

Literotica Guru
Nov 7, 2009
I was wondering if sounding can cause urinary incontinance further down the line.
Will pelvic floor excercises be rendered as good as useless by sounding?
Copied from Urban Dictionary:

The practice of inserting plastic or metal 'sounds' (long thin and very smooth objects) into yours or someone elses uretha. Ultimately leads to streching of the uretha so that larger objects (such as a finger) can be inserted.

Before anyone gets too squicky, think about where a female uretha is in relationship to a g spot, think pressure both sides of said g spot, think how huge that orgasm could be!
I've played with sounds a bit. The sensations are great, but I don't do it often, because I have no sense of how much is too much. Put another way, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing...the fear of doing permanent damage just won't go away.

I tried researching sounding, and didn't find anything that I would call credible or authoritative, and that was for men. There's almost nothing out there that deals with female sounding.

Watching this thread...please share what you find.
Its something we have satrted to explore. We used incremental sounds on each other. But i don't know how much is too much?

Might be a case of too often being dangerous?

Anyone out there know?

Also watching this thread for any information
I've played with sounds a bit. The sensations are great, but I don't do it often, because I have no sense of how much is too much. Put another way, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing...the fear of doing permanent damage just won't go away.

I tried researching sounding, and didn't find anything that I would call credible or authoritative, and that was for men. There's almost nothing out there that deals with female sounding.

Watching this thread...please share what you find.

I am in a similar place, there is just not enough information out there!
I may be wrong on this, but has anyone checked in with Stella Omega? I *think* I once saw a post where she mentioned she'd either had it done to her or had done it to someone else. Might be worth a PM, to see if she might have any further deets.

Sorry I can't be anymore helpful than that.
I may be wrong on this, but has anyone checked in with Stella Omega? I *think* I once saw a post where she mentioned she'd either had it done to her or had done it to someone else. Might be worth a PM, to see if she might have any further deets.

Sorry I can't be anymore helpful than that.

When all else fails... ask Stella!! PM sent. But no promises. [laughs]

I checked her posts and she does reference sounding in a couple but she only talks about experiences with it. She doesn't really go into detail on where to find the supplies or whether there is any lasting damage.

Hopefully she will see this thread and share her knowledge.
hey guys, someone kindly asked me to drop in! :D

When in doubt, look for pictures, that's my motto. So here's a picture of a dick and urethra;

See where the "Muscular sphincter" is? That's what you don't want to mess up. And you can see where the urethra makes a bend right there-- it's possible to get a hard sound in past that sphincter and pull the urethra straight so you can get up against the prostate , and sometimes which maybe you want to do. What you have to do there, is first lift your dick so that fisrt bend is straightened out, then pull your junk downward so you can straighten out the next bend.

If you're going to do that, You had better really fucking be sure and take your time. You have two dangerous dangers; one, you might actually enter the 'seminal vasical" there, which seems like a real bad idea to me, how about you?

What happens more often though, is you push too fast, to hard and you've poked a hole in your insides. And that can happen when you are so fucking turned on you can't see straight. So maybe-- not so advisable.

Most of your pee tube is just a tube. Doesn't really matter if it's wide or skinny, as long as the pee can get out of it. And the sensitive nerve endings are along the penis part anyways. If you keep your toys as sterile as you can, don't shove things in so fast you tear your urethral wall, and for heaven's sake monitor yourself for signs of urethral infection...

Slide away to your heart's content boys, I envy you! :kiss:

It doesn't have the same effect on women.
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Daisy, I think if you keep it small, shallow, and painless, you'll probably be okay. Listen to your body...if it hurts, stop. If you need pain, get it somewhere else. This is not the place.

What Stella said about cleanliness is important, but falls short. "As sterile as you can" isn't good's not a standard you would accept from your doctor, and sounding is, in effect, an invasive, medical procedure. Sterile. Period. That means an autoclave, and gloves. Piercers have them, and are likely to be more understanding of your needs than, say, a dentist.
Daisy, I think if you keep it small, shallow, and painless, you'll probably be okay. Listen to your body...if it hurts, stop. If you need pain, get it somewhere else. This is not the place.

What Stella said about cleanliness is important, but falls short. "As sterile as you can" isn't good's not a standard you would accept from your doctor, and sounding is, in effect, an invasive, medical procedure. Sterile. Period. That means an autoclave, and gloves. Piercers have them, and are likely to be more understanding of your needs than, say, a dentist.

The method of boiling for 10 mins works pretty well for most things that are not going to pierce the skin, and as you say shallow and never pushing into pain! This needs to be fun, not risky!
Sounding wasn't as much fun for me as I'd hoped it would be :( Even a vibrating sound did very little. the fantasy of it is hot, but there's just not that much sensitivity along a woman's urethra. Maybe if you've gotten your gspot really riled up...

And no, an autocave is not always necessary. People who catheter for medical reasons don't need to autoclave, they just boil. I've known guys to put q tips into their pee slits-- loaded with vaseline, lube, even Tiger Balm :eek: The first time I ever heard of anything even close to sounding, the guy would light a wooden match, blow it right out and insert the burned head for the tickling sensation that the sulfur residue gave him...
I've known guys to put q tips into their pee slits-- loaded with vaseline, lube, even Tiger Balm :eek: The first time I ever heard of anything even close to sounding, the guy would light a wooden match, blow it right out and insert the burned head for the tickling sensation that the sulfur residue gave him...
Tiger balm and sulfer!!:eek:

Thanks for the info, a pity it didn't do much for you, maybe the fantasy is better than the reality!
Not trying to be argumentative here...when people do stupid shit, and get away with it, that's hardly a compelling argument for its safety. And note, were talking about female anatomy, where the risk of UTIs is much higher. Play safe.
Oh wow. This scares me. :eek: I've never heard of this but I can't sit still even thinking about it!

To each their own, and I have the medical knowledge of my left testicle, but this cannot be good long term. :eek:
I've known guys to put q tips into their pee slits-- loaded with vaseline, lube, even Tiger Balm :eek: The first time I ever heard of anything even close to sounding, the guy would light a wooden match, blow it right out and insert the burned head for the tickling sensation that the sulfur residue gave him...

I have a friend who had shingles in his forties, which were misdiagnosed for quite some time. He nearly went blind in one eye and developed this scar tissue along the urethra, about one inch in from the head of his cock. This scar tissue resulted in some pretty nasty bladder infections for him from time to time.

To help combat this, he had this steroid / medicated ointment that he had to apply to this device which can be best described as a pipe cleaner with a wee handle. He would then have to insert this medicated pipe cleaner 2 /12 to 3 inches into his cock, through his piss slit, and run it in and out for a minute or so.

This was a big, tough man. A strong, athletic dude who fought MMA, delivered crushing body checks playing hockey, and ran in several, tough Ironman competitions. But putting that pipe cleaner in his dick buckled him.
A couple years ago we roomed together during a tournament and at one point during the weekend he had to self-administer a treatment. I did not hear a sound from the bathroom, but when he came out he was shaking and looked like he’d been crying for half a day.

Burnt matchsticks and Q-Tips dipped in TigerBalm… NOOOOOOOOO THANK YOU!
Sounding wasn't as much fun for me as I'd hoped it would be :(

I do love doing it to myself :D:D:D - But then I have an "outie" not an "innie".

As to "urinary incontinance further down the line" I see no problem as long as insertion does not go so far as to interact with the urinary sphincter. For sensation play the insertion does not generally go that far in, which is, by-the-way, a long way in for males.

This is edge play. It is dangerous. I have some safety guidelines I would post if requested as well as some links to photos of male play.

Play safe.
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This is edge play. This is dangerous. I have some safety guidelines I would post if requested as well as some links to photos of male play.

Play safe.

Not that I indulge in this type of play, but I think posting safety guidelines is an excellent idea! Photos? Could you possibly attach them as links - that way those who might be a bit squeamish can decide for themselves if they wanna see? (Trying to protect Pmann's and Emerson's delicate sensibilities, ya know. ;))
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