Southern Hospitality


Really Really Experienced
Sep 4, 2012
I've looked around and haven't seen one like this, I might be wrong, if I am I apologize.

I don't care what your kinks are, your orientation, or anything else. I'm just looking for those peple who are south of the Mason Dixon line. So come on down... have a glass of sweet tea.

I'm from Bama.
Where is VA on that map of the Mason-Dixie line?
I am am import from Washington St, but I live in Virginia
Where is VA on that map of the Mason-Dixie line?
I am am import from Washington St, but I live in Virginia

It's above, but hell we'll take ya anyway. :) How are you tonight/ morning?
Another long night of Professionally Killing Time. I do so love my solo 3rd shifts... Get paid for my solitude
Virgina is actually below the Mason/Dixon line ...

Jus sayin
I trust all company can be appreciated around here.
However, allow me to at least point out that this is not my thread to host; I am but a humble guest myself.
Welcome nonetheless! *open arms to hug, a slice of peach pie in one hand and a glass pf sweet tea in the other*
It's above, but hell we'll take ya anyway. :) How are you tonight/ morning?

Where is VA on that map of the Mason-Dixie line?
I am am import from Washington St, but I live in Virginia

See above post for my silliness. I will chalk this fluke to lack of sleep and a certain distraction.

Bless all our southern fried hearts....
I trust all company can be appreciated around here.
However, allow me to at least point out that this is not my thread to host; I am but a humble guest myself.
Welcome nonetheless! *open arms to hug, a slice of peach pie in one hand and a glass pf sweet tea in the other*

mmmm Peach.... sweet and juicy.
I far below the line, hello to all the hot southern girls
Thank you kindly for that generous blessing.
Being a Military Brat, I really can't say where I am supposed to be from. I was born in Texas, yet raised in Washington, & eventually landed here in Virginia. Heck, I got named "Cowboy" in Richmond!
Yet I don't even know where the Mason-Dixon line is made (I didn't even know it was called the Mason-Dixon line until this thread)
If I truly am a Southerner, then I will gladly confess that I am a poor one.
But Southern Hospitality always has a way of making everyone feel the most welcome, regardless!

Thank you for this thread!
Thank you kindly for that generous blessing.
Being a Military Brat, I really can't say where I am supposed to be from. I was born in Texas, yet raised in Washington, & eventually landed here in Virginia. Heck, I got named "Cowboy" in Richmond!
Yet I don't even know where the Mason-Dixon line is made (I didn't even know it was called the Mason-Dixon line until this thread)
If I truly am a Southerner, then I will gladly confess that I am a poor one.
But Southern Hospitality always has a way of making everyone feel the most welcome, regardless!

Thank you for this thread!

Oh darling, we all have been there, I was born above the line, barely, but above. Moved around the south til I was 12, raised til I was 16 in the far north, got lost and ended up back here. Been here since and don't wanna leave, well at least not right now...
I started this where Southerns can come together and chat. Share photos, hook up with others who know the proper pronunciation and usage of "Ya'll, yonder, ah hell naw."
Tell what you want about yourself, share info on places you know, generally a hodgepodge.
Welcome all those who are, were, and willing.

Peace, Love and Jolly Ranchers
The Mason Dixon line runs along the border of WV/PA....I drive across it going to work, store or to do pretty much anything..

I'm originally from Anniston tho...

ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am from GA 30 min south of ATlanta. I was born and raised here. I love sweet tea and I am a pro at eating peaches. The juicier the better ;)
Add a dozen and make them the fat long ones and you'll get a booby flash :D




https://encrypted-tbn2.***********/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSHeoPd2oYYZfTvQVSQ6SwZRM8FPRpzTryrW9UNDSfehXE0rlic all tuckered out now!