Someone I can write a story about


Jul 12, 2001
I have an idea for a story and want to base it on a real person. They will be a female, married, in the 40s or early fifties and children have left home. I will need names, not necessarily their real names but a name that they can relate to.
Ian Fleming was a master at coming up with sexually suggestive women's names for his James Bond novels. They included:

  • Honey Ryder
  • Kissy Suzuki
  • Tiffany Case
  • Plenty O'Toole
  • Mary Goodnight
  • Holly Goodhead
  • Lupe Lamora
  • Xenia Onatopp
  • Molly Warmflash
  • Strawberry Fields
  • and of course Pussy Galore!
Base it on my sister-in-law. She's called Emma Rogers, and she's frustrated that her husband has never appreciated just how gorgeous she is. She gets so many looks from other men; she knows that being petite, blonde and so very pretty makes her very attractive, and people often think she's younger than she actually is.
Ian Fleming was a master at coming up with sexually suggestive women's names for his James Bond novels. They included:

  • Honey Ryder
  • Kissy Suzuki
  • Tiffany Case
  • Plenty O'Toole
  • Mary Goodnight
  • Holly Goodhead
  • Lupe Lamora
  • Xenia Onatopp
  • Molly Warmflash
  • Strawberry Fields
  • and of course Pussy Galore!
don't forget Miss MoneyPenny.
What would be the best/worst first name for a girl who's father's surname is Slutskis?

The feminine form in my gendered language is Slutske though (or Slutska, but that collide with male possessive (not by accident)), and the incentive to un-gender it in anglophone environment by adopting male form for everyone just isn't there, imho, but parents have done worse.

Yes, the actual stem is slutsk- and it has no obscene connotations or a discernible meaning known to me altogether in the area I know it to be in use in real world, and for some weird reasons I think it might be most probably Slavic or just maybe Swedish or something alike by origin.
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