Some story ideas...


Really Experienced
Nov 3, 2002
Don't know if anyone has ever suggested something of the like but I'd love to see some more fantasy themed stories or maybe some about Priests taking advantage of Nuns...I'd write one myself but I've lost the will to write...
Why have you lost the will to write?

I used to feel that way. I sunk deep into a depression that I am still trying to crawl out of. I used the lack of love at home as an excuse not to write. I pitied myself and I came to Lit seeking advice on my relationship mostly to get pity from others.

Well, I'm over that now. As I said, I'm climbing out of my hole of depression. A very dear Friend finally made me see that I need to start doing things for myself. In a much more polite way he told me to "stop feeling sorry for myself, get off my ass, and fuckin' write already"! :)

Anyone who knows anything about me knows how bad my depression has gotten. They also know the "progress" (lack there of!) of my writings. So, if I can turn around and do something positive so can anyone!

Hang in there. :) There's nothing wrong with making a story request, of course, but never give up on yourself or your abilities!

A leaked report reveals that for seven years the Vatican has been aware that priests and missionaries have been forcing nuns to have sex with them. The Vatican has now confirmed that abuse has been taking place, but denies that it is as widespread as was initially reported.

Among the abuses detailed is a nun who was forced to have an abortion by the priest who impregnated her. She later died and he even conducted the requiem mass at her funeral.

Also reported is the case of a Mother Superior who repeatedly complained to her Bishop about local Priests - they were responsible for making 29 of her nuns pregnant. The Bishop later relieved the Mother Superior of her duties.

Many of the cases catalogued centre around African missionaries. It has become common practice there for missionaries to prey on nuns, often raping or sexually abusing them. Nuns are apparently being targeted because they have taken a vow of chastity and, with HIV being rife in Africa, nuns are seen as clean and free of all viruses.

The Vatican has not said what it intends to do in response to this damning report, but it is the second to be leaked in as many years.'

I've had similar story ideas kicking around, especially after coming across this piece on sexual explotation.

everyone knows priests have no interest in nuns. They're too old. :rolleyes:

Take Blessed's advice Panzer, try to do it yourself, you have the fantasy idea in your head, Akito has just given you some more ideas to work from. Nothing like a bit of nun rape to get the old nuts tightening some.

Of course Lobito had to put the dampers on it bt reminding us that most nuns are far too old for a priest to raise even a laugh over, I mean a lot of them are over 18 for heavens sake.


PS: Blessed did you get the last PM.
Thanks Blessed and Pop...if I do get the inspiration to write again I will make sure and post the story on Lit...for now I'll hope someone else picks up my idea.:)