Sound Effects


plays well with self
Apr 8, 2002
Personally, it really bothers me when I read "MMMMMMMmmmm...." in a story, or "OOhhhhh!!!" and don't get me started on "OH GAWD!"

Does anyone else have this pet peeve?

Sign me up for that! :mad:

Why can't people just stick to "she moaned", "he groaned", "she screamed out in exstacy" or something?
When I saw your post, I thought you were referring to sounds other than those uttered by characters.

Sure, poor use bothers me. But what constitutes poor use? I have, on occassion, resorted to the "made up" sound, but only after I have gone to a great deal of trouble to setup the delivery of that sound.

Most of the time, a specific made-up word is not needed and is, in fact, detrimental to the read. It would be much better to use a word that everyone understands and let them use their imaginations to interpret exactly what the sound is like:

Out of the cool darkness, he leaned close to my ear and whispered. "Now, where were we?"

Male or female, the moans grew louder as the pounding threatened to bring the wall down behind my bed.

He thrust foward a little deeper and she grunted, clutching at the satin pillow underneath her breasts.

SNAP! The ragged catch of his breath threatned to rip his tongue from the roots around the ball gag as the rip of the whip whistled through the air again.

(Hmmm... Maybe I need to re-think the BDSM category.)

* * *

And that last example was what I originally thought you were referring to with this post. What is that called? Onomatopoeia? Right? A word which imitates the natural sound asscociated with the action described. Such as ones we might use here:

Whap, snap, zip, splat, bam, wham, slurg, drip, spew, smear, etc.

- Judo
I don't see anything wrong with an occasional "Ohhh" as long as you don't go mad with the 'h' key. Then it'd turn into the dreaded NEO. If you're going to draw out a word, I think 3 repeats of a letter is all you should be allowed.

The Earl
Guilty Chicklet, but gee whiz if you gals don't holler real loud like, how do us'ns know we're in the right spot? Besides, "she screamed" seems inadequate somehow, as if my hero isn't doing a very good job. Remember how fragile the male ego is.

Sometimes I wonder why you put up with me Chicklet. By the way, I still haven't decided on a category for that story. Hell, I don't even have a name for it. Decisions! Decisions! JIGS: :confused:
Chicklet, I agree that some of us probably overdo the moaning sounds. I'm sure I have and know others do too. True, words such as murmured, shouted, cried and such do very nicely and should be used much more often than they are. Still though, a murmured ahh does very nicely at times. Reacting to your av being a case on point!
I believe the Brit writer, Dick Francis uses the, 'err quite effectively when letting the reader know of a speaker's hesitation before speech or when showing hesitation before blurting some truth or another.
I guess I'm trying to say that, since most of are amateurs here, there should be a lot of latitude in trying stuff seasoned authors might otherwise abhor.
I'm sure that if we screw up badly enough, someone will be sure to let us know about it. :)
In the meantime, we should all have fun learning what this writing thing is all about. God knows, errors, even horrid ones, will not result in a reduction of the amount of pay we receive!
TheEarl said:
...I think 3 repeats of a letter is all you should be allowed.

that could be a good rule

they came up with a similar rule about the pupil size in relation to eye size for the simpson's characters...
JUDO said:
Whap, snap, zip, splat, bam, wham, slurg, drip, spew, smear, etc.

these are EXCELLENT words - I love reading them in a story. just the moans and stuff bother me.
Jigs said:

Sometimes I wonder why you put up with me Chicklet. By the way, I still haven't decided on a category for that story. Hell, I don't even have a name for it. Decisions! Decisions! JIGS: :confused:


Jigs, there's just something about you that I can't resist. Ignore all criticism and keep it up.

I'm guilty.....

I do it ocassionally, though not very often. I think there CAN be a time and place for it, in the dramatics of the scene written. Sometimes it's simply the way the character is. If its apart of their personality, and it fits...then a few Ahhh's and Ohhh's can be appropriate.

My Ex was an Ahhh'er, and an Ohhh'er. So yeah...people DO moan and groan like that.

I remain...(ahhh)
vintage Batman

Unless very expertly placed, when I see "Ahhhhhhh" and "ohhhhhhhhhh"

I see "SLAM" "POW" -- to the bat poles, Batman.

(perhaps fun, but probably not erotic)
Hmmmm Batman having sex?

Now this really does sound like Batman:

Originally posted by JUDO
Whap, snap, zip, splat, bam, wham, slurg, drip, spew, smear, etc.


I remain,