Starting a munch group

Re: Re: Re: Miss

SpectreT said:
Thirty years is too long to live in a bud. I've been an interesting potential person, it's past time to try and become the real thing.
Do you know how much growth i've seen in you since i came to Lit and we started talking? Are you even partly aware of how incredibly far you've travelled in one year?

You're amazing, T. You've struggled out of your shell, kicked away the soothing womb of your isolation, and decided to live - fully, completely, as a whole person - all in a year.

That's incredible personal growth.

I just wanted you to know that i've seen it - and you know i've seen it. Since our earliest conversations about your stories, conversations in which you hide yourself squarely behind your ficticious words, to those today - words of strength and a resolute intention to LIVE! your life in a full way, a life that includes stretching toward dreams and having hopes.

You're amazing, T.
I just wanted you to know that i see it.
SpectreT said:
Miss T?

Chances are, you'd have to train just as hard as me, pushing, "bumping", hitting the ropes, holds and moves. No one with any microphone skills or personality has a Valet that's just eye candy anymore. They all get involved in the matches in some way or other. It'll be hard work, assuming I find a school I like and can afford, but it'll be a hell of a lot of fun.

BTW, what do you think of my new AV? (Thanks, April)

I love your new av!

There's our T! :) :rose: :kiss:
cymbidia said:
Oh gods, petrel! I'm so sorry for giving out bad info. Every munch i've ever been to or heard of, though, at least in the US has had "low-keyness" as a primary goal.

Are there others who've been to non-low-key munches? Maybe i'm way off base here?

I have been to a couple that were not as discreet as they should have been. At one, the foolish woman who ran it went around the room and introduced everyone by their scene names within easy earshot of everyone in the restaurant.

Most of the Florida Munches are held in restaurants, malls or bars. What other type of venues (locations) have you folks heard of?
We have three a month in these parts. Two are in pizza places on the second and third Sunday of each month at 11am. We get one back room or another in the pizza places. The third is held at 7pm on fourth Tuesday of each month at a nicer restaurant, but one with a separate dining room for us.