Some more pantie pics


Jan 9, 2003
Hi all.I was thrilled by all the positive feedback from my 'i want to take off my bra' thread,thankyou so much.I was also asked about removing my panties,but unfortunately i haven't yet managed to get Chris to take the pictures.I hope in the meantime you will enjoy a few more underwear pictures and if the feedback is positive i do have a rather naughty one.

White cotton panties? Good enough for Elvis good enough for me.
Nice pic.
Loved your other thread too.

very nice hmm have any more of her where she may be bending over showing off her butt????
oh ya that i like especially the fishnet stockings.... dunno what it is about the stockings and all but its like thongs stockings and corsets hmmm
thats it for now

Thanks for any feeback i have had or may have.I will post again when we hopefully have the 'i want to take off my panties' shoot sorted.
very nice nonetheless exciting to watch ya show what ya got :)

hope your day goes well...
last pic

I would love to have my face planted between your cheeks about now. Lovely pics! Keep posting and welcome.:p :p :p :p
Re: thats it for now

noonerlly said:
Thanks for any feeback i have had or may have.I will post again when we hopefully have the 'i want to take off my panties' shoot sorted.
Thanks for gracing our eyes with your beauty! So very beautiful! Love the panties on as well as off! waiting for that "I want to take off my Panties" shoot! :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: BOB
Another great thread !!

Thank you for your imagination and the pictures. You have another great thread going here!