Some people are nice


Literotica Guru
Mar 8, 2003
Today for example I dropped £20 in the street and some kind soul ran after me to give it back - how cool are they? Anybody elses faith in mankind been restored recently?
It happens now and then, but for the most part I find that the honest are few and far between. *shrugs*
my mate left £50 in the hole-in-the-wall and someone called him back after he forgot it
In general, I fall squarely into the 'not-nice' category. Just thought you should know.
Starblayde said:
my mate left £50 in the hole-in-the-wall and someone called him back after he forgot it

Ummmm.....not everyone knows what a "hole-in-the-wall" is SB.

I only know because of "Who's Line is It"
Starblayde said:
my mate left £50 in the hole-in-the-wall and someone called him back after he forgot it

Come on it can't just be us brits who give people back their money, you guys over the pond must have some nice people in that big ol' country of yours!

Pagancowgirl are you a badgirl or genuinely not nice?
I'd give people back their money, if only because I fear the Karma Police. The threat of punishment does deter crime, at least where i'm concerned.

As for my bad girl vs. genuinely not nice status... depends on the day, I suppose.
Sexy_lawyer03 said:
Come on it can't just be us brits who give people back their money, you guys over the pond must have some nice people in that big ol' country of yours!

Pagancowgirl are you a badgirl or genuinely not nice?

She's genuinely NOT NICE. I think she stays up late at night concocting ways to be mean to people just to be mean. She was bred that way, a damn Yankee.

I've never had anyone give money back to me, but there are plenty of nice things I see people do that restores my confidence in humanity. People volunteer their time for the most wonderful causes and are usually very passionate about their causes.
pagancowgirl said:
I'd give people back their money, if only because I fear the Karma Police. The threat of punishment does deter crime, at least where i'm concerned.

The Karma Police have wonderful handcuffs.
Sexy_lawyer03 said:
what were you doing to catch their eye? (and did they have to use the cuffs?)

I broke the Karmic law. They were forced to use their, I begged them to use their handcuffs. :p
SaucyWench said:
She's genuinely NOT NICE. I think she stays up late at night concocting ways to be mean to people just to be mean. She was bred that way, a damn Yankee.

Ahhhh but part of the day today was spent concocting ways to be very very nice to a certain Wench I know. ;)

I'm not so much interested in the handcuffs that the Karma Police use as in the whips that they administer their punishment with... are they sproingy?
When I worked in retail I accidentally gave a guy back $100.00 too much change (the bills were wet and stuck together) about 30 min later he came back and said "Miss I think you gave me too much back" I counted my tray and yup i was missing 100.00 he drove all the way back across town to return it to me. I was sooooo happy. I would have been killed if i was that much short.
pagancowgirl said:
Ahhhh but part of the day today was spent concocting ways to be very very nice to a certain Wench I know. ;)

I'm not so much interested in the handcuffs that the Karma Police use as in the whips that they administer their punishment with... are they sproingy?

Very very nice? Define very, very nice.

The whips are very springy! Painted with flowers, if I remember correctly, I was kind of preoccupied at the time of punishment administration.
When I was 16 a man discarded his winning lottery ticket on the counter of the convience store where I worked. He had just won 5,000 dollars and left the ticket on the counter for me to throw away. When I picked up the ticket I saw that he was actually a winner. I ran out of the store and found him and returned the ticket to him.
I have received every kind of reaction relating to this story. Some people think I was stupid for returning it to him since he left it there for me to throw away. Some say I am honest since it belonged to him in the first place. Regardless what others think of me I will always know in my heart I did the right thing.