Squicks in Stories

This thread is gross. :(

Squick is Beckham missing two penalties.
My squicks: Bestiality, incest, kids, and scat are the major ones.

Golden showers interest me, never tried it though. Fisting is just too weird and does nothing for me either. Any hardcore humiliation/dom stuff really turns me off.
You really should give a golden shower a try. It is not about degradation or humiliation, it is about intimacy and surrender.
dr-mabeuse wrote
Another squick for me is fisting. I don't like it, and, like scat play and bestiality, it seems to me that it's not as much about sex as it is about insult and ritualized degradation. A little shame and embarrassment is okay, but I don't care for humiliation and degradation in any form.

I appreciate your point of view doc but I think your view on fisting is a popular misconception if you don't mind me saying so. Part of the problem is the name fisting which implies some sort of punching and possibly that images of this act may "appear" violent to the observer or at best a little medical. To the best of my knowledge, some of it personal, nothing could be further than the truth. This kind of handplay is an act of the deepest trust and intimacy between two equals that can be extremely arousing for both partners. I fully understand that even with that information you still may find it a squick.;)

matriarch writes lovingly about it briefly in one of her stories,


A thick luxurient bush of pubic hair is as lovely to me as satin smooth vulva...they're all gorgeous.

Something that I came across in a story put up for discussion a while back that really struck me as a squick and it may come under the heading of humiliation is where a character seems to act with callous disregard of another, a sort of belittling of a person not in the context of a sub/dom scene but a genuine lack of empathy for the other. Don't know if that makes sense? Maybe is just "unattractive" personalties that leave me cold.
Is fisting a squick? Not at all

My lover, Carol, and I would agree completely with HereComestheRain on fisting.

On occasion, we play with other couples, and last year we met a very intriguing couple. We had a wonderful conversation with them over dinner and drinks at a restaurant, and they invited us to join them at a swing club, which we decided to do for the first time.

The woman in this other couple (Stephanie) was from Hong Kong, and she was very sensuous and very open in her embrace of sex and bisexuality. At the swing club, we met up with them, and after dancing together and more conversation, they took us on a tour of the playspace area. It was like being in a philharmonic concert hall for our favorite music: the sounds of a woman crescendoing into orgasm. It had Carol very aroused to see women openly celebrating and embracing their love of sex.

We each went our separate ways for a while, but then met up again and decided to find a private room for ourselves. There Stephanie began sharing some of her toys with Carol, and as Stephanie played with Carol's nipples, I took Carol to a squirting orgasm. Stephanie loved Carol's responsiveness and then asked if she would like to be fisted....and she explained it to us.

Stephanie then began caressing Carol in a beautiful way, relaxing her, and then she began the fisting, entering her with two fingers (and using lubricant), letting her relax and open up, then entering her with four, and again letting Carol relax more and open up. I began holding and touching and stroking Carol on her arms, sitting right alongside of her and even holding her up some. The closest thing I can compare it to is the intimacy and partnership of the LaMaze method of childbirth. Stephanie had very small hands, and it was probably easier for her to enter Carol all the way than the hands of many other women or men. I could describe it in more detail, but to suffice it to say that when Stephanie had fully entered Carol, it became as beautiful and intense and powerful for her as the overwwhelming agony and ecstasy of the orgasms that she has from anal intercourse. Stpehanie and her husband and I kept whispering encouragement and support for Carol, like helping a woman breathe in the right patterns in childbirth. Carol's orgasms became something that arose, it seemed, from an intimate bond of partnership and trust and care and compassion from all of us. There was absolutely nothing humiliating or aggressive or demeaning about it. It was an extraordinary experience.....of high intensity....and not something that we have been in a rush to do again. But that night wove another beautiful strand in the cable that connects myself and Carol, and the experience left her with an added mystical and magical appreciation of her own womanhood.
For some reason it always realy bothers me when a couple starts out together at the beginning of a story but ends up breaking up. I am sure there are exceptions but for the most part once they are introduced together and seem happy it bothers me if they break up. Not realy a squick but there it is.

basicaly i like it when everyone ends up happy and the good guys win. Nothing realy grosses me out as long as the charicters are at some level enjoying it.
sweetsubsarahh said:
Nahh, God and I broke up. (We're currently dating others.)

But the idiots on TV are frightening to me with their hate-filled, misogynistic, narrow-minded views of the world and of the people who live there.

(How can you claim to love God yet hate so violently?)

Of course, worship of money plays into the TV evangelistic crowd quite well. Jerks.


Or maybe they just need to get laid? :D

Tv is just a new media for them, religion has been the biggest killer in history for hundreds of years. the Christians persecuted anyone that disagreed, Muslims are no better. both preach love and understanding both persecute unbelievers even in their own

Its one of those unfortunate situations that sane people have to live with (Hug a tree for me!)

The biggest religion though is Wealth that surely is one evil faith to behold.

shit ive depressed myself now!

HK ;)
Hmmm. True, religion has been used for some ugly things. Then again, if you follow the Nazis far enough back you hit (surprise! not Christianity) Darwin. Let's face it; the problem is not the theory itself. Plenty of people have been killed in the name of eugenics, Marxist economics, democracy, Basque separatism, etc. The problem is ... well, humans suck ;) Anything that stirs a lot of people to action attracts ruthless, exploitative people looking for power. IMHO, doesn't really matter what it is that the theory originally said.

Now squicks :) Other than, of course, the natural human tendancy to be complete bastards to each other. I am happy to go with the pedo / scat / blood theme on that one, adding (as sorry as I am even to mention it) vomit, snuff, and for God's sake the earlier given alternate definition of "squick." Thank you so much, I had finally managed to get the whole topic of trepanning out of my head (har har) for nearly a year and you've brought all of those lovely images flooding back in. And I will add, oddly enough for someone who writes nonhuman stories and is named after a horse, actual bestiality (as opposed to sex with sentient non-humans; sentient is the rule of thumb for me).

And re: the "bush / titties / boobies" discussion, yes, ain't words a sod to get right. I hate "titties" and "boobies" because they sound infantile and nothing is less appealing to me than a lack of intelligence. But then I take sex terrribly seriously ;) Having spent a fair chunk of my time lately writing from the POV of a convent-educated Victorian female, I had the joy of the verbal limbo one must do in trying to give her words for things like "penis" and "clitoris" and "orgasm." It was kind of fun though :) Perhaps a trifle overwritten (oh ok, perhaps a LOT overwritten), but it was fun having to make everything a metaphor or comparative image.
