Sounds she makes while cumming .


Really Really Experienced
Feb 18, 2019
When my wife is Cumming , she very guietly starts laughing and I cannot hold back . I always wonder if she was getting fucked by a larger cock would the volume and intensity of her laughter increase?
Please tell me your experience .
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Grunting when she's getting it hard louder grunting when its someone else. Moaner when someone going down on her moaner when she's sucking cock. Not a big talker with me but I've heard things she's said to others.
My wife is a loud moaner. Good thing my hearings bad. She once noticed she was screaming right in my ear. She apologized afterwards. Me being funny put a couple packages of disposable eat plugs on the nightstand the next day. I swear my wife laughed for a hour.
Mmm. I love putting on my headphones and listening to recorded audio of women cumming. The headphones make the experience of it being right in my head, and can listen anywhere.

An old girlfriend turned me on to this. She had an audio file from a dude playing with himself and very verbally climaxing to thoughts of her. He used dirty talk, her name, and had a deep lusty voice. Listening to that turned her on to no end! She’d listen to it with her headphones almost anywhere. lol. Makes me
Smile just thinking about it.
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Before menopause my wife was pretty vocal ,loudly proclaiming she was cumming on my cock ,things like that , including fuck my cunt harder ,usually got me to explode about 2 seconds after her , now.since menopause ,it's a lot more subdued and pretty infrequent lol
Mmm. I love putting on my headphones and listening to recorded audio of women cumming. The headphones make the experience of it being right in my head, and can listen anywhere.

An old girlfriend turned me on to this. She had an audio file from a dude playing with himself and very verbally climaxing to thoughts of her. He used dirty talk, her name, and had a deep lusty voice. Listening to that turned her on to no end! She’d listen to it with her headphones almost anywhere. lol. Makes me
Smile just thinking about it.
I had someone do a tribute to my woman's pics and videos. He was huge, stroking and when came omg huge and where was to her super huge turn on
Over the years I've been with women of all types. A few were silent, some made soft little moans, some were grunters. A few were vocal during fucking and "Oh my God" yellers as they came.
My first wife was a screamer. The only real screamer I've been with. She'd have quiet little moans up to the point where she came and she let lose with screams. I'm sure she kept the neighbours entertained. As our kids got older she had to bite down hard on something to hold it in but she always said being able to let it out made it better.
My current wife is a grunter. No noise on the build up, apart from occasionally saying "good cock, good cock, good cock, good cock" over and over and then always a real long, loud grunt as her orgasm hits her.
Mmm. I love putting on my headphones and listening to recorded audio of women cumming. The headphones make the experience of it being right in my head, and can listen anywhere.

An old girlfriend turned me on to this. She had an audio file from a dude playing with himself and very verbally climaxing to thoughts of her. He used dirty talk, her name, and had a deep lusty voice. Listening to that turned her on to no end! She’d listen to it with her headphones almost anywhere. lol. Makes me
Smile just thinking about it.delete
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Years ago when I fucked my female boss in the office, she made LOUD noises. We were in a big building in midtown Manhattan. I remember hearing a woman (let's call her Jane) come down the hall in heels - it was a girl I'd taken out before (from another company). Her walk was unmistakable. Anyway my boss started wailing and moaning my name like a porn star as Jane got closer to our door to get to the ladies room. My boss knew I'd taken out Jane a couple of times and it was clear she was trying to announce that we were pounding. The next time I saw Jane she gave me a funny look. My boss also told me she got teased in the elevator by some guys who had heard us. What wild times.
My wife makes sounds like a train whistle right before cumming. Then is dead silent while cumming.
So I almost always know when the train is arriving.