Sort of sick, Sort of tired, Sort of inspired.


Literotica Guru
Aug 28, 2011
Inspirations, ideas, details. Sort of.

My OCD can no longer take it.

I need organization.

I need a place to pour my never-ending imagination and creations before they're lost in the mind of a blonde with a horrible memory. While stealing my ideas is the best form of flattery, I ask that you please not use any of my stories or characters as your own without permission. You know who you are.

Active Threads:



Amidst the Madness - How Love Finds a Way.
with Light Ice


Love is brightest in the dark.
with Scuttle Buttin'


Lost & Found.
with Fish_Tales

Group and side threads:


Quinn's Bar & Restaurant.
a group RP


Deep Space.
a group RP


Quinn's Brooke & Joe side thread.
with Ukstud69


X-Men's Gambit & Dazzler side thread.
with Lachiyous

((Still editing.))
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Possible group story idea.

Cirque de la Lune.
Circus of the moon.


Look beyond the horizon, my friend. If you do not see the sun setting each evening, then you do not see the cirque. If you do not see the tents, if you do not hear the music, if you do not smell astonishment, then you haven’t yet lived to the fullest. Come see the only Circus that will legitimately take your breath away. I’m sure you’ve been to many before, and I’m sure you’ve been astonished before, but this traveling circus is far more different than you can imagine. And it's not for the weak-hearted. Can you feel the energy? Can you tell the difference in your mood and health for the next year? You live. You sincerely and truly, live.

But beware, if you so much catch a glimpse of the rising sun on the horizon while you're in the vicinity of the cirque, you will be forever imprisoned to travel alongside, carted into acts.

However, if you so choose to stay, just know - Cirque de la Lune will always be your family.
Cirque de la Lune.


Madamoiselle Azra
If you're not thinking about the future, you will not have one.

For decades, Azra has been Cirque de la Lune's designated fortune teller and psychic reader. It has not been revealed how she became to possess the gifts of future telling, but her reputation of accuracy has nicknamed her tent in the circus as the Temple of Knowledge.

Being so devoted to her gift, Azra uses a custom 36-card deck of her own design. Each card carries more than one meaning that only she can read from her designs, but the beautiful fortune-teller can best see what's to come by touch. The cards and crystal ball are all for effect.

The Cirque is all about putting on a show, is it not?

Madamoiselle Azra isn't what most expect a fortune teller to be like, in so many ways. First, she doesn't wear turbans and cheap jewelry, nor does she have an old face or aged hair. Instead, Azra wears the face a young woman with sophisticated and classy flair to her wardrobe, preferring dresses to loose clothing, no matter what the weather. Heels are often covering her feet to give her 5'5" frame a little boost, but the vertically challenged girl is used to looking up to people. She commonly holds her long dark hair up away from her face, but at times of being in a good mood, the psychic will let her hair down.

Her fingers are frequently dressed in numerous gaudy rings, some of them holding value to her, while others are mostly for show. Azra's eyes are large and brown, and always look like they are shinning, as if there are tears in them.

And those intense eyes of hers seduce with promise and trust, for those that come so willingly want to hear the truth, the sadness, and tales of impending love or riches to come.
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Future story idea.

The summers that were full of mistakes we didn't learn from.


Waverly, California. For forty-two years, the sleepy little town a few miles off the interstate was forgotten and lost to the world for eight months out of the year.
From late May to early September, however, the place was one of the best-kept secrets in the country. Those that knew about it made the place a summer vacation destination like no other. The entire town lived off the proceeds of villas and apartments along the beachfront and in the town proper, everything revolving around the drive-in movie theatre making up the distance between the two.

The characters of this game were the lifeblood of those summers. They were just kids, teenagers, sharing the glory of those last summers. Young love bloomed under the California sun and night skies, and at times they learned to make their first crucial mistakes. It was the best time of their lives.

Of course, life stepped in. By the time she hit the age of 17, she didn't return to Waverly. With her parent's divorce, and no more reason for a family vacation,
she just couldn't afford to make the trip anymore. She left him behind. But he let her go.

Between the world slipping away and a natural disaster that rocked the world they'd all known, the sleepy California escape was quickly becoming nothing more than another memory. She tried to call, tried to write. Whether or not he got those letters or phone calls, or if he just simply let her go without a care, she didn't think she'd ever know.

Until the envelope came in the mail. A handwritten, honest letter asking each of her to return to the town, or at least what was left of it. Asking for a chance for her to put apart their differences and rekindle a spirit that once made Waverly breathe.

A chance to save the town and, maybe, each other.



Modern day Bonnie & Clyde.


Las Vegas, Nevada. An internationally renowned major resort city for gambling, shopping, fine dining, and entertainment. Las Vegas, also known as The Entertainment Capital of the World, is famous for the number of casino resorts and associated entertainment. But it's the city's tolerance for various forms of adult entertainment that earned it the title of Sin City. But that's not the only reason for its popular nickname. Deeper in the city of sin, what goes on behind the scenes and in the town might surprise tourists, and even some locals.

Las Vegas officials want to downplay the influence and frequency of criminal activity, but those who are involved first-hand know better. To them, nightclubs, tourism, and entertainment are just a cover for what really goes on in the city. Card counting, theft, prostitution, gangs, assault, and other violent crimes are just the beginning. And who is to say that some of the inside men aren't involved with a little dirty money themselves? Will the LVMPD be able to continue to provide protection for their city and its people, or will the increasing volume of crime slowly begin to take over what was once a controlled, entertainment getaway?
Cirque de la Lune - Light Ice.

Nathan Bedford Forrest.


The Trick Shooter.
Who will save your soul, if you won't save your own?
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Cirque de la Lune

'Cause you're a hard soul to save with an ocean in the way. But I'll get around it.

Nathan Forrest.








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Cirque de la Lune.


You can't run forever. Eventually, everyone stops running.

You can't hide your soul when your number is up. Recruit, and build. The Cirque is always looking for new family members. Harvest, if there is no other option. But neither will be easy. Life, it's never easy. If you are Chosen, and you fail, it is you who must answer to Cane.
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Feel something.

Inspired by Daughter - Touch.


Love hunt me down, I can't stand to be so dead behind the eyes.


Give me touch, 'cause I've been missing it. I'm dreaming of strangers kissing me in the night, just so I can feel something


You steal me away with your eyes and with your mouth. And just take me back to the room in your house, and stare at me with the lights off.


Just to feel something.
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Dust to dust.

It's not your eyes. It's not what you say. It's not your laughter that gives you away.

You're just lonely.

You've been lonely, too long.

All your actin', your thin disguise. All your perfectly delivered lies, they don't fool me.

You've been lonely, too long.

Let me in the wall you've built around, and we can light a match and burn it down. Let me hold your hand and dance 'round and 'round the flame in front of us.

You've held your head up. You've fought the fight. You bear the scars, you've done your time.

Listen to me, you've been lonely too long.

Let me in the wall you've built around, and we can light a match and burn it down. Let me hold your hand and dance 'round and 'round the flame in front of us,

Dust to dust.

You're like a mirror reflecting me. Takes one to know one, so take it from me.

You've been lonely.

You've been lonely, too long.
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Cirque de la Lune - Chester, the Clown.

Chester "Chet" Calloway.


The Clown.
"If only I had an enemy bigger than my apathy I could have won."

Let's admit it, everyone loves a jokester. Chester, who prefers to be called Chet when he's not 'in costume', is nothing but joke after joke, and prank after prank. His laughter and energy light up the spirits of the cast of Cirque de la Lune, or so he thinks. Most of the staff are always so serious, or they socially shun themselves, that Chet likes to think they need him. He's the kind of guy who makes himself everyone's friend, whether they need or want one, or not. What you think is your business, he likes to put himself in. Pun intended, there's always a smile painted on his face. And whenever he's in a room, you'd know it. He loves attention, women, good food, funky clothes, and is always finding ways to give a compliment, or get a smile out of someone.

However, all of that is when Chet is sober. It all seems like the perfect personality to have for any clown or comedian, but when alcohol is involved, a different side of Chester is born and is a complete opposite. He's moody, emotional, and more recently, has become more violent. Not the safest clown you want to have around your kids at a carnival, but he gets away with it. For now, at least.

It's unknown, and hard to tell just exactly which personality is the real Chet or Chester. Is the rambunctious, vivacious man really him, or a cover? Or does his mysterious past and alcoholic nature show is true feelings and opinion on the people around him?

Chet has only recently become a part of the dysfunctional group of Cirque de la Lune. But with his personality, he managed to fit his way right in with his confidence. His only skill with the Cirque is to induce either positive or negative sensations in other people. It's no secret that the Cirque would want him to use his powers for good, especially on customers. So far, there is no indication that he could cause both pleasure and pain at the same time. All subjects experience whatever single feeling he projects and it requires active concentration to use. But with whiskey, his thoughts are dark and unfocused.
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Seeds We've Sown.


Strong and stubborn. Sweet and naive. Emma Grayson possesses the kind of personality that you wouldn't really want to waste your time trying to figure out.

She's the kind of girl that wears her heart on her sleeve and expects no one to break it. She's the first to offer a helping hand to a stranger in need, a smile to a loved one, and her advice to a broken-hearted friend. Raised with manners and taught to respect, the young blonde never fails to make a good impression on everyone she meets. She's polite, courteous, and even her voice is as sweet as a melody. Her whole life, Emma has always been vulnerable to trusting too easily. She tries to see the best in people, even when they can't see it in themselves. No matter how bad things look or seem, she always has an optimism that she tries to spread to other people. And inside that pretty head of hers, she has an opinion about everything, but very rarely voices it. Her mother always told her, "Know the difference when you want to speak what's on your mind, not your heart."

Getting closer to age of needing to wed, Emma Grayson desires romance. Fire. Passion. Along with that beautiful mind of hers is a wild heart, waiting to love.

Love her back, and she'll be loyal, devoted, and faithful. Break that heart, which has never been done before, and you just might awaken a new side of herself that even she has yet to discover.

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Character ideas for Cirque.


The Lion.
"Call me a pussy, I dare you."


The Lion Tamer.
“Maybe some men aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they just need to run free until they find someone just as wild to run with them.”


The Aerial Dancer.
"Dancing with the feet is one thing, but dancing with the heart is another."


The Magician.
"Seeing is deceiving."


The Ring Mistress.
"Never handicap anyone by making their life easy."

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The witch.


NAME: Rhoslyn Faye Beachamp.

OCCUPATION: Part-time bartender/Waitress. Full-time witch.
HOMETOWN: East Haven.
SIBLINGS: Two sisters; Ashlyn & Bronwyn.


Rhoslyn isn't one to joke around, though her sense of humor is unsurprisingly very dark, dry, and sarcastic. Sometimes you might think she's making a joke, but most likely she's being completely honest or only mocking you. She calls things as she sees them and won't waste her time being polite if she thinks you don't deserve it. While she does have this hard exterior, there are very few that can break passed it. As cold and heartless as she may seem, Roz is extremely loyal to those she trusts. History has always had a way of repeating itself around Roz; one way or another, a friend usually betrays her, and a lover leaves her. The few she's loyal to, are the few she only keeps around for selfish reasons. She has to have use for you in order for you stay in her life for very long. Rhoslyn is, however, the kind of companion you want to have on your side when things get rough. Which always happens in the supernatural world. Her powers are ever-changing and growing, proving to be useful on many occasions.

first rule of witch club;
don't talk about witch club.


01. Immortality.
Being an immortal witch protects Roz from dying a natural death through aging or disease.
However, she can be killed by unnatural causes such as powerful magic, weapons, or powers.

02. Empathy.
Through spell and practice, Roz uses Empathy to discover other people's true intents,
desires and hint towards secrets that they are trying to hide.

03. Shielding.
Roz uses shielding to protect herself from both physical and magical attacks.
Currently, she's still practicing the skill in deflecting an attack back to the enemy, or absorb the energy.

04. Firestarting.
While Roz does possess the ability to throw fire, she rarely uses it as it calls for her
to use magic darker than she's comfortable with.

05. Spellcasting.
Many spells, which Rhoslyn has inherited from her family's Book of Shadows, or created on her own,
are rituals intended to produce a magical effect; thus, in order to be effective, it must be performed by her,
a magical being, not a mortal. Many spells she must bide by the ritual, why others only require a series of words.

06. Hydrokenesis.
Roz has the ability to manipulate and control water and mold it into any desired shape or form.

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Say something I'm giving up on you
I'll be the one if you want me to


Anywhere I would have followed you
Say something I'm giving up on you


And I am feeling so small
It was over my head
I know nothing at all


And I will stumble and fall
I'm still learning love
Just starting to crawl


Say something I'm giving up on you
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you.

*And yet a few more co-writers and friends....for someone so slow, I find it hard to believe I have so many....and SOB is always an enthusiastic and elegant weaver of tales....always with a twist or a new idea, unlike the old Fish*

More Marcus....I don't know how soon, but definitely more....

Aw, I'm supposed to be the flatterer. <3

But yes, more Marcus. Always more Marcus. I miss seeing inside his conflicted mind.