Some feedback on feedback


Nov 28, 2012

I'm a newly minted Literotica author, having just had my first submission approved. (Champagne, streamers, dancing!)

I'm getting a fair amount of feedback in the form of comments, faves, and private feedback.

My question is, how much interaction is the norm here on Literotica? I've been trying to reply to most of the comments, although I've taken the liberty of glossing over some of the redundant ("more please") ones that I've already previously answered. ("Yes, I'm working on a follow up story.")

My real question is about private feedback. I don't see anything in the web interface for replying to these. A few were not anonymous, so is it customary to reply to the sender via their e-mail address, or is this considered a breach of protocol?
If I get feedback that includes a sender email, I'll reply unless its obvious that don't want one. Like when its hatemail :D Most of the time I get another response with something like, "Wow, I can't believe you took the time to reply to me!" or something close to that.
My question is, how much interaction is the norm here on Literotica? I've been trying to reply to most of the comments, although I've taken the liberty of glossing over some of the redundant ("more please") ones that I've already previously answered. ("Yes, I'm working on a follow up story.")

My real question is about private feedback. I don't see anything in the web interface for replying to these. A few were not anonymous, so is it customary to reply to the sender via their e-mail address, or is this considered a breach of protocol?

Private feedback: if it's anonymous, there's no way to reply. If they do provide an email address, presumably they don't mind getting replies at that address.

Comments on stories: it really varies. I aim to leave an occasional "thanks for your encouragement!" and to answer reasonable questions, but a lot of authors don't participate in comments at all, so, whatever you prefer.
Thank you for your comments on comments (aren't meta-discussions fun?).

When I'm a veteran author with hundreds of stories, I probably won't have to time to answer my many fans (LOL), but for now I'm having a lot of fun replying to comments, almost all of which are encouraging.

Regarding the private comments, I didn't want to upset anyone by crossing some unwritten rule of etiquette. I went ahead and wrote a few of them back. One has already replied and they didn't seem at all upset. So far, it doesn't look like I've stepped on any toes. :)
I reply to comments on my stories comment threads and I reply to any questions put to me on the forums. I treat email feedback as one way from the reader to me because I don't like sending my email addy out to people I don't know.

Also, if you're new then beware feedback from people out to take advantage. I've had people telling me they want my stories for publishing companies that don't exist. I've also had a lot of people asking to edit for me who plainly can't spell.

Be a sceptic, not a cynic, and you'll be fine. Most feedback is from honest folks just wanting to say thanks or to give you some criticism. That's why I'm weary of people who want me to reply via email. Between the forums and the comment threads, there's plenty of spaces to get a reply from me without me giving out any personal info.

Or you could just make up an email addy specifically for your writing on Lit.

As for the norm on interaction. I usually reply to questions about my stories unless it's people asking the same question over and over again.

You can also send anyone with a Lit account some feedback from their user page if they give your their account name. Keeps things nice and safe.

Hope this helps a little!

I'm a newly minted Literotica author, having just had my first submission approved. (Champagne, streamers, dancing!)

I'm getting a fair amount of feedback in the form of comments, faves, and private feedback.

My question is, how much interaction is the norm here on Literotica? I've been trying to reply to most of the comments, although I've taken the liberty of glossing over some of the redundant ("more please") ones that I've already previously answered. ("Yes, I'm working on a follow up story.")

My real question is about private feedback. I don't see anything in the web interface for replying to these. A few were not anonymous, so is it customary to reply to the sender via their e-mail address, or is this considered a breach of protocol?

That is up to you. The reader has a choice to be anonymous or not, so if they include their email, a polite thank you is in order.

I always reply to comments, when possible. When someone asks for more, I ask what about the story was so appealing. The answers are always interesting and helpful.
Or you could just make up an email addy specifically for your writing on Lit.

One caution on this: I have a Gmail account under my real name, and another that I set up for Lit, which forwards to my regular account.

A couple of weeks after I set this up, a couple of people who know my regular account added the Lit one to their G+ circles. AFAICT, because I had emailed my regular account from the Lit account, Google had decided to recommend the Lit account to these people as "someone you might know".

So if you go this road, give the Lit email address a name that's not easily connected to anything else in your life.
I would definitely reply to those who supply an email address. It's great to make a personal connection with your readers in that way. If nothing else they'll definitely remember that you took the time to write back to them :)