Some restrooms are shit

I sometimes have to check on reality - maybe look outside to see if people are still walking up the street: check, it is still raining: check, gravity still working: check. All because I read things like this in Huff

Your Mr Kavanagh and Arizona's take on TGs using the restroom - he thinks they ought to go to jail for 6 mths. What's the standard sentence for taking a shit outside the govt buildings?

So, burly bearded trans men would be required to use the ladies? Yeah, I can see that going well :-(
It fucks me off so badly that people like that politician associate trans women with paedophiles. But then there was that case a week or so ago when a female sheriff ordered a trans-woman out of a court-house restroom and she was taken to task by a judge ( thank god ).
In a sense I can see the exception that is being touted here: just because a person claims ID shouldn't necessarily mean they should have access. It seems to me that states like Arizona should stop being ostriches and recognise bona fide trans people by allowing them change their birth cert or other paperwork etc. That way the decision and responsibility lies with the gatekeepers - medical people.
The problem is these states are dominated by quite frankly right wing wackjobs....they don't recognize medicine or anything, there guide is their stupid bible and their own stupidity. They'll tell you that sex is defined by the chromosomes, that a man is a man and a woman is a woman, period. This is basically "GOP base" territory, on top of everything else, they have a lot of older, less educated, white people, who are not exactly known for openmindedness. The only good news is that group is dying out, the retirees, the 'native' arizonans, and the next generations are a lot different. It is ironic that Barry Goldwater came from Arizona, he was supposed to be Mr. Conservative", but he despised the religious right/loony right, and was enough of a libertarian to recognize that gay and trans people have the right to exist.
You vant to go potty? Show me your papers!

Why make life harder for those who have it hard? I find it funny most of the concern is about keeping the masses comfortable, now if this big burly transman came strolling in the womens locker, dont you think that would be more awkward than if he went in the mens where at the risk of questioning their sexuality- go as far as staring at the ceiling to not see another mans junk, whatever it is? Its assinine, passable or not, trans or not, crossdresser or not, this still brings in the same- if not worst awkward moments, possibly more chances of rape and hate crimes. Here we go full circle, a self-fulfilling prophecy. Next thing is ID Scanners on the bathroom doors. Even if one wasn't passable, most would see a manly woman or a real efeminate man. I dont know what trans men do, but I havent met a trans women who stands and pisses, even in their own homes. The fight for the "normal people" must be bigger than the fight for us. One should not have to be a ninja in the bathroom, no sir or madam.