Someone Please Tell Me


Jul 24, 2001
Just how long, does one need to be the bigger person?

How long do you have to wait, sit back, with out screaming, before you really can?
Hmmm depends on the situation Morgaine....

But whatever it is, I hope it works out for you

Never the Bigger Person For Long,

MTILC :rose:
I give up.

I really don't have the fight left in me.

For anyone.

I'm tired of fighting for things.

Maybe I am just having a weak moment or whatever.

But I am just so fucking tired of being shit on.

it has taken me a long time to learn that when feeling shit on the best response is to say so.

Being the Bigger Person will get you frustration and hurt and not change the situation at all.

Hugs to ain't easy sorting through somethings!

MorgaineLaFay said:
Just how long, does one need to be the bigger person?

How long do you have to wait, sit back, with out screaming, before you really can?

Morgy, take it from me babe... the answer is that it takes as long as it takes. It may be a day, a week, a month or a year or more. Patience darling. It'll happen when it's time to happen, and not a minute too soon. :rose:

If you give up, then you'll never know how long it takes...
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Feel free to PM or call me if you need to. I hate to see you this way.

I don't have the answers.. but I do have pretty sturdy shoulders to lean on.
MorgaineLaFay said:
I give up.

I really don't have the fight left in me.

For anyone.

I'm tired of fighting for things.

Maybe I am just having a weak moment or whatever.

But I am just so fucking tired of being shit on.

If you are that tired of being shit upon it is time for you to act
no one else can do this but you you need to be strong and fight for your rights (yes you have rights too) if it is in the courtroom or the police station do it right and be legal that way you can't get into trouble
MorgaineLaFay said:
Just how long, does one need to be the bigger person?

How long do you have to wait, sit back, with out screaming, before you really can?

Use way too much sugar, eat lots of high carbohydrate foods, and sit at your computer endlessly and you will be the bigger person before you ever knew what the hell happened.
MorgaineLaFay said:
I give up.

I really don't have the fight left in me.

For anyone.

I'm tired of fighting for things.

Maybe I am just having a weak moment or whatever.

But I am just so fucking tired of being shit on.

Sounds like you could use a ride in the Monkeemobile!

At least you people make me laugh.

Freaky...I will pm you...I am trying to find my words.
MorgaineLaFay said:

Maybe I am just having a weak moment or whatever.

Not that I know you well enough, but the fact that you said you usually fight for what you want - I see that to mean that you've hit a rough spot and once this spot is over, you'll return to your normal strong self.

It's like some unwritten law, you always have to be the bigger person or bite your tongue longer than you can stand. Then, when you've had enough, somehow you find room to bottle up more and glue that fake smile on again.

And still everyone wonders why you have an ulcer.
MorgaineLaFay said:
Just how long, does one need to be the bigger person?

How long do you have to wait, sit back, with out screaming, before you really can?

Andre the Giant faced these same questions his whole life...maybe he can inspire you!
I feel like a five year old ... But Why?

Why do I have to be the bigger person?

I can't I just say Fuck Off everytime these two come across my path?

Instead of the normal fake smile & Hello...I could just say Fuck Off!
When in doubt....

Knock 'em out!

Define, "Bigger person"? Is it withholding your true self for some sort of appearance to others?
MorgaineLaFay said:
Just how long, does one need to be the bigger person?

How long do you have to wait, sit back, with out screaming, before you really can?

Forever...ya want to know why? Because you are the bigger are the person with the class...the integrity...the skills to make it in life. You are the winner, doll...the losers no longer matter.

Still would be nice to tell them all to fuck off. Actually voice it, every chance I get.

Guess my balls really aren't that big.
The fact that you have the class to hold it in and let them perceive that it doesn't bother you in the least takes bigger balls than they have.
MorgaineLaFay said:
Guess my balls really aren't that big.

well I don't know about that... I remember one of the first dinner parties you came over for, and... Man what a show that was...