Stalker wanted.

Dietrich K.

Literotica Guru
Sep 28, 2002
Part time Lit poster needs constant validation.

Apply here.

Large breasts a plus.

Can I nominate someone?

May I also put in my own shameless plug for a stalker? :D
Dietrich K. said:
If those are yours in your av, they'll do just fine.
Ok, am I suppose to send you pm, be obnoxious, or anything? I am not good at being mean, or obnoxious.
Well, Eumenides is going to be gone for the next 11 days, so I could use something to fill my time.

Whatcha got that's stalk-worthy?
Dietrich K. said:
Sure ... bring'em on!

Well you pretty much had a thread started in your honor this morning. ;-)

We could always stalk one another as well. I'm stalkerless.
littlekateyes said:
Ok, am I suppose to send you pm, be obnoxious, or anything? I am not good at being mean, or obnoxious.

PMs are wonderful. You don't have to be mean, just follow me around the board telling me how insightful, delightful, and thought provoking my posts are and how much you want me. :D
Dietrich K. said:
PMs are wonderful. You don't have to be mean, just follow me around the board telling me how insightful, delightful, and thought provoking my posts are and how much you want me. :D
I can do that.:)
Shadwann2 said:
Me! Me! Me! The more I see of your AV the happier I'll be!:devil:

Hey, I'm supposed to be stalking you!

Okay ... we'll stalk each other. You can stare at my cock, I can stare at your ass, we'll both be happy. :devil: