Star-Crossed — The Game (open by PM request)

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    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • No! This is too hard. Just give me da' sex!

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • I haven't the slightest idea what's going on but I like it!

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • This is kinda fun. I might like to play a round in the future.

    Votes: 8 57.1%

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Nov 30, 2001
OOC: Hello folks, and welcome to a Rick's Rooftop Studio Productions! This is a little game I had kicking around in the back of my head for a while. What if we took 2 (or maybe more. . .::wicked naughty grin::) "Lit"sters, threw them together in a love scene that must be completed in 10 posts (no more, no less). Sounds simple, yes? Well, what if we gave them new identities? Like say, they had to play celebrities. . .living or dead, from all walks of life, AND they didn't know who they were playing against? Think Donald Duck meets Marilyn Monroe here. . . Of course, YOU won't either. At first. The idea is for YOU, the reading audience, to figure it out before they complete the dirty deed!

Awww, don't run away now. They'll give you clues in each of their posts. And they'll highlight at least one clue per post.

Now, don't be shy shout out (another words, post here) your guesses. If you figure them out before they consumate their union. . .they're OUTTA here and we'll bring in two (or maybe more. . .wicked naughty grin::) new contestants. We'll keep doing this until you figure out who's who in this madcap game of STAR-CROSSED — THE GAME or you kick me off the board ::winces::!

Soooooooooo, without further ado, let me present our first two contestants. . . the lovely and sassy, Cuervorose and her leading man. . .You may know him as Afternooner but he's back, hotter and sexier than before as Prometheus 2!

If you are intrigued with this little caper of ours and would like to be considered for a future starring role, please drop by Rick's Rooftop (or PM me) and look me up. . .the casting couch is waiting. HA!

Take it away, Cuervorose & Prometheus 2!!!
Post #1 of 5

She stretched lithely on the bed her dark hair spreading on the pillow behind her. She lay clad in an enchanting negligee in candy pink. Her charm bracelet the only other adornment against her pale skin. Her large, dark eyes rimmed with lushious lashes looked towards the door for her newest lover to emerge. She had met him after coming back from a trip down memory lane in Italy. She rubbed her lips together in anticpation of what was to come as she stared at the door, willing him to walk through and light her body in a white hot fire of passion. She needed a hard, rough afternoon of Neanderthal sex to relax her body after a hard day. She opened her eyes and her breathing quickened as the door started to slowly open...
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Re: Post #1 of 5

cuervorose said:
She stretched lithely on the bed her dark hair spreading on the pillow behind her. She lay clad in an enchanting negligee in candy pink. Her charm bracelet the only other adornment against her pale skin. Her large, dark eyes rimmed with lushious lashes looked towards the door for her newest lover to emerge. She had met him after coming back from a trip down memory lane in Italy. She rubbed her lips together in anticpation of what was to come as she stared at the door, willing him to walk through and light her body in a white hot fire of passion. She needed a hard, rough afternoon of Neanderthal sex to relax her body after a hard day. She opened her eyes and her breathing quickened as the door started to slowly open...
post 1 of 5

Having just graduated from college, he didnt know where his life was heading so he was taking one day at a time and this day was going to be an event in his young life that he would never forget.

he smoothed back his dark hair and glanced in the hall mirror before he opened the bedroom door. Looking back at him were the eyes of inexperience and he observed a body trembling in anticipation. Inside this body there was a fire raging beyond control. He hoped that this experienced woman who was waiting behind the closed door would quench this fire and guide him on his journey to manhood. He straightened his tie and his hand grazed the toothbrush he had put in his breast pocket before leaving home, thinking in amusement that his mother had always advised him to be prepared. The question was however was he really ready for this experience? Was he ready to take the bull by the horns as his fathers friends had advised? He took a deep breath and pushed the door asertively open putting on the face of someone in charge as he gazed at the spectical before him .
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Re: post 1 of 5

prometheus 2 said:
Having just graduated from college,

I'll take a stab-- are you Dustin Hoffman in the Graduate?
Re: Re: post 1 of 5

gaigirl said:
I'll take a stab-- are you Dustin Hoffman in the Graduate?

You got it, lady! That was quick.

Okay, we'll start a new round as soon as I get some new contestants. . .Anyone interested?

Rose, you can audition again, if you'd like.

I'll gracefully step aside in favor of someone else. However if you find yourself without a volunteer in the thread, PM me, I'll be glad to step up again.

BTW, to all, I was Rose McGowan

She stretched lithely on the bed her dark hair spreading on the pillow behind her. She lay clad in an enchanting negligee in candy pink. Her charm bracelet the only other adornment against her pale skin. Her large, dark eyes rimmed with lushious lashes looked towards the door for her newest lover to emerge. She had met him after coming back from a trip down memory lane in Italy. She rubbed her lips together in anticpation of what was to come as she stared at the door, willing him to walk through and light her body in a white hot fire of passion. She needed a hard, rough afternoon of Neanderthal sex to relax her body after a hard day. She opened her eyes and her breathing quickened as the door started to slowly open...

Candy Pink=Jawbreaker
Italy=where she was born
Neanderthal=Encino Man

I tried!!
Okay Rose, I'm Changing the Rules

I've thought about this and I think the way we should do this is as follows:

If your character is "discovered" by our reading audience. The scene is over and that writer must sit out the next round (they can always come back later in the game). The other writer will continue on to the next round with a new character (PM me, Rose, if you will, please) and a new co-star!

So guess what, Rose??? That means you're back up there! And this time you're leading man is the adorably cuddly HT, aka Hunting Tiger!

Take it away, HT!!! ::pulls back the curtain and allows Tiger to take the stage first this time::
post # 1

He had found the note in his mail this morning.

"Show up tonight at the Victoria hotel at 9 pm. Go to room 666 and I promise to deliver some really hot stuff for you."

He was always looking for a good story since he was a journalist so it was not surprising that he now was standing outside room 666 hoping for another scoop. He knocked on the door and stept inside.

"Hello .. is anybody here ?"

Noone answered his call so he started to look around in the room. It wasn't much to see, it was the typical hotel room with a big double bed, a couch and in front of it a table with a vase filled with roses. Beside the bed a clock showed 8.55 so he decided to sit down on the couch and wait for his informer. He was still wearing the clothes he had been wearing at work, the blue shirt, a tie and his dark pants.

He heard a noise a few minutes later, looked up and could see the door start to open.
Post #1 of 5 (round 2)

She watched as the journalist walked into the room. She had been waiting for him. When the front desk called the room, as she had requested, to tell her he was here, she had slipped out of the room and around the corner to wait. Her note, she knew, had been tempting. His sense of curiosity would be inflamed, as would other parts of him before she was through. She had specifically invited him here, to this hotel fit for the gods themselves. She slowly opened the door and stood in the entryway, letting him take in the sight of her. Her hourglass figure, large dark eyes and hair the color of the night sky. The March breeze drifted in through the window, ruffling the linen sheathe that clung to her peaks and valleys. She spoke softly as she made her way across the room, "You're right on time. I have something delightfully juicy to share with you". She lifted a rose from the vase and held it to her nose, letting the cool water drip from the stem to a spot between her lush breasts...
post # 2 of 5

It took a while before he recognized her. He had always dreamt about meeting her and here she finally was only a few feet from him. She was by far the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, he didn't need his glasses to see that.

His curiousity was awoken as he heard her soft voice talking about the juicy things she would share with him but he soon forgot about that as he saw the water drops from the rose falling down and start to run slowly in between her breasts. Breasts that he longed to let his hands brush against, to touch, to squeeze, to lick and suck before they finally would be pressed against his muscular chest. He slowly started to undress her in his mind, starting with the dark nipples of her breasts, going down over her stomach with its belly button towards her most private parts.

He stopped just in time, felt a bit ashamed, looked up into her dark eyes and said.
"I can't wait to hear about the juicy things you are going to share with me"
LOL. The clues can be subtle gents.

Poor rose :rose: abandoned in the heat of the moment.....
OK, OK...

This time, I'm not telling my character though...I'm going to keep using her till someone guesses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

::Hands the first place ribbon to Rose once again!:::

Nice job, dear! And yes, if you'd like to keep your character as you continue on to the next round, that's fine.

Now let's meet your new co-star(S). :::wicked grin:: That's right, this time we're going to mix things up a bit and put you in a threesome with CaptainB and SexyChele!

Okay gang, take it away! (We'll allow first come, first serve this time around. . .) Oh! And you'll each get 5 posts each!
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post 1

I’d been sitting in the car for twenty minutes, watching the hotel entrance. Nothing unusual was going on, although that in itself was suspicious. But the old black car was getting chilly with the engine off, so I pushed my fedora onto my head, picked up my briefcase, and exited the vehicle.

Quickly moving through the lobby, I bypassed the front desk and headed for the stairwell. I paused briefly behind a column and listened to one of the bellhops complaining on the payphone about how much of his paycheck went to taxes. Making a note of his name, I patted my pocket for reassurance and started climbing the stairs. It was a bit harder work than the desk job I was used to, and I stopped to catch my breath before opening the hallway door.

Outside of room 666 I paused and listened at the door, then slipped a set of oddly-shaped keys from my pocket. Choosing one, I jiggled it in the lock and the door shortly opened. I stepped inside, hand in my pocket, then relaxed as I saw who was on the bed. I pushed the door closed behind me, shrugged out of my trenchcoat, and said, “Hello, I’m John.
Post 1 of 5

I was sitting in the hotel bar, a drink in front of me, men on either side of me, when I saw him walk quickly through the lobby. I slid from the bar stool, and walked to the entrance of the lobby. It had to be him, but what the hell was he doing here?

“Hey, darlin’, c’mon on back and finish your drink! We wanna hear s’more of those stories you tell.” A drunk at the bar, caught by a combination of my beauty, stories of my time spent in Mexico, and the gin he was consuming called out to me.

“Later,” I called out roughly. “I just found a friend I have to meet.”

I stepped through the lobby, and followed him to the stairwell. As always, he seemed cautious and aware, and I knew I would have to be careful. I waited a full minute before quietly entering the stairway, hearing him above me. I removed my shoes, and began my journey up the stairs, pausing when he did. I smiled to myself. Yes, I suppose it had been a while since he’d had any real exercise. My travels in Mexico had only further made me physically fit. Though I was slim, my body had just the right curves in all the right places.

Ah, but now he was moving again, and I followed. I heard a door open, then close. Quickly taking the last flight of stairs, I noticed it was the 6th floor. Opening it a crack, I could watched as he stopped in front of a door, pull a set of keys from his pocket, and unlock the door. Some things never change.

Putting my shoes back on my feet, I quickly walked down the corridor until I reached the door – 666 – and pushed it open. The sight before me caused me to smile. Sliding against the door jamb, I looked on with amusement.

“Well, well, well. Don’t tell me I’ve interrupted a party? And you know how I’ve always loved a party. Can a girl get a drink?”
1st of mine

I lay stretched on the bed, half covered by the silken sheet. I had been trying to catch a catnap when I heard a noise at the door. It opened slowly and He walked in, introducing himself with a matter-of-fact statement. I quickly pulled the sheet up to cover myself, watching him as he walked across the room. He shrugged quickly from the trenchcoat to stand leering at me. I stood, the sheet slipping from skin as smooth as Velvet. If he wanted me, he would get me, and I would send him to the seventh layer of heaven. She walked past him, her belly brushing his arm, her breast barely grazing his shirt. I strode to the small table and poured a drink, peering out the window to the river below. I turned to him suddenly, setting the stemmed glass down. My bare feet made no sound as I walked back to him, watching his eyes make their way from my legs up. I locked my eyes on his as I reached and pulled his head to mine in a breathtaking, long, slow kiss...
post 2

She was smooth and silky, and designed to make men’s eyes turn and their bellies flop. She didn’t say a word as she wrapped her arms around my neck and locked her lips on mine. I felt one long leg rise to rub up and down the back of my calf, and my hand rose under the sheet against her bare flesh, rising over her ribs until I felt the weight of her breast pressing against me.

“Well, well, well. Don’t tell me I’ve interrupted a party?” I whirled around, my hand diving into my pocket, then relaxed. The new one pushed the door closed and arched an eyebrow at us. “And you know how I’ve always loved a party. Can a girl get a drink?”

I slowly moved toward her, hearing a soft clink of glass on glass behind me. “Of course,” I said, walking behind her and stopping. “But first I’ll need to check if you’re clean.” I placed my hands on her hips and ran them down the outside of her legs, reversing at the ankles and sliding them up the inside of her calves. She was toned, her muscles firm under the tanned skin. At the last moment, my hands slid from between her legs, cupping her ass for a moment before running them up her side, under her full breasts and down her belly. I looked over her shoulder and smiled at the dark-haired one as she approached, wine glass held out in offering.

“I’d have searched you too, but it’s clear you’re not concealing anything,” I said, catching her figure through the sheer linen against the streetlight outside. “And I don’t think you’re a red, although with any luck I’ll soon be looking at some pink.”
Post 2

As she handed the new beauty a glass of blood-red merlot, she listened to the light verbal sparring with a smile. "You might see a lot of pink if you play your cards right. Maybe even more, if your friend here would care to join us." She smiled again, mysteriously. She glanced at the hourglass, it's sand flowing freely and remarked coyly, "My, isn't the time flying?" She slowly peeled off the light linen sheathe and stood there in naked glory. She reached slowly for the now half empty wineglass, and set it gently on the side table. Her sunbronzed skin was soft against the other womans face as she gently brushed her hand across her cheek, tracing a line down her throat, trailing delicately with a single fingertip to the hollow between her ripe breasts before slowly turning away. She moved gracefully, cat-like, to the bed. She leaned back against the headboard, arms outstretched, legs extended. Slyly, she grinned, "Care to join me? I do believe there is plenty of room for all three?"
Post 2 of 5

I smiled seductively as his hands roamed freely over my body. I did not object to his "search", in fact quite the opposite reaction. I felt my body begin to stir under his touch - just as it had in the past. I smiled at the beauty before us over the rim of my glass, drinking her in. How beautiful she would be to photograph. Such perfect lines about her face, and a body that would make art of the camera's work.

Turning in his arms, a laugh on my lips, my eyes look up into his teasingly. "If the Mexican government could find nothing on me regarding Julio Mella, then why should you?"

Feeling her fingers on my skin, I feel my body become even more inflamed. My brown eyes drink in every inch of her even as my skin shivers delightfully at her touch. When she moves away, it is all too soon.

Turning, I watched as the woman stretched out on the bed, her body on display - open, willing, inviting. Hearing her words of invitation, I set down my glass, my eyes never leaving the figure before me. Slipping the silky material from my shoulders, I let the dress fall to the floor and walk gracefully to the bed. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, I turn towards her. Running my fingers lightly down the sides of her body, I gently feel her curves and the silkiness of her skin. Her eyes shining, I glance at the man standing there at the end of the bed, watching. Feeling his lust growing, I turn towards the woman and smile knowingly.

I stretch out beside her, laying on my side as my hand continues the exploration of her body. Gently, softly I lean towards her and nuzzle her cheek. Placing a series of soft kisses along her jaw, I finally reach her lips and place mine over them. Drinking in her sweetness, tasting the beauty and sliding into it, I bring my hand up to her breast and cup it. My thumb rubs the nipple until it is erect, feeling my own tighten and harden, aching for attention.

I slide one leg along hers, entwining together and stretching apart, until her invitation is complete.
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post 3

Watching these two was getting my blood to boil. Their nude bodies entwining on the bed, hands caressing the others' breasts as they softly kissed, served to heighten my expectations. I undid my tie and unbuttoned my shirt, kicking off my shoes at the same time. One of the vixen's legs teased the other's thighs open, and her hand dipped low and cupped her crotch, eliciting a sigh as her middle finger slipped past those soft folds.

My pants were off now, and both women paused in their lovemaking. Although encased in silk panties, my erection was firmly outlined against the thin material. I stepped forward, hands on hips, and presented myself proudly.

They reached out and stroked along the length of my cock, the silk rubbing deliciously against the solid flesh. As one, they pulled down the underwear, softly cooing as my nightstick bobbed briefly then held itself firmly upright. A single clear droplet glistened at the tip.

"Mmm," one of them sighed. "That looks good enough to kiss."

I cleared my throat. "You realize I'm powerless to act in cases of oral-genital intimacy, unless it has in some way obstructed interstate commerce." Then a pair of warm lips enveloped the tip, and all thoughts of rules started to slide away.