Stages of Bimbofication?


Really Really Experienced
May 6, 2010
I was fascinated by the story a few months ago that a British teen, Lauren Marbe, has a higher IQ than Einstein. It got me thinking that it would fun to add a few years to her in a story characterization of her and dumb her down.

I imagine a scenario where she gets a high profile internship at some firm. It's no coincidence that her boss (deciding on a gender still) had a hand in recruiting Lauren. He makes it his project to make the proud, young, yet somehow naive girl into his bimbo.

How? I like the brainwash route. Subliminal messaging through the audio interviews he conducts with his research subject which he tells her to transcribe (yes, I know there's voice to text technology - it's a draft idea.) I wonder how her transformation goes about. It'd be best if it was slow and she had some idea what was happening. What kinds of aspects would factor in and in what kind of sequence?

Subtleties like being unable to remember a "smart" word? Opting for an innocent amount of makeup? Dressier/Tighter/revealing office attire clothing? Hair lightening/bleaching? Brazilian? Boob enhancement?
I was fascinated by the story a few months ago that a British teen, Lauren Marbe, has a higher IQ than Einstein. It got me thinking that it would fun to add a few years to her in a story characterization of her and dumb her down.

I imagine a scenario where she gets a high profile internship at some firm. It's no coincidence that her boss (deciding on a gender still) had a hand in recruiting Lauren. He makes it his project to make the proud, young, yet somehow naive girl into his bimbo.

How? I like the brainwash route. Subliminal messaging through the audio interviews he conducts with his research subject which he tells her to transcribe (yes, I know there's voice to text technology - it's a draft idea.) I wonder how her transformation goes about. It'd be best if it was slow and she had some idea what was happening. What kinds of aspects would factor in and in what kind of sequence?

Subtleties like being unable to remember a "smart" word? Opting for an innocent amount of makeup? Dressier/Tighter/revealing office attire clothing? Hair lightening/bleaching? Brazilian? Boob enhancement?

This sounds like a really sexist story idea... Why does it give you pleasure to turn an intelligent young woman into a bimbo?
This sounds like a really sexist story idea... Why does it give you pleasure to turn an intelligent young woman into a bimbo?
It certainly is disgustingly sexist. Not to mention she was a minority, so it's racist also. It's also totally degrading to think that she'd be handled in that way. Man, now that's hot.

Now can you please explain in lurid detail every step of the horribly wicked process that the girl is put through? I assume there is some sort of a test at each stage of the degradation which proves that she's passed that bimboification level. What are those tests?

And how did you test those tests? I assume they were pretty intense. Does the bimbify condition fade away? Maybe the brain comes back with a vengeance.
Any reason the bimbo can't be a guy?
Maybe the cursed victim can only rid her(him)self of bimbification by passing it on to another unsuspecting victim...

Punch, brothers, punch... (A literary nightmare, Mark Twain)
Well, as a woman, I find the idea of the bimbo character being a male sexually appealing. Besides, the woman being the bimbo has been played to death. A little equal opportunity is usually good for everyone. :)
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Bimbos are pretty much by definition female.

This idea is not sexist and it's definitely not racist. Holy shit.

The idea is quite interesting but it's gonna be a hard one to get down. I like the idea of her transcribing and if you don't like that because of voice recognition (which in my experience still sucks and it never offers feed back and if you happen to stop and think aloud it doesn't realize that you saying "well I wonder if this would sound better with this word" that you didn't want that) there's always proof reading.

As for her getting dumbed down, that is absolutely unnecessary. Look at police interogations, military training, magicians or that great trap that gets us all advertising, falling for subliminal messages isn't about being stupid. It's about being manipulated and to some extent the smarter you are the easier it is to fall for it because you THINK you're immune.

The biggest problem I see with this story is the risk of it running long. A lot of good ideas have a hard time being boiled down into a quickie and the fact of the matter is it's easier to get someone to sit down for an episode of Game of Thrones than the Lord of the Rings trilogy. That said I'll give a few suggestions.

Since we've already got the idea of dictation going I'd have her work on an ad for the firm, it can be a commercial, a training video, a magazine ad, it doesn't matter other than they need some models. Make sure she roughly fits the description of the woman who's wanted. Then have her sit in for a "woman's" opinion and eventually work through however many women seemingly uninterested. (repeat off screen so to speak) Eventually someone drops the hint that she'd be ideal. It gets the hook in her even if she doesn't take it.

If she takes it, go into a photo shoot, if not eventually hire someone and go to the photoshoot again with here around as a female adviser. Make sure she's aware of the size of the check and again have someone, perhaps the photographer hint at how easily that could have been hers.

From there establish somehow that this is a close knit company. You're expected at the parties and such. I'd probably have a slightly below her intern get brought on full time before her, possibly a few. It needs to be clear that it's not actually about women sleeping their way to the top it's more that being at a party and drinking and having fun and well sex is fun, but the guys are getting promoted because they can talk sports and blah blah. Again it starts getting in her head.

Next party she shows up dressier. Contrary to popular belief inteligence is not the opposite of sexy. In fact in my experience it's quite the opposite and not for that cliche bullshit about the brain being sexiest part of a woman. I've yet to learn to see a woman's brain from across the room, what I have found is there tends a decent correlation between a woman's inteligence, self esteem and physical fitness. So in walks our heroine, smart, sexy, confident and she knows what she wants. She wants to have fun and be seen as fun to be around. If you're looking for a shorter story stop here and have sex or possibly back at the photo shoot, if you plan on going the distance let her get a bit frisky but more of a tease than a slut.

Back at work I'd pull the classic "oops I spilled something on your coat" so she has to spend the day in her blouse complete with everybody pretending not to stare. She ends up at the bar after work and enjoys being the center of attention. I think it's a bit better if she pretends to be drunk, she wants to see how far they'll go but at the same time SHE wants to be in charge. (Of course she's not really in charge and hasn't been from day one.) I'd go for a threesome here but that's to mix it up.

After this I'd do a time skip of perhaps a year. She's a full time employee, she's extremely well paid. She has the respect of her peers (for the most part) she's quite good at her job at any rate and nobody would suggest that she got her job by being a bimbo. She didn't. I might even introduce a girl at this point who DID sleep her way to the top and show the outright disrespect she gets behind her back. Our girl however is quite the little slut at this point at spends a lot of her time having sex with several of the men. It's sort of an everybody is taking advantage of everybody thing. They think they got in her head (they did) and she thinks she has them wrapped around. . .well that she's got her cunt wrapped around their cocks. Which isn't untrue. A hard working inteligent slut isn't exactly a disposable commodity.

From this point it's just a matter of how many scenes and sequels do you want and how kinky do you want it to get. This can go on as long and as far as you want and you'll get decent readers if you do even a half way decent job. I would probably plan for the ending though it's better to leave an audiance hungry than go on past their interest. (Especially since each new chapter will have less readers than the one before almost by law)

I'd make sure to have plenty of times when she's second guessing this that or the other but ultimately goes forward not just because she's having fun or feels it's necessary. She needs to feel intimidated or truly pressured rarely. There just needs to be a nag in her mind that kicks in at each new plateau.

Ultimately if you're writing this for pro-female audience she needs to somehow ruin the men and the company for what they did to her, if you're writing more towards males she needs to at some point become truly happy as their toy and perhaps help them bring in a new lady, if you're writing for a neutral audience either everybody falls or everybody wins but either way everybody has to be on equal terms.
Bimbos are pretty much by definition female.

This idea is not sexist and it's definitely not racist. .....
Now honey, you're being serious and logical. I guess the bimboificaiton pills haven't set in quite yet. Why not just relax and watch a bit of reality TV and let's talk in an hour?

Sounds like a fantastic idea for a story.

One of my all time favorite stories had a similar plot, "Corporate Whore." A young lady worked for a corporation and was slowly made a whore. Unfortunately it got taken down. :(:(:(

But for a story like this, I would skip the subliminal messaging part. Perhaps the girl is incredibly motivated and driven. She wants to be the best she can be and is super excited.

The boss gives her subtle hints, like telling her she dresses to stuffy, and that modern day women are more relaxed in order to get associate with men better. That basically hints that he wants her to show more skin.

He gives her more tips like that. It eventually gets to the point where she's sucking him off in his office and gets promotions and raises.

The other women gossip about her, she's hurt by it, but she doesn't care because her career is climbing fast.
Bimbos are pretty much by definition female.

This idea is not sexist and it's definitely not racist. Holy shit.
This isn't sexist? Then you should understand then that there are those who like the idea of a male character being turned into a bimbo, or whatever names that would signify "bimbo" for males.
Brainwashing is simply basic advertising; keep the message out there and people will believe it after enough exposures to it. I've often wondered why we erect School Zone NO PASSING signs where kids can see them twice a day, every day.
Maybe the cursed victim can only rid her(him)self of bimbification by passing it on to another unsuspecting victim...

Punch, brothers, punch... (A literary nightmare, Mark Twain)

Yeah, or maybe kind of like a vamp virus..Then there would be a legion of Stepford type bimbos running around. Would make an interesting TV show..Or it could be all males which could be more interesting. The Stepford Curse..Only in reverse. :)
Yeah, or maybe kind of like a vamp virus..Then there would be a legion of Stepford type bimbos running around. Would make an interesting TV show..Or it could be all males which could be more interesting. The Stepford Curse..Only in reverse. :)

by the way, it's perfectly fine for the character to be totally racist, sexist etc, and that can be associated either with what he / she finds hot or disgusting, etc. It's a character.

Secondly, I do think that there's no problem with the male version but you'd have to do better than just assert there's a 'male bimbo.' The translation of that into personality, action, interests, etc isn't simple. The closest equal is likely a male who dances at ladies' clubs.
I usually don't reply to story ideas thread but I am sort of intrigued.

First, what is a bimbo? A bimbo is not a woman who will have sex with anyone or is otherwise easlily talked into taking off her pants. A "bimbo" is not necessarily a woman who is "easy". However, a "bimbo" does have a tendency to make bad decisions when it comes to men. Even if a bimbo was a virgin when she got married, she probably fell for a guy who was a womanizer or chronically unemployed or a drunk or the sort who breaks furniture if she makes the mistake of running a vacuum while he is watching the latest episode of Amish Mafia. A "bimbo" is not necessarily a woman who dresses provacatively to attract men. Fashion is a billion dollar industry. A "bimbo", however, makes seriously bad fashion decisions when she is trying to dress provacatively. Either nobody ever told her that her ass and thighs are too big for pink spandex or she has learned that the best way to attract a chubby chaser is to wrap it in spandex and let it shake. "Bimbos" are not necessarily unintelligent. But their interests aren't worthy of their intelligence. For example, a bimbo software designer might be able to design an app for a cell phone but it will be the kind of app that tells other bimbos which fraternity they are most likely to be asked to be a "little sister".

The most intelligent "bimbo" on the planet? That idea might have legs. Just don't resort to gimmicks to turn her into a bimbo. Put her someplace where her bimboism can thrive. Imagine Snooki as a lawyer. Wait, wasn't that movie called Legally Blonde?

by the way, it's perfectly fine for the character to be totally racist, sexist etc, and that can be associated either with what he / she finds hot or disgusting, etc. It's a character.

Secondly, I do think that there's no problem with the male version but you'd have to do better than just assert there's a 'male bimbo.' The translation of that into personality, action, interests, etc isn't simple. The closest equal is likely a male who dances at ladies' clubs.

I'm not saying a female bimbo character wouldn't make a good story as this is Lit..What I am saying is that I've seen enough female bimbo characters that it's annoying to me and that I would like to read about a male character who is transformed from intelligent to less than. I don't see why this seems far out or that it would mean the male dancing at a ladies's club as an only option.

I'm just giving my pov, not going indepth with story ideas as I'm not on my pc. I don't expect the author to change his story because of what I've said..I thought the story idea he presented sounded good.
I usually don't reply to story ideas thread but I am sort of intrigued.

First, what is a bimbo? ...

You mean, after bimboification she has become what, exactly? Something less than she was before, by definition.

It was a concept that was as noted explored in the Stepford Wives book/movie, true, there, the women were replaced by robots, but the robots encorporated the features that (the men in the movie) liked, and didn't have the features the men disliked. For example, they could never been nagging or bitchy. They could never have "headaches."

Stepford brought this into sharp contrast, and made one wonder "Why are the guys like that?" and "Are they really like that?" etc

You mean, after bimboification she has become what, exactly? Something less than she was before, by definition.

It was a concept that was as noted explored in the Stepford Wives book/movie, true, there, the women were replaced by robots, but the robots encorporated the features that (the men in the movie) liked, and didn't have the features the men disliked. For example, they could never been nagging or bitchy. They could never have "headaches."

Stepford brought this into sharp contrast, and made one wonder "Why are the guys like that?" and "Are they really like that?" etc

I would try this:

Nobody has to turn her into a bimbo. She reverts to bimboism with each paycheck.

Smart bimbo girl graduates college. Her aunt buys her an appropriate wardrobe and she is coached for job interviews. However, with each paycheck, with each trip to the mall, with each makeover, she becomes more of a bimbo. The men in the firm are all stuff shirts and are afraid if they criticize her clothing they will be sued for sexual harrassment. So they say nothing. The janitor in the building is "gorgeous". She starts sneaking out of the building during breaks to have a cigarette and gives him blowjobs near the executive parking lot. One of the junior executives sees this as he drives past in his beamer but says nothing because the janitor can kick his ass. She helps win an important case for the firm, not because she is so smart, but because the judge has a bimbo fetish and keeps calling her to the bench so he can look down her shirt. Later, he asks to see her in his chambers where she trades sexual favors so her objections can be sustained. She gets drunk at the office Christmas party and all kinds of things happen.
Any reason the bimbo can't be a guy?

I find women to be smarter than men. Not generalizing, but women tend to be more accepting of new ideas based on merit, and are less incumbered by male stupidity.
I find women to be smarter than men. Not generalizing, but women tend to be more accepting of new ideas based on merit, and are less incumbered by male stupidity.

Well, if everyone actually believed that there wouldn't be any bimbo stories or the term "bimbo", although it could be that people do believe this and it's scary as hell...
I guess I'll have to retool or abandon the idea. I wasn't viewing it from a lens of sexism as much as a power game and transformation side of things. A big mistake on my part. I'm not sexist and don't mean to promote it. I would write a man bimbofied, like LadyVer has suggested, just because it plays on those themes. Perhaps the compromise lies in the "smart" bimbo? Would that mean a woman with her same mental capacities, except a very vain outlook? I don't know.

And yes, the brainwashing was a bit over the top for a layered idea like this. Perhaps subtleties is a better option like HeyAll has said.
I guess I'll have to retool or abandon the idea. I wasn't viewing it from a lens of sexism as much as a power game and transformation side of things. A big mistake on my part. I'm not sexist and don't mean to promote it. I would write a man bimbofied, like LadyVer has suggested, just because it plays on those themes. Perhaps the compromise lies in the "smart" bimbo? Would that mean a woman with her same mental capacities, except a very vain outlook? I don't know.

And yes, the brainwashing was a bit over the top for a layered idea like this. Perhaps subtleties is a better option like HeyAll has said.

Just write what you want to write, what you feel comfortable with. You could preface the story with a clarification that your pupose wasn't sexism, etc..Besides, whatever a author writes, they can't please everyone. I just thought a male character in the role was kind of erotic. :) This is Lit so brainwashing in a story doesn't sound too strange to me.
This isn't sexist? Then you should understand then that there are those who like the idea of a male character being turned into a bimbo, or whatever names that would signify "bimbo" for males.

No it's not. Not anymore than Sir is inherently male, Madam is inherently female. I suppose if you're one of those "if your term is specific to a single group, ergo it's racist/sexist what not then yeah. African American Male is both racist and sexist. :rolleyes:

But at that point you're wandering into crazy town.
No it's not. Not anymore than Sir is inherently male, Madam is inherently female. I suppose if you're one of those "if your term is specific to a single group, ergo it's racist/sexist what not then yeah. African American Male is both racist and sexist. :rolleyes:

But at that point you're wandering into crazy town.

I tell you what, Einstein..When you get a vagina get back with me with your knowledge and expertise about the word "bimbo"..Until then you're just one more guy pissing in the wind to hear themselves talk.
I tell you what, Einstein..When you get a vagina get back with me with your knowledge and expertise about the word "bimbo"..Until then you're just one more guy pissing in the wind to hear themselves talk.
Um, and respectfully, you've got it exactly, perfectly backwards.

Here's how.

The bimbo is an archetype viewed through the filtered worldview of a male, not a female. It's an objectification of sexuality of the woman and the denigration or ignoring of other attributes. Thus (remember the argument?) that porn is degrading to women. That's the argument. You can't have it both ways. So when you get a cock, come back and start talking about bimbos. (Lol...)

Meanwhile, take a minute and reflect on what's really obviously an objection to the stereotyping of women and the meaning of that. A story about bimbos can go any of a number of ways. The oppressors/stereotypers can turn out to learn from their mistakes, etc, etc etc. The characters can be deeply flawed.

Basically, you've got imho an argument for/of political correctness.
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