Soul For The Taking (Closed)


Ghost Of Who I Was
Aug 7, 2006
Everything in life comes with a price, or so everyone would think that it does. But what if you never had anything to start with, and then suddenly got something. What would you do to possibly keep it? More importantly when you think about love, being madly in love with someone what would you do for that person? It was this kind of thinking that got Emily to think and wonder such things. She had known this guy for about five years now, his name was Victor.

He was very good looking and they were rather tight, lately within the past year or so. Something has been going on, she has been in love with him. He is about four years older then her, but what she didn't know was in fact he was much older. And not even human, but the secrets that she knew he was keeping was killing him inside. She wanted to speak to him, tell him her feelings for him. But it was always so hard to do that, right now she didn't have much.

So after work since she was a Registered Nurse at the age of twenty, she found some time off to go talk to him. She went over to his house and knocked on the door, she was pacing back and forth. Unsure what to do about this situation, it scared her half to death.
Victor a young (by human years) good looking man was home alone looking over some paper work for a divorce case he is to work on the next day. Every day it seemed like he was defending some bimbo fighting the husband for money and or property of some sort or another over little things such as accusation of cheating or some other little dumb thing. Half the time the cases wouldn’t have good enough proof to win but due to how society is they always seem to win in the women’s favor. Not was it only that but soon after and even sometime in the middle of the case the woman in question would hit on him and even sleep with him.

As a human he couldn’t ignore the urges but having bed so many women he was starting to get tired of them and wanting to just settle down. The current case was a more tiresome then the rest as the woman he was defending would not let up, trying to cop a feel during meeting to discuss what she wanted from the soon to be ex husband and even more so calling him up for sexual favors for “helping her win”.

Thinking back on the call he had with her earlier today the door knocks, looking at the clock he sees its kind of late and automatically thinks it’s the woman coming over for a “house call”. When the door knocks a second time he sighs and puts down the paper and steadily walks to the door. Looking through the peep hole he sees and is glad that it is his good friend Emily and seeing that she was still in her work uniform she must have just gotten out of work. Wondering what she was doing here at this hour and not giving him a heads up that she was coming over he opens the door with a somewhat worried look on his face.
She knew this wasn't good to do, she was rude not calling him like she always did. He had his own life, he was an important yet young lawyer. But she hoped he had a few minutes, things were driving her nuts. She knew that he could have any woman that he wanted, and it bothered her that she was keeping herself for him. But she never told him, never flirted with him. She didn't give him any heads up of her feelings for him. So now she had to do something about it, even if he shut her down at least she would know.

When he opened up the door she saw the look on his face "Hey Victor, I am sorry I didn't call I know it was rude of me. Since I know your busy with work, but do you have a few minutes to talk?" She said with a nervous smile on her face, she didn't know how he would take her news. Hell she wished she was rather drunk so she could get the butterflies out of her damn stomach, but she didn't know what to really do here. Her grey cat like eyes looked right up at him, this would bother her to her grave if she said nothing. So she had to do it, she still had her nurses uniform on which she now just noticed.
Victor looked down to the fragile looking human knowing right off the bat something was bothering her with the way she was speaking and held her posture. Having dealt with many humans in this form and seeing them from the underworld he could easily read them. As a guest to this world though he too has grown some emotional attachment to this little creature which to him he was somewhat surprised as he always felt attracted to more strong headed women of both species.

Feeling sympathetic for her he politely welcomes her into his home gently placing his hand on her upper back as she walks by him. Closing the door he looks her over while her back is to him and he couldn’t help but admire her tight but small bottom before quickly looking back up to her. “Is everything alright?” he asks her before she turns to him.
When she felt Victor's hand on her back she smiled a bit, but it gave her a shiver up her spine. She never understood why he did it to her, but she loved the way he made her feel. But then he shut the door and asked if she was okay, she nodded to herself and took a deep breath. Letting it out rather quietly. "Y-yes" She said trying to calm herself, closing her eyes she felt like such a child. She knew he was older then her, knew that he hid things from her. But she hid things from him as well, but not any more.

"Victor we have known each other for a rather long time, it's been a lovely five years of knowing you. I know that you have been hiding something, call it a woman's intuition. But Ive never questioned it, in a way I know I have no right to question it. But I to have been keeping you in the dark about something, I know that you are the kind of man who doesn't wish to be tied down. But for about a year Ive been feeling things for you, it's not just friendship any more. It has grown beyond that Victor. in love with you"
Victor was somewhat surprised but not entirely by her letting out of her feelings towards him. In a sense he always knew how she felt due from the random showing ups and how she acted towards him if anything he was more surprised that she finally told him, fear that she wasn’t going to at all. Over their years of knowing each other he too grew found of her as her presence gave him a sense of mortality and care to his own emotions.

Stating that she too knew that he was keeping something secret from her put Victor at ease somewhat, he wasn’t sure what she was referring to. Did she know that he was not of this realm, a creature from the depths of darkness, the king of darkness. If so how did she know and if she did know for a fact how does she feel about it? Obviously not too worried about it as she just confessed her love to him and maybe by confessing her love is a way for him to open up to her about who, no what he really was.

Looking Emily over he could tell it was hard for her to confess her feelings. “I…had a hunch you felt that way.” He replies as he realized he left her standing there with no answer. “I can’t say I haven’t grown found of you over the years.” He says as he takes a step toward her. “And as much as I’d like to say those three words to you, I can’t. There’s just so much you don’t know.” Knowing what he said could either make or break Emily, he felt it was needed to say as it was the truth on how he felt. male demon&qo=14
She heard what he said, and what he said wasn't exactly what she wanted to hear. But she respected it, she didn't know why he wasn't open with her. But she watched as he stepped closer to her, putting her head down she closed her eyes just wanting to kiss him. But hearing what he said about what she didn't know, it. But she decided to do something she never thought she would ever do, and it was to push him. See if he would or could tell her anything, showing a sad look but offering a smile to him.

"Victor I know you have been hiding something from me since we met, and I do not know what it is. I am sorry that I have made you feel you can't tell me Victor, but you have been everything to me for five years. What ever your hiding from me, it's alright. You can tell me anything Victor, I want you to open up to be yourself. You mean the world to me and I will never turn my back on you, I promise you" She slowly reached up and stroked his cheek. Feeling the warmth of his soft skin.
Victor’s trust in Emily grew more so being friends with her but it was from watching over her over the years before coming to the human world that even opened the door for him to decide to take human form and be closer to this being of such purity. Looking down at her he knew that her words were of the truth but he wasn’t sure how she would really handle the truth about him. It wasn’t something as simple as being married and lying about it or lying about being a gambler or such things like that.

Feeling her soft fragile hand upon his cheek he leans into it closing his eyes thinking if what he wants to tell her is even possible. Not sure how to even begin with telling her he softly opens and looks deeply into her grey eyes that reminded him slightly of the emptiness that he left behind but this greyness had hope,care,love and beauty behind it something he’s been longing for. Softly placing his warm hand on her cheek he leans into her gently and places a soft kiss to her tender lips.
She had no idea what he hid from her but he looked so worried about it, those eyes she fell in love with. She smiled happily at him, they had been through a lot in five years. She still remembered meeting him, she actually ran into him at the park. And when she says run into, she did just that. She had been jogging a round the park that was in the city. She didn't watch where they were going, and BOOM she ran into him. But that was the start of a great friendship, and was happy to be with him.

But feeling his hand on her cheek, and watching him lean into her. The surprise was there when he softly kissed her, closing her eyes she returned the kiss. Resting her hands on his chest, she wanted him to tell her everything. The kiss showed that no matter what she would love him, the way she looked at him showed it to. "I love you Victor" She said between kisses. Being open and honest with him now, as she even moaned a tiny bit in the kiss. But it was to encourage him to do what he wanted in that moment.
He of course knew that she loved him and he her but he’s never felt that way towards any being before and was afraid to admit it. All his life has been filled with nothing but carnage, betrayal, war and destruction. Never has he felt attached to someone, care for someone and most of all love someone. It was frivelious emotion to demons especially the Lord of Demons. Being with Emily made him want to feel those things knowing he can feel those things and still be Demon King.

With his hand still caressing her cheek as they kissed their tongues now lightly playing with one another’s Victor says in between.” I love you too Emily…which is why it’s hard for me to open up…to you. Afraid I might hurt you, afraid…that you won’t truly understand…what I am.” As he plants a tender but erotic kiss on her lips his tongue pressed against hers, the end of his tail slowly and gently wrapping up her left leg to her thigh. Making a gesture to not scare her but enough to take notice of it.
It was amazing how he made her feel, and the thought of hurting him almost killed her. He had made her hard life so much easier because she had a man she could talk to. He started off like a big brother, but then a best friend. And now someone she loved and wanted to be with in the worst way, but there was so much fear in his eyes. She wanted so much to drag the truth out of him, but knew that what ever it was. It was so hard to tell her, but she knew in time that he would tell her. At least she hoped.

Hearing what he said she moved her head to the side "What you are?" But soon before she could ask anything else, she felt the kiss that he put onto her. And feeling his tongue wiggle into her mouth and feeling the love he held for her, but as they kissed she felt something latching onto her. And knew it certainly wasn't a hard on that was touching her, when the kiss broke she looked down and saw a tail. She looked up rather quickly then looked back again, she was confused. "You...have a tail? Uhh a different color then your skin. Victor what are you?" Reaching up to his cheek she smiled. "Show me I wont be afraid I promise and you know I keep my promises"
Hearing her say that she kept her promises and that he knew that made him think back to when they first met. Having literally bumped into her as she was on her jog they exchanged apologies and names and surprisingly a promise from her to meet at the same place same time the next day. He was waiting for her but not as in her being late but more him being early in hope to see her at the randevous earlier then expect but as he checked his watch he saw her walking down the path just on time.

Returning to reality he looks to Emily and kisses her softly before taking a few steps back. Seeing her making a step towards him, probably fear of his gesture meaning that he was withdrawing from his decision but reassures her. “Wait.” He says placing his hand up making a stop gesture. Seeing her stop he slowly reaches for his button up shirt and slowly unbuttons each one then lets it drop to the floor behind him. Seeing the lust in her eyes from just seeing his bare chest makes him grin but then quickly gets a stern serious look as he remembers that this is not a show for pleasure but for truth.

Moving on to remove his cargo pants and his boxers; with his tail in the way he easily rips them in half with his strong nimble tail leaving him bare for Emily to see.
The past was something that was rather nice to remember, a soft kind smile on her face as he seemed to remember everything they did together as well. Who would have thought that everything would come full circle right now, a soft kind smile on her face as she didn't know what was to happen. Noticing that he told her to stop, well didn't exactly tell her anything. Just motioned for her to stop. Tilting her head to the side, she didn't know what was going to happen. But right now something seemed up.

She wanted to pounce on him but something told her not to move, tilting her head to the side as he slowly removed his clothing. She grew very quite and didn't know what was to happen right now, her eyes looked him up and down. The kiss he had given her sparked something in him, and of course the promise that she could be trusted seemed to have shaken him a little bit as well. But she smiled at him and placed her hand on his bare torso, but his body seemed really really warm to her.
As he undressed he kept his eyes on her to see her reactions but he figured she’d just admire his physique in his human for but what he didn’t expect was her hand on his bare torso as if giving him the go ahead and that no matter what happened next she was going to stay with him.

Taking one last look down at her with a smile on his face he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before relaxing his body. As he stands there he slowly feels the changes his body is going throw. Slowly he feels his body warming up to normal temperature of his race then his muscles getting slightly more bulky. Feeling his horns slowly coming out of his head and curving inward slightly while his claws come out of his fingers and his dominant fangs getting slightly longer. As his transformation completes he opens his eyes slowly and looks deeply down into Emily’s eyes.
She knew something was wrong, he had a smile on his face but it seemed like something was going on. And slowly she was taken back by what he was doing. Right before her eyes he changed, from head to toe. Shock could be seen in her eyes. Swallowing hard she was taken back by all this, but she remembered her own promise to him. And if he meant her harm she would be hurt or dead by now, she thought hard about what to say. "Oh Victor..." She said to him with a soft smile on her face, she had a feeling he would be afraid of losing her.

He seemed much more powerful, and his skin was so hot. But it wasn't hot enough to cause her a burn, no distress. Taking his clawed hand in hers as he squeezed it. "Thank you for showing me what you have been hiding, it honors me. I know I pushed you into a corner and I am sorry for that. But was afraid you would never tell me. Which is why I backed you into that corner, but what you are. You being a demon? It doesn't change the way I feel about you. I still love you and most important, I want a life with you"

Closing the gap between them she smiled happily at him. Making note of his fangs and where they are? She made sure to take note of what teeth were fanged and she stroked his cheek, reaching up since he didn't grow any taller she kissed him deeply. Her kiss showed her love, the love increased from him being so honest with her. "maybe one day we can have half human and half demon babies" She chuckled a bit. "Your secret is safe with me Victor and I would let you make love to me in any form"
Victor was glad to see that she didn’t turn and run from him but at the same time he was still surprised when she got closer to him and looking him over with a fascinated and lustful smile on her face. Looking up at him to examine more of him he looks down at her a reassuringly and gratifying smile on his face.

As she leans up and kisses him lovingly he kisses her back but not for long as she breaks the kiss and promises him again that his secret is safe with her adding that he was welcome to make love to her any form. This made him grin but then he remembered that he was much stronger then a human and if they were to ever make love while in this form he’d have to be gentle with her. Looking Emily over he gives her a loving smile before gently pulling her closer to him with his tail lightly wrapped around her waist, he leans down and softly kisses her again this time more longly and deeply but being gentle.
She could tell that he was shocked that she was so accepting, it made her wonder if he told anyone else this. And that they flipped out? But she wasn't afraid of him. Running her fingers up over his cheek, it was amazing how much she loved him. She knew she would never, ever hurt him and would always keep his secret just that a secret. Sighing happily as she looked into his eyes, being looked into his beautiful eyes. She didn't know what would happen now, but knew that she would let him take over right now.

Emily felt his tail wrapping around her waist. She showed him a rather happy look on her face, before she knew it she placed her hand on his tail. Not wanting him to move it, she accepted him fully and nothing was wrong with him in her eyes. When he pulled her closer, she felt his kiss. And before she knew it she wrapped her arms around him, and moaned a little bit in the kiss. Showing just how turned on he could get her, everything around her got really still and rather silent. Running her fingers down his cheek as he took her.
Victor loved that she embraced his demon side and not run in fear of it. Maybe this was a kink of hers that even he never found out as he viewed her from the other side. He wasn’t sure how to be physical with a human being and as much as he’d like to test her boundaries he didn’t mind just taking it slow. As he held her softly with his tail wrapped around her waist her moans encouraging him Victor carefully lifts her with his tail never breaking their kiss and as if knowing what he was doing Emily wraps her legs around his waist.

With his tail being able to hold her up with no effort he gently places his hands on the outside of hers and holds the side of Emily’s face as they continue to kiss her hand still on his cheek.
She could tell that he was very surprised that she welcomed this side of him, Victor had never hurt her and because of that she gave him the leeway needed. She felt him being able to lift her right off her feet with just his tail, which impressed her as she kept returning the kiss. She didn't even think about it, it was just so natural she wrapped her arms around his waist. She enjoyed the proximity of there skin against each other. She was far from afraid of him, and she wanted to do what she could for him.

"You seem so surprised I accept what you are, You have never once tried to hurt me. You earned my trust so long ago, and I do not love you any less Victor. I will always be with you I promise as long as you want me for" She said softly and kissed him again, she just felt he needed to know why she trusted him so much. Her free hand ran down his arm and sighed happily, it was such a wonderful action between the two of them.