Stand Up For America Rally Speech


Jan 27, 2003
I received this in an email but I also did a search ol for the speech.. to see if there were any other records of it having been made. I found several sites with the same speech that I received.

Also I appologize if this has already been posted before.

-Last week, the Shelby County Alabama Legislative Delegation hosted a "Stand Up for America Rally." More than 1,200 people attended including featured speakers Chief Justice Roy Moore, Adjutant General Mark Bowen and Alabama State Auditor Beth Chapman. Attached is a copy of Mrs. Chapman's speech, which resulted in five standing ovations, tremendous applause and an encore. It's a short read and well worth it.

Stand Up for America Rally Speech
By: Beth Chapman

I'm here tonight because men and women of the United States military have given their lives for my freedom.

I am not here tonight because Sheryl Crowe, Rosie O'Donnell, Martin Sheen, George Clooney, Jane Fonda or Phil Donahue, sacrificed their lives for me.

If my memory serves me correctly, it was not movie stars or musicians, but the United States Military who fought on the shores of Iwo Jima, the jungles of Vietnam, and the beaches of Normandy. Tonight, I say we should support the President of the United States and the U.S. Military and tell the liberal, tree-hugging, Birkenstock-wearing, hippy, tie-dyed liberals to go make their movies and music and whine somewhere else.

After all, if they lived in Iraq, they wouldn't be allowed the freedom of speech they're being given here today. Ironically, they would be put to death at the hands of Sadam Hussein or Osama Bin Laden. I want to know how the very people who are against war because of the loss of life, can possibly be the same people who are for abortion?

They are the same people who are for animal rights but against the rights of the unborn. The movie stars say they want to go to Iraq and serve as "human shields for the Iraqis. I say let them buy a one-way ticket and go.

No one likes war. I hate war! But the one thing I hate more is the fact that this country has been forced into war--innocent people have lost their lives - - and there but for the grace of God, it could have been my brother, my husband, or even worse my own son.

On December 7, 1941, there are no records of movie stars treading the blazing waters of Pearl Harbor.

On September 11, 2001; there are no photos of movie stars standing as "human shields" against the debris and falling bodies ascending from the World Trade Center. There were only policemen and firemen - -underpaid civil servants who gave their all with nothing expected in return.

When the USS Cole was bombed, there were no movie stars guarding the ship -- where were the human shields then?

If America's movie stars want to be human shields, let them shield the gang-ridden streets of Los Angeles, or New York City, let them shield the lives of the children of North Birmingham whose mothers put them down to sleep on the floor each night to shelter them from stray bullets.

If they want to be human shields, I say let them shield the men and women of honesty and integrity that epitomize courage and embody the spirit of freedom by wearing the proud uniforms of the United States Military. Those are the people who have earned and deserve shielding!

Throughout the course of history, this country has remained free, not because of movie stars and liberal activists, but because of brave men and women who hated war too. However, they lay down their lives so that we all may live in freedom. After all - "Greater love hath no man, than that he lay down his life for his friend," or in this case a country.

We should give our military honor and acknowledgement and not let their lives be in vain. If you want to see true human shields, walk through Arlington Cemetery. There lie human shields, heroes, and the BRAVE Americans who didn't get on television and talk about being a human shield - -they were human shields.

I thank God tonight for freedom - - those who bought and paid for it with their lives in the past - - those who will protect it in the present and defend it in the future.

America has remained silent too long! God-fearing people have remained silent too long!

We must lift our voices united in a humble prayer to God for guidance and the strength and courage to sustain us throughout whatever the future may hold.

After the tragic events of Sept. 11th, my then eleven -year-old son said terrorism is a war between them and us and if you're not one of us, then you're one of them.

So in closing tonight, let us be of one accord, let us stand proud, and let us be the human shields of prayer, encouragement and support for the President, our troops and their families and our country.

May God bless America, the land of the free, the home of the brave and the greatest country on the face of this earth!

"I stand here, to stand up for AMERICA! Land of the Free, Home of the Brave! BUT HOW DARE OTHER PEOPLE USE THEIR FREEDOMS!"
Our brave men and women over time have fought for the right for celebrities to be able to voice their opinions along with our other unalienable rights. Annoying as shit, yes, but it's their right.
And most people wonder why I am fussy about what movies I go see

After Moores comments at the awards I turned off the TV

granted he is allowed to voice his opinion as I am able to voice mine

never will I see another movie by him and quite a few people here will not see any more movies by him again
Yes I agree completely Eumenides it is their right.

What bothers me is the few that I think are simply using the war to get a few minutes of airtime. Keep in mind I said few before I'm fussed at. :) And yes the same can be said from the other end of the spectrum.. people in the government and a few others.

Just as it was her right to express her opinions. I think that some people are losing sight of that. It becomes heated and some people miss the obvious. They have freedom to say what they want, share their thoughts and opinions with whomever.

Just as the American people have the right to decide to boycott the Dixie Chicks, a group who I like and will not be boycotting even tho I disagreed with what she said.

It just seems that while everyone happens to agree that we have freedom of speech, everyone get's their knickers in a twist over it.. when it's someone or something they disagree with.
Funny how the author doesn't mention that neither were there state auditors "standing up" while people die. So easy to send kids off to die from the comfort of the Shelby County hall, don't you think?

Furthermore, those same entertainers whom she maligns sure as hell WERE there after the bombing of the Trade Towers. They were there to raise money for the survivors and the families of those lost. They worked without pay to help NYC regain lost capital from tourism. What was Ms Chapman doing down in Alabama? Bet she salved her conscience donating $20 to disaster relief.

I'd hazard a guess that more actors have served in the military than have state auditors. That they've donated more cash to those in need than have state auditors. And I'm guessing there were no state auditors on the deck of the USS Cole, either.

I can see why she feels she has far more right to her opinions then those pesky actors.

I only saw her mention the actors being there during the WTC.. not after. I don't think anyone questions that.

I think my point was missed here. :)

She has just as much right to her opinion as the celebrities, as you and I do. That's the wonderful thing about our country. We have that right.
Well then she's simply stupid, as NO civilians without proper training were permitted to be on-site during the excavation. Not even precious state auditors.

I do believe that at least one of the Baldwin brothers was turned away, even though he'd served with the Nassau County Volunteer Fire Fighters. I could be wrong, but that's my recollection.

I have no clue what your point was, Kitty, but her point was very clear. "Tonight, I say we should support the President of the United States and the U.S. Military and tell the liberal, tree-hugging, Birkenstock-wearing, hippy, tie-dyed liberals to go make their movies and music and whine somewhere else. "

By the same token, I think that entertainers who've had a long tradition of supporting our troops during wartime and peacetime via the USO have the right to "whine" where ever the hell they want to. Unlike Ms Chapman.

I wonder if she's ever even baked a box of cookies for those troops she supports from the safety of Shelby County, AL.
My problem with the Hollywood crowd is not that they protest, that's their right. It's that they seek out the cameras with what looks to me the attitude that their opinions should hold more credence because of their celebrity status. When the reality is, they are just folks like the rest of us exercising their freedom to assemble. They have no more insight, no more information, no more knowledge than the rest of us. The only thing they have "more" of is name/face recognition. So let them protest, but let them protest with the rest of the common folk, in the anonimity of the masses.

I believe her point about the WTC, Nora, was that people who put their lives on the line, the people who serve us and protect us.. such as policemen, emt's and firefighters were there. That celebrities do not put themselves out in the front of danger for us.

As to my point, I've stated what it was several times.

We all have the freedom of speech, be it celebrities, clergymen, teachers, doctors, policemen, porn stars and housewives. Whether we like what they say or not, they have the right to say it.

So why do you think that celebrities have more of a right to whine than she does? Is she any less American than they are? Do you see where I'm going here? You are denying her right to say what she thinks because you disagree with it, which is exactly what she's done.
No. What I'm saying is that by her logic, she has even less of a right to voice her opinion.

Emi, people seek out celebrities to endorse their campaigns. When Charleton Heston uses his celebrity status to boost the NRA's message is he saying that he has more knowledge or insight into gun control issues than the average joe, or is he just using his fame to gain attention for a cause he holds near and dear to his heart? Likewise with Audrey Hepburn and UNICEF (or that skanky chick who's doing it now...I can't remember her name). Or when Arnold Schwarzenegger stumps for republican candidates?

If you put it into terms of consumerism, celebrity status helps sell product. It's just that simple. If the consumer places credence into a celebrity's status that's the "fault" of the consumer, not the person pushing the shaving cream, reeboks or pro/anti war message.
Nora said:
No. What I'm saying is that by her logic, she has even less of a right to voice her opinion.

Emi, people seek out celebrities to endorse their campaigns. When Charleton Heston uses his celebrity status to boost the NRA's message is he saying that he has more knowledge or insight into gun control issues than the average joe, or is he just using his fame to gain attention for a cause he holds near and dear to his heart? Likewise with Audrey Hepburn and UNICEF (or that skanky chick who's doing it now...I can't remember her name). Or when Arnold Schwarzenegger stumps for republican candidates?

If you put it into terms of consumerism, celebrity status helps sell product. It's just that simple. If the consumer places credence into a celebrity's status that's the "fault" of the consumer, not the person pushing the shaving cream, reeboks or pro/anti war message.

I still don't see that, we don't know what she has or hasn't done in support of our troops. Possibly because she doesn't have the media reporting every move she's made or hasn't made. Or counting how many cookies she's mailed off.

But I'm glad you cleared that up. That you don't actually feel that she has less rights to express her opinions about celebrities doing so.. simply because she isn't a celebrity or in the armed forces. :)

Oh and I couldnt agree more with your last sentence. It's the consumer's fault for buying into anything a celebrity says simply because they have that status. Without thinking on their own.. shame too many people are like that though.