speaking of ghaving locks on the doors of a store that is open 24/7


Super xVirgin Man
Jan 2, 2002
We had an Irving {thats a gas station, huge brand name in the atlantic provinces, and slowly reaching into the new england states} open up here that was a 24/7.

I noticed it had locks on the doors while I was buying some milk, and I remembered the joke about why the need for locks if its open 24/7, so i asked for the mananger so I could ask him a question.

The clerk went out back and got the manager, I asked her in the most serious tone why the doors had locks on them ?

she said to lock the doors

I then pointed out that there was no need if the store was open the 24/7 hours to need to lock the doors

at which point i think she got pissed off, and told me to leave and not come back if I was going to ask such assinine questions.

So therefore I still do not truely understand the need for locks on a place open 24/7 :(
When they build a place, they put stuff in it, mostly tools and stuff. To be secure, they lock it up.

Also, in emergencies, such as after a robbery, stores will close down.

In my area the number one cause of a close of a 7/11 or service station- Somebody driving through the wall.
i already asked this queston at a 7-11 many many years ago. the offical answer is................... IF the store is ever held up they are to lock the doors till the cops show up.

(yes i had a lot of free time as a teen)