"Good day at school. You must be getting excited now that your almost through" he sai as he returned his plate to the sink then stood in the doorway to the kitchen to chat. He don't dare
Get too close. Knowing her she was in some ridiculous shorts an she probably lacks a bra under her tank top
"Hmmm" she said looking up from her book it took her a moment to realize what he had said, "Yeah it was good. I'm a little nervous about the end of school I'm still not sure what I want to do. I was thinking about maybe just attenting the college here and trying to get a Masters in writing or litrture I'm not sure yet though I still have a few months to decide." She commented nonchalantly to see if he would have an opinion on the matter.

She closed her book and sat it aside so she could focus on him. For an older guy she had to admit he was pretty hot and tryed not to pay too much attention to him but on this matter it was a rather serious topic and she wanted to hear what he had to say. She could hear the wind picking up now that she wasn't tuned into what she was reading. They would be heading to bed soon so maybe she would be asleep before the storm hit. She had always had an irrational fear of storms and it seemed to get worse after her mom had died but she had delt with it okay so far nothing that would have been noticable to anyone anyway.
"I think that's perfect. At least take some of the gen Ed courses and get a feel for what you like. Then you can find the best university for it and apply" he told her with a grin, noticing the way she turned wr head slightly as the wind picked up

"You know there is no rush. And you can stay here. But I will pull the whole real world thing
And make you pay some rent and groceries" he told her with a smile as she have him that classic 'your kidding right?' look

"Thanks for dinner it was fantastic. How many weeks do you have left anyway" he asked a she stepped a little closer, feeling drawn into the conversation, his eyes not drifting from those hazel orbs of hers

"Finals have got to be coming soon right?"
"Yeah finals are in a few weeks I am offically out of high school in 4 weeks." She told him tugging down her black tank top as she stood up. She gave a little wiggle untangling the short cotton gym short that were black with hot pink trim.

"Thanks I'll figure it out I was thinking about getting a summer job at the libraby too." She looked at the clock and then back at him.

"Well it's getting late I think I am going to go crash." She grew more nervous as she heard the rain slowly start to hit the house and shivered thinking she had waited to long to go to bed and there would be no way she could make it to bed before the storm.
Kylie stood
Up, tugging at her shirt, and he couldnt help but notice her full breasts swelling at the neckline. Then she wiggled, tugging at her shorts, the whole ordeal making
Her soft curves call to him

"oh library would be cool" he said as she walked around, giving Lamce the chance to behave.

"Yeah me to. I'm beat" he said as she turned to go down the hall. Her room was on the left and his was at the end. He didn't trust himself to follow though. At least not without staring at her ass. So he turned back ino the kitchen to get a drink of water

Then he gave her a minute and headed to his room

He quickly went through his routine, hearing the storm settle in, the soft rain pattering in the roof and the occasional peep of thunder

He went through his routine, brushing his teeth and all that, then peeled out of his clothes and slipped under the sheet. Sleeping naked had alway been more comfortable to him, especially in the warm nights like tonight. Especially since his AC was busted

He rolled over and closed his eyes, leaving the bathroom light in as a soft light, too tired to get up and turn it off once he realized he had left it on

The storm lulled him to sleep
Kylie went to her room and chaned out of her gym clothes and into a tight long white shirt and wiggled into a pair of white boy shorts that had pink flowers on them and pale pink lace on the sides. She brushed her hair and threw it up into a pony tail and scrubbed her face and brushed her teeth before going to lay in bed.

While she had gotten ready for bed it had started raining faster and the wind had picked up now the thunder and lighting started every boom or flash of light had her jumping. She tried to brave it out but before long her nervse couldn't take it any more and she was sprinting out of her room and down the hall to Lance's room. She hated doing this but she couldn't take it anymore. The storm was a bad one and she could hear the wind howling. She tapped on his bedroom door before opening it and slipping in. The light in the bathroom let her see that he was asleep.

She went and softly sat an the edge of the bed touching his shoulder to try to wake him, "Lance, Lance I'm sca...." Just then the lighting boomed and she jumped a small shriek escaping her throat.
Lance felt something tap his shoulder. Then the shriek from Kylie had him stir

"What is it Kylie. It's just a storm" he sai as he rolled over under the thin sheet, never really totally waking up, the shriek had gotten his attention but he only half saw
Her before he rolled over
Kylie was starting to panic and he wasn't paying attention.

"Lance Lance please I scared. Please Lance don't make me go back to bed. Lance please wake up." She pleaded reachh for his shoulder and rocking him trying to get him to wake up. She could hear the tears in her voice she was trying to hold back. It had been a long time since she had gotten so scared she started crying but she was close now.
Lance rolled
Over. It was obvious he was bothered

"Fine. Stay. Hop in" he said. Not thinking about the fact that he was naked under the sheets. Not even registering that. He rolled over to look up at her. That tight shirt clung to her and he smiled

"it's just a storm you'll be fine" then he scooted over on the small bed making room for her, the sleep coming back over him

"your fine. Just get some sleep" he mumbled as he felt her shifting next to hiin
She lifted the sheet and crawled under the covers. She knew he was agrivated with her and before she was even fully in the bed he was back asleep. She went to cuddle har back to his front when the lightening flash across the room and she jumped back until she was flush against him. When this happened she realized that he was naked under the covers and her eyes went wide. "Oh MY God he's NAKED." the scream to herself.

What was she suppose to do now she couldn't go back to her room she was too scared. She couldn't ask him to put some shorts on he was already agrivated with her and she couldn't go to sleep knowing he was naked against her. She laid there flush against his naked body with his osft cock against her barely covered ass. The more she thought about she began to become aroused and squirmed trying to get comfortable she felt his cock start to harden and froze. "Oh my god what I am I doing?" she asked herself but she couldn't resist giving another squirm to see what would happen and gasp as he continued to get hard.
He felt her shift again, but only barely in that cusp of wakefullness. Her body shifting against his. But in his mind was the sight of her in her Jammie's

He turned slightly as she shifted against him, the sudden impact woke him again, but before he said anything, he felt her soft ass against
His cock. The sensation of her hit flesh on his had him stiffening instantly. It had been sooooooo long since he had last ft the touch of a woman

But she froze suddenly. Then she wiggled
Again, her ass shifting agains his cock and he tried to fight it, but his cock thickened even more. He decided to play tired and in a half intelligible mumble

"Quit wiggling Kylie" he said and he let his had slide up to reach over
Her shoulder, thinking
Maybe he could get his hips away from hers in the shift, but he couldn't. He was already at the ede of the bed and now his arm was draped over her, and he wasn't sure, but his thumb was resting on something soft and warm

His cock twitched again, swelling agains her ass. He was in trouble. He tried to focus on the storm, just ignore it and let it pass. That was the decent thing to do, ignore it all pretend
It's not insanely arousing to himself
"Sorry" mummbled Kylie. When his arm came around her and her nipples grew hard. She moaned inwardly what was she suppose to do? She was turned on and there was a now hard cock against her ass her pussy was getting wetter by the second. She longer noticed the storm too concerned with what was going on in the bed.

She tried to stay still but her arousal was becoming to much and she had to move. Her ass brushed his hard cock again and she felt tears in her eyes of frustration and shame, "Sorry can't ... can't help it." She whispered. Trying to squeeze her legs together to calm her arousal but the pressure only mad eit that much worse.
He couldn't stop. Each shift ha his cock slide against her silky skin, making him harder and harder, soon his dick was obviously pressing agains her. And to add to that his hand had landed on her breast, the full soft swell of it was obvious, and he had to bite his lip to keep rom palming it

He thought about rolling onto his back but there was no room on the bed. He heard her apologize and he just mumbled

"It's ok. It's jushot and crowded in here " he said as he tried to shift back, but as he slid his hips he almost fell off. To catch himself he quickly shifted back, and the result was his cock slipping
Between her thighs. Befriend it had been pressed against her ass, but now it was in between her thighs, her upper thighs. The heat was intense and he groaned. Not only that but in his haste to keep from falling he had grabbed at her. He had grabbed her tit. He quickly let go

"Sorry. I almost fell off" he mumbled as he tried, and failed, to think of ugly fat naked men, or do anything to calm his arousal. But Kylie hadn't left. He hadn't said
Anything, that had to mean something right? What did that mean? He wondered by then dropped that line of thought, that just lead back to a hard on
Kylie could feel him between her thighs and wandered if he could feel how hot and wet her pussy was. She alost groaned in disappointment when his hand left her breast. She laid there silently trying to figure this out. Finally she spoke, "Um Lance.......... I know this is akward but I'm really scared of sstorms and can't go to my room alone. Ummm what should we do about this."

She was horny enough she only needed his okay and she would fuck him but this was her mom's husband and wouldn't be wrong of her to have sex with but then again they were both here and obviously horny no one would know.
Her voice was clear and sure. Her body silky and supple, but he couldn't

"why don't I roll over. That way I'm not poking you" he said in a gruff voice, thick with sleep and lust. Unsure of what he was doing, but unable to meet her meaning

Just then lightning crashed loudly outside as he rolled into his back, tryi g to put his back to her, but caught halfway in between.
As soon as the lightening crashed Kylie was again focused on the storm and jumped up, straight up, her leg connected with what she was sure was his groin when he gave a yell and the next thing she knew she was soak. Unsure exactly what was happening Kylie just froze trying to process.
The sudden pain that bloomed
In his crotcj was intense to say the least. He jerked, his arms flailing and he felt it hit something on the nightstand

He heard her gasp in shock, and he could her the splatter and feel the water. It was a cup of water he had from last night

He tried
To apologize but his groin was throbbing. He looked up and forgot his pain. Her thin shirt clung to her, the white shirt almost see thru with the water, and the soft light from the bathroom made her look gorgeous

Reality struck as he shifted, his hands going to his groin, but the pain was subsiding. He hadn't so much nailed him, but his hard cock had not enjoyed being bent like that

"Oh shit. I'm sorry" he said half chuckling at the scene. The commotion had the sheet bunched at his thighs, and he looked down at his long, thick, hard cock. He was so busted, but then again he ja been busted awhile ago
Kylie finally understood what was going on and began apologizing, "Shit Lance I'm sorry it was an accident I didn't mean to jump. Shit now I'm getting your bed wet." She jumped off the bed and pulled her shirt off so she wouldn't soak him and bent over him apologizing "Fuck Lance I'm so sorry how can make it feel better?"
His eyes bulged. Kylie very non calamity hopped off his bed and peeled her short off. Her full round tits bounced into view, making him swallow hard. The water made her nipples harden in the air as they cooled and she didn't seem to notice. She cursed and apologized and leaned over, her hefty orbs swaying as her eyes went to his cock. He tried to cover

"Oh god" he groaned

"No, no. I'm fine. " he said, his eyes fixed on her swaying tits, feeling embarrassed as she
Leaned down towards his hard cock

"It just got bent funny. That's all" he said, his hands unable to hide his long thick cock. His hands slowly pulling away from it

"it doesn't look bruised or anything does it?"
Kylie bent close so she could see in the dim light. Her actions didn't dawn on her til his cock was inches from her face. She swallowed hard and rolled her eyes up to look at him. "I don't think so." On impulse she place a small chase kiss on his shaft. "I'm sorry Lance I didn't want to hurt you." She gave him another small kiss looking up him.
He couldn't help but look over at her plump round ass in her tight booty shirts as she examined his throbbing cock. Then his body spasmed, she kissed it

She looked up a him apologizing for it, and her lush lips landed on it again

"That's ok. That felt really good" he told he with a smile, his hand sliding to her back

"It was an accident after all" he said giving her a smiles hibhands slid to her hefty breasts and then backup to her eyes. He certainly did love the view

"I'm sorry I fit water all over your shirt" he said with a bit of a smile

"But I bet it cooled you off a tit, I mean bit!". He couldn't believe
It. His step daughter had just kissed his cock and he said it felt better! What the fuck was he thinking this was getting out of hand

But god did he need, dear god did he want it!!

"come in Kylie. Let's try and get some sleep" he said a she tried to pull it together. Tried to remember his wife and tried to not feel the heat of her body and ache to feel those curves
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Kylie crawled back in the bed with him but now she wasn't sure how to lay or what to do. She tossed and turned a few time and kept bumping into him.

"Ummm ....... Lance?" She asked thinking maybe he had an idea because for a smart blonde she sure felt like a dumb one at the moment.
As she slid back into the bed, her soft warm back was bare. The smell of et filled his nose. She had turned her back to him again and he could feel his aching groin caress her skin. Her round plump little ass. God he missed the feel of a woman

Just then she spoke up

"Why don't we try this the other way. " he said as he tried to turn over again, putting his back to her. She rolled ver too, and just then a crash of thunder shook the window panes. She pulled lance close, mashin her firm warm breasts against his back. He could feel their soft heat soaking through his chest. God he needed a woman, he thought as he remembered the sight of her peeling her shirt off, her full tits bouncing free in the soft light. He ached for her