Spotlight on December!


Polymorphous Perverse
Apr 9, 2002
You've only been here for a day, yet you've caught my eye.

You're mysterious and enigmatic, yet there's something vaguely familiar about you.

So it's question time!

1. Are you sinister or dexter?

2. Girl or boy?

3. Friend or foe?

4. Do you like pie?

5. Do you like to play team sports?

6. Are you a good cook?

7. Are you gay, straight or bi?

8. Would you rather seduce or be seduced?

9. Do you prefer cats or dogs?

10. What's your motto?
1. Are you sinister or dexter? - Both, depending on my mood.

2. Girl or boy? - Both, depending on my mood.

3. Friend or foe? - Both, depending on my mood.

4. Do you like pie? - Absolutely.

5. Do you like to play team sports? - No, I'm too stoned to bother.

6. Are you a good cook? - Depends who I'm cooking for.

7. Are you gay, straight or bi? - Classified.

8. Would you rather seduce or be seduced? - I'm a seducer, baby.

9. Do you prefer cats or dogs? - Neither, they are vexations to my lifestyle.

10. What's your motto? - I have several, there are too many jewels of wisdom to choose only one.
*chuckle* ok and here i was thinking SLG was about to start going over last month's events :)

Welcome to the boards December, please keep all hands, feet and genitals inside the carriage at all times... don't mind us freaks and welcome to the funny farm :)
Thanks, Duck.

What happens if my genitals slip outside of the carriage? Dare I ask?
December said:
What happens if my genitals slip outside of the carriage? Dare I ask?

please don't ask... the last person who let it happen.... well lets just say it wasn't pretty /mourn.