Some statistics concerning male privilege and the oppression of women


バクスター の
Apr 3, 2010
You need to relax.


How many hours did these women work compared to the men? None of that "oh my chores count!!!" bull fucking shit...I'm talking about paid work hours.

Depending on who you ask it's between 9-16 hrs a week less than men.

"Work time — paid at a job and unpaid at home — is almost equal for American men and women, says a report out today that shows men clocking in at 45.6 hours a week and women at 45.2.

But it's not 50-50 in terms of work on the job and at home. Men spend about 10 hours a week more than women in paid work, and women spend about six hours more in household work and an additional three hours more in child care."

What jobs do most women chose vs men...women do have a higher rate of choosing lower income careers. At least according to the google search, and the major institutes of higher learning/government/ feminist site's that can respond to things with an answer other than "patriarchy".... this is perhaps the largest reason for the income gap. They simply choose lower earning career paths on average.

Which gender ask for or leverages/angles for promotions more often and aggressively?

The general consensus here is that while women are better negotiators and far better manipulators when it comes to haggling over a promotion/raise they are also far less aggressive about it. They just don't get all over their boss's ass about it like guys do....squeaky wheel get's the grease.

These are all factors that play into ones career...that your stupid fuckin' chart doesn't take into account.

If they want equal pay without having to market their skill set to their boss in a way that convinces them they are worth the pay over everyone else then they need to get a gubbmint job where shit is equal.
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Do you really want to mess with me botany? Don't you remember ALL your other posts I destroyed? Ok fine. Don't say I didn't warn you. Also, I don't have a PhD, like you claim, but I think I can defend myself.

First of all, across all sectors, women earn less than men.


Even in EU countries, where they actually have equal pay laws, there's a gender wage gap. Studies have been done to prove this.


Even with a college education women only earn 82% of what men earn.

There's a lot of other causes too, things like race for example.

Finally, since you're clearly on the women bashing team, housework or "chores" actually does have an economic value. A recent paper estimated that doing "chores" increased income by 30% simply because the family didn't have to hire someone to do it. Also, according to the same report, if that was factored into the GPD it would have increased 26%.

Finally, your idea of "chores" having no economic value is foolish.

Shame you didn't listen to me. Now go work on you PhD before you get hurt.
Do you really want to mess with me botany? Don't you remember ALL your other posts I destroyed? Ok fine. Don't say I didn't warn you. Also, I don't have a PhD, like you claim, but I think I can defend myself.

First of all, across all sectors, women earn less than men.


Even in EU countries, where they actually have equal pay laws, there's a gender wage gap. Studies have been done to prove this.


Even with a college education women only earn 82% of what men earn.

There's a lot of other causes too, things like race for example.

Finally, since you're clearly on the women bashing team, housework or "chores" actually does have an economic value. A recent paper estimated that doing "chores" increased income by 30% simply because the family didn't have to hire someone to do it. Also, according to the same report, if that was factored into the GPD it would have increased 26%.

Finally, your idea of "chores" having no economic value is foolish.

Shame you didn't listen to me. Now go work on you PhD before you get hurt.
Absolutely none of your cites show employers paying women LESS PER HOUR than men, for the same work.
Sure they do. You just like to create lazy arguments.

Do the math here, here, and here.

You're getting into troll area.
Find me the words "per hour" in those cites. Or any related term.
"Willingness to negotiate salary" is the problem one of your cites mentions.

Another of your cites says "Women earn 91 cents for every dollar men earn--if you control for life choices"...
But the numbers don’t tell the full story. Women are more likely to work in lower-paying occupations and leave the workforce when they have children, for example. When such circumstances are factored in — along with race and other demographic data -- about 40 percent of the gender wage gap is still unaccounted for, says Ariane Hegewisch of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), citing a 2007 study by Francine Blau and Lawrence Kahn.
That does NOT say women earn less per hour than men FOR THE SAME WORK.

You're like a human derp factory or something. And... getting your ass kicked by Botanyboy. Dear God man, have some pride.
Find me the words "per hour" in those cites. Or any related term.
"Willingness to negotiate salary" is the problem one of your cites mentions.

Another of your cites says "Women earn 91 cents for every dollar men earn--if you control for life choices"...

That does NOT say women earn less per hour than men FOR THE SAME WORK.

You're like a human derp factory or something. And... getting your ass kicked by Botanyboy. Dear God man, have some pride.

You like to take things out of context and basically try to create a thread people will post in. I took the time and created a quality argument. You'd rather say "there's no per hour in there!" Why? because you're lazy.

See unlike you I don't create a bunch of bullshit troll posts. I destroy them. You're now on my list of threads wrecked.

Women earned an average of $25.08 per hour while men, for the exact same job with the same qualifications, would earn an average of $29.66.

I said not to mess with me and you did. Now you're getting your troll ass owned.

In a survey of 435 retail workers at national retail companies, the median gender gap between women and men is the difference between $9.00/hr and $10.13/hr.

I'll tell you how and botany and the other bitches on how to not get wrecked. Don't post bullshit. It's really easy. See you're what's called a "troll". Trolls get reported as spam. Oh and they get their threads ripped to shreds.


Now you'll probably come back with some bullshit study and I can nitpick it apart. Like you tried to do and got your ass handed to you. Go on I'll wait. Just know that when you do the same thing will happen 1. reported as spam 2. thread destroyed.
You like to take things out of context and basically try to create a thread people will post in. I took the time and created a quality argument. You'd rather say "there's no per hour in there!" Why? because you're lazy.

See unlike you I don't create a bunch of bullshit troll posts. I destroy them. You're now on my list of threads wrecked.

Women earned an average of $25.08 per hour while men, for the exact same job with the same qualifications, would earn an average of $29.66.


Some researchers have suggested that people who conclude from this finding that women are discriminated against jump too hastily to that conclusion, because the underlying reasons could be more complex and subtle than that. We should be more cheerful, and not immediately make such sinister inferences.

Firms, who are afraid that women are more likely than men to resign from their job at some point (to give birth and take care of children) are more reluctant to assign jobs that lead to such firm specific skills to women. Therefore, on average, women build up less of those crucial firm specific skills. Therefore, they earn less money for what seems to be the same job.
In other words: the cite doesn't back up your claim.

The problem is not wage differences. It's not that at all. It's that companies stereotype women as being likely to leave their jobs - and women get assigned to different types of work, just as I have been saying.

There is discrimination here, but not what you're saying.

You fail, again.

I said not to mess with me and you did. Now you're getting your troll ass owned.

In a survey of 435 retail workers at national retail companies, the median gender gap between women and men is the difference between $9.00/hr and $10.13/hr.

I'll tell you how and botany and the other bitches on how to not get wrecked. Don't post bullshit. It's really easy. See you're what's called a "troll". Trolls get reported as spam. Oh and they get their threads ripped to shreds.


Now you'll probably come back with some bullshit study and I can nitpick it apart. Like you tried to do and got your ass handed to you. Go on I'll wait. Just know that when you do the same thing will happen 1. reported as spam 2. thread destroyed.
1) Reporting me as spam will fail. I will laugh at you as a result.

2) Your report doesn't talk about how long those women worked at those food industry jobs, compared to the men. If you've worked in a place longer, you'll get better wages per hour.

LOL now I have messed with you and pissed on you, too.

BTW I'm already laughing at your reporting this as spam.

PS: You just got eaten by this thread. Nom.
Do you really want to mess with me botany?'re a fun toy.

Don't you remember ALL your other posts I destroyed?

LOL dude I tap dance on your skull every time.

Ok fine. Don't say I didn't warn you. Also, I don't have a PhD, like you claim, but I think I can defend myself.

I never claimed you had a PhD....fucking moron.

First of all, across all sectors, women earn less than men.

So? Sounds like they need to ask for a fucking raise, or put some OT in.

And they don't in government jobs....years in service x pay grade. Everyone get's paid the same, at least int he US.

Even in EU countries, where they actually have equal pay laws, there's a gender wage gap.

AMAZING isn't it??? Maybe it's b/c there is some bullshit somewhere hmmm?? Check your shoes high speed, I think you stepped in something ;)

Finally, since you're clearly on the women bashing team,

Just because I don't just scream and wail "PATRIARCHY!! PATRIARCHY!!" means I'm on the women bashing team??

Because I think WHY women get paid less is more relevant and productive of a discussion than "PATRIARCHY!!! PATRIARCHY!!! PATRIARCHY!!!" is.....I'm on the women bashing team?

You're right....I never claimed you had a PhD.

housework or "chores" actually does have an economic value.

No housework and chores do not....everyone has to clean up after themselves and maintain their living quarters or live in filth. Having someone else do it is for the privileged who can afford a maid/butler. Doesn't mean Company X needs to pay it's female employees for taking care of their up your shit is just part of life.

Shame you didn't listen to me. Now go work on you PhD before you get hurt.

Listen to what? Your entire argument is "PATRIARCHY!!! PATRIARCHY!!! AND A CHART TO PROVE IT!!"

And that's as far as you will take it b/c anything beyond that and your sexist as fuck bullshit argument falls apart.

Get hurt? LMFAO !!!!! Thanks for that laugh.
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Find me the words "per hour" in those cites. Or any related term."Willingness to negotiate salary" is the problem one of your cites mentions.

Another of your cites says "Women earn 91 cents for every dollar men earn--if you control for life choices"...

That does NOT say women earn less per hour than men FOR THE SAME WORK.

Yes, it does. Again you just can't do math.

In other words: the cite doesn't back up your claim.

The problem is not wage differences. It's not that at all. It's that companies stereotype women as being likely to leave their jobs - and women get assigned to different types of work, just as I have been saying.

There is discrimination here, but not what you're saying.

Again, you're changing your argument and even when you change your argument you get owned.

See, I quoted you above and like I said you'd change the rules of your argument. So you fail.

You can keep changing your argument and you'll keep getting destroyed. Here's a study that shows that it takes women abot 7 years to earn the same as a man.

You'll notice I've addressed you're now altered agrument, again because I ruined your thread, women choose to make certain choices in their life (have a family) and the discrimination is assuming women will do this.

How does it feel to be a woman hater? I bet you don't ever get laid. Kind of like botnay. You know with his pretend PhD.

Here comes dan's next wormy, wriggling "BUT BUT PATRIARCHY!! PATRIARCHY!!!" troll post.....:D

Kind of like botnay. You know with his pretend PhD.

Never claimed I had a PhD......and you can't quote it either b/c youz a LIAR!!! :D
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No wormy post DAN?? :confused:

Awww hims must have gotten spanked too hard....hims not want to play anymore?
Yes, it does. Again you just can't do math.

Again, you're changing your argument and even when you change your argument you get owned.

See, I quoted you above and like I said you'd change the rules of your argument. So you fail.

You can keep changing your argument and you'll keep getting destroyed. Here's a study that shows that it takes women abot 7 years to earn the same as a man.

You'll notice I've addressed you're now altered agrument, again because I ruined your thread, women choose to make certain choices in their life (have a family) and the discrimination is assuming women will do this.

How does it feel to be a woman hater? I bet you don't ever get laid. Kind of like botnay. You know with his pretend PhD.

Okay everyone it's time to end this lying shitbag with a little demonstration of Hokuto Shinken.

The Department of Labor recently funded a study that proved this and found the pay gap is caused by choices, not discrimination. Wage Gap Final Report.pdf
However,despite these gains the raw wage gap continues to be used in misleading ways to advance public policy agendas without fully explaining the reasons behind the gap. The purpose of this report is to identify the reasons that explain the wage gap in order to more fully inform policymakers and the public.
The following report prepared by CONSAD Research Corporation presents the results of a detailed statistical analysis of the attributes that contribute to the wage gap and a synopsis of the economic research that has been conducted on the issue. The major findings are:
There are observable differences in the attributes of men and women that account for most of the wage gap. Statistical analysis that includes those variables has produced results that collectively account for between 65.1 and 76.4 percent of a raw gender wage gap of 20.4 percent, and thereby leave an adjusted gender wage gap that is between 4.8 and 7.1 percent. These variables include:
A greater percentage of women than men tend to work part-time. Part-time work tends to pay less than full-time work.
A greater percentage of women than men tend to leave the labor force for child birth, child care and elder care. Some of the wage gap is explained by the percentage of women who were not in the labor force during previous years, the age of women, and the number of children in the home.
The Gender Pay Gap is a Complete Myth
Men are more likely to take jobs that require work on weekends and evenings and therefore pay more.

Even within the same career category, men are more likely to pursue high-stress and higher-paid areas of specialization. For example, within the medical profession, men gravitate to relatively high-stress and high-paying areas of specialization, like surgery, while women are more likely to pursue relatively lower-paid areas of specialization like pediatrician or dentist.

Despite all of the above, unmarried women who've never had a child actually earn more than unmarried men, according to Nemko and data compiled from the Census Bureau.

Sorry ladies, I'm not worried about wage gaps
Though I disapprove mightily of the kind of dumb sexism that keeps old women hidden away lest they turn listeners to stone, I don't have any truck with gender pay gap nonsense. Partly because the figures are always fiddled. Women doing part-time jobs are compared with men doing the same jobs, but full-time, so the gap between their incomes isn't a gender gap but a time gap; an "hours worked" gap.
Fair Pay Isn’t Always Equal Pay
But that wage gap isn’t necessarily the result of discrimination. On the contrary, there are lots of other reasons men might earn more than women, including differences in education, experience and job tenure.

When these factors are taken into account the gap narrows considerably — in some studies, to the point of vanishing. A recent survey found that young, childless, single urban women earn 8 percent more than their male counterparts, mostly because more of them earn college degrees.

Moreover, a 2009 analysis of wage-gap studies commissioned by the Labor Department evaluated more than 50 peer-reviewed papers and concluded that the aggregate wage gap “may be almost entirely the result of the individual choices being made by both male and female workers.”



Women CEOs Beat Men in Pay in 2009

For Young Earners in Big City, a Gap in Women’s Favor
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, single women between 22 and 30 years old earn an average of $27,000 a year.

That's 8% more than comparable men. Women of that age earn more in 39 of the 50 biggest American cities.

Young Women Earn More
The analysis was prepared by Andrew A. Beveridge, a demographer at Queens College, who first reported his findings in Gotham Gazette, published online by the Citizens Union Foundation. It shows that women of all educational levels from 21 to 30 living in New York City and working full time made 117 percent of men’s wages, and even more in Dallas, 120 percent. Nationwide, that group of women made much less: 89 percent of the average full-time pay for men.

The 15 Jobs Where Women Earn More Than Men

Now that you've taken the thousand punches to the face, we're going back on-topic and there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop that.

We're going to now discuss the fact that:
men make up over 90% of industrial accident deaths
men make up 80% of suicide deaths
men are 76% of all homicide victims
men get longer sentences than women for the same crimes.

No more of your bullshit. No more of your derailing. We're talking about that now.
LT probably still has me on ignore so he won't see this. There are enough conflicting, or seemingly conflicting numbers in this thread, so I'm not going talk about whether women are being paid fairly or not. I'm not an expert on the subject and I haven't the foggiest idea.

men make up over 90% of industrial accident deaths

I think the obvious conclusion is that women overwhelmingly do not choose dangerous careers. Most of the factories I ever worked at the men worked on the factory floor and the women worked in the office. There are exceptions of course but even in those cases most women have less hazardous jobs.

Hard to find anything particularly sinister with the fact that more men get killed on the job than women. Men are more physically capable of doing heavy and dangerous work so those careers are typically dominated by men.
Have I been reported for spam? LOL danno how does it feel to be so thoroughly humiliated?