Something in my life isn't working correctly


pee aitch dee
Dec 21, 2001
The 'go to last post' feature on the boards isn't functioning correctly. Anyone else have that problem?

I feel horrible about it.
I don't think that thing ever worked. Besides, how does it know which posts I've read or not?
SlowHand89 said:
I don't think that thing ever worked. Besides, how does it know which posts I've read or not?

I use the option available in user cp that enables my computer to store in its memory a record of all posts that I've read. Then, when I click the 'go to last post' feature, it automatically returns me to where I left off - and provides a summary, available in another window, of those posts I've read previously.

Consider this the official call to maintenance.
I'm in the Literotica Honor Society. Comes with a few special priveleges.
This thing:
