Someone please kick their ass!!!


Wise Woman
Oct 4, 1999
K, I screwed that link up...lets just try pasting the story...

Infant Murdered For Pulling Out Pacifier

He was only 9 weeks old. Little Tanner Dowler of Brighton, Colorado pulled out his pacifier, and for that his parents, Joseph and Audra Dowler, murdered him--breaking both his arms, burning his feet and face, and severely injuring his brain. "It's too early to tell what good might come from this," the Rev. David DeBord told a gathering of about 50 family and friends at a funeral service. "Maybe his death might expose a hole in the safety net that needs repairing."

That safety net has a gaping hole in it right now. The Associated Press reports that before Tanner was even born, his paternal grandparents, Woody and Lea Dowler, warned local social services officials that his parents needed to take parenting classes. Officials say they have done nothing wrong. Still, Tanner is dead.
AP reports that investigators believe the baby's arms were broken after Joseph and Audra Dowler pinned them behind him to prevent him from dislodging the pacifier. The father, 34, was arrested and charged with first-degree murder and eight additional counts of child abuse. The mother, 19, could face similar charges. Both are now in jail. "I just can't imagine what that little baby was going through," Lora Outcelt told AP as she hugged her own 3 1/2-month-old son tight to her chest. "I was shocked. It's heartbreaking. It's horrible. As a new mom, I can't imagine."
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I hate

to read about tragedys like this. The taking of an innocent life is not to be condoned, no matter what the age of the innocent.

But the implication of the article is even more troubling. That somehow the state should have intervened even prior to the birth of the child. There is an implication that we should abandon our entire concept of jurisprudence and begin to take correctional action (punishment) on the precept that someone might do something.

Once we embrace state interference on the notion that someone might do something wrong at some time, we have crossed the line from a free people to a totalitarian society where the mere allegation of the possibility of wrong doing by a friend, neighbor, or relative is justification for the state to intervene in our lives.

The child was murdered. The parents are going to be punished. The death of one child, or a hundred children, or a hundred adults, is not an excuse to enslave a nation.

This is why I feel that we should all be sterilised. It will save a thousand children from even having to go through this.
Re: I hate

Ishmael said:
to read about tragedys like this. The taking of an innocent life is not to be condoned, no matter what the age of the innocent.

But the implication of the article is even more troubling. That somehow the state should have intervened even prior to the birth of the child. There is an implication that we should abandon our entire concept of jurisprudence and begin to take correctional action (punishment) on the precept that someone might do something.


Ish, I completely agree with you. As horrible and sad as this is .. you are right. Nothing could have been done until there was hard proof that they weren't fit parents .. and that couldn't just be a verbal warning.
I would be willing to go to prison for hurting those people. Badly.

Maybe even mortally.
Re: I hate

Ishmael said:
There is an implication that we should abandon our entire concept of jurisprudence and begin to take correctional action (punishment) on the precept that someone might do something.

Parenting classes are punishment?
Re: Re: I hate

pagancowgirl said:
Parenting classes are punishment?

Absolutely. Any 'mandatory' remedial action forced on individuals by the state is punishment.

It's the difference between choice and coercion.

Afternoons even

the baby is good ya, and photos will be taken on next thursday night?
She's getting OLD.
Jim_Henson said:
Afternoons even

the baby is good ya, and photos will be taken on next thursday night?
She's getting OLD.

Photos WILL be taken....

4 months on Sunday...damn...
And she keeps growing and growing... she'll be old enough for baby contests, in her clown suit and all.