SOLD (closed)


Sweet submission
Jul 10, 2012

Name: Morgan (no last name)
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 110 lbs
Hair: Straight almost down to her waist strawberry blonde
Eyes: bright green
Body Type: Thin but curvey with milky pale skin
Breif Bio: Morgan was born into slavery and now the she has come of age she has been put on the auction block. She wants to be bought as a sex slave so she can know the pleasures between a man and woman.

Morgan sighed as she was dressed in white silk wraps. They dressed her like this because she was untouched by man but boy did she hope that changed she didn't want to be a cooking or cleaning slave like her parents had been. Her asperation was to be a sex slave she knew sex slaves had higher value and normally were more acknowledge than regular slaves were.

Before she had been brought to auction she had gotten her hands on some books about sex and the diffrent acts that could be preformed just thinking about it set her body tingling. She didn't know life outside of slavery and she was mostly happy with her life but she was nervous about being sold. They pulled her hair back into a long single braid so her face would be easy to see.

Finally once she was ready she went to stand in line for her time on the block. Her hands where secured behind her back thrusting her breast forward and she held her head high when she heard her cue. SHe listened absently as the auctionier talked about it being her first time up for auction how she just came of age and how she was untouched. It was all Blah blah blah to her as she waited for the bidding to begin.
Name: Alfred Baker
Age: 33
Height: 6'0"
Hair: Short black hair, combed away from his face, normally hidden under a tall top hat.
Weight: 200 lbs
Eyes: Dark Brown
Bio: Alfred Baker is the typical cliche of a wealthy young man. He has the world and he wants more. Not content with his pregnant wife at home, he seeks, wine, drugs, much of it as possible, whatever money can buy.

Alfred's car came to a stop just at the edge of the ragged crowd. He patted his retriever, Bruno's, head as the dog lapped at his chin. He could see the hair of the current girl being offered on the block, but her face was hidden through the shoulders of the patchwork men and women who were there for the auction. Alfred's driver opened his door and Alfred stepped outside with his dog.

It was muggy, and Alfred could already hear the auctioneer talking. He adjusted his jacket and nodded to the driver as he began working his way around the crowd.

"A pretty piece indeed, and going for a fair price..." the auctioneer was saying.

The men in the crowd were especially attentive, and Alfred was curious. He settled in between the shoulders of two men in wool hats, their money already in hand, and looked up to the block for the first time.

There, he saw her. Sure, she was a little pale and a little small, but her face was proud and the angles of her cheekbones were so striking. The way she was dressed also intrigued him, since he knew that if there was any fraud in the purity of a slave, he could prosecute the sellers. He ran his fingers over his lips as he listened to the rote description from the auctioneer.

This was no working slave.
Morgan stood and waited without moving as her thoughts raced and she prayed for a certain type of buyer and a good price. She stared straight ahead not making eye contact with anyone the truth of the matter was she wasn't seeing anything of the present. In her minds eyes she saw a handsome gentleman using her body and teaching her how to please him and how to get pleasure from her own body. When she had asked her mother about sex she had been told it wasn't natural for her to have so much intrest in the subject. A week later here she was maybe her old owner had heard the converstation with her mother she wouldn't be suprised.

As the auctioner ended his spew bids started faster than she could keep up. She kept a scerne look on her face as she waited. The look was fake as her palms sweated with nerves. She wanted to close her eyes and pray harder but she knew it would do her no good and any movement or hiding her best feature, her vivd green eyes, might slow bidding and she wouldn't get a good price. She waited on pins and needles waiting for the auctioner to yell sold as the bidding climbed.
The bidding had started faster than he had anticipated, but Alfred waited. He watched the reaction of the girl on the block. She was nervous. She was trying to hide it, he could tell, but he could see she was nervous. The trembling palms betrayed her.

The bidding climbed higher, and Alfred pushed his way to the front, his yellow dog loping at his heels. A strange, wonderful sensation climbed up his thighs. He licked the roof of his mouth.

Her eyes. Her eyes were so green. He wondered how many tears they had cried. He wondered what the rest of her alabaster body was like under the white wrappings.

He desired her. At this moment, he desired her more than anything else.

He always got what he wanted.

"Ten thousand dollars!" he said, and thought, that ought to shut them up.
The bidding was going higher and louder but still the prices where no more than around $4500 not at all what she had hoped for it seemed that the bidders where trying to nickle and dime each other out of the running wanting her but not wanting too dig too deep. She stayed focused and waited for the biding to die down and prayed for a decent owner who would turn her into a sex slave. Suddenly a deep voice shouted, "Ten thousand dollars!"

The crowd fell silent and out of shock Morgan looked in the directioin the voice had come from and her eyes connect with a pair of chocolate colored eyes that seemed filled with lust as he looked upon her. She shivered again, from excitement instead of nervousness this time. As if coming from a farway tunnel she head the auctioner talking after a few moments of stunned silence, "Going once.......going twice.......SOLD for ten thousand dollars!! Sir you may pickup your new slave and make payment over to the left."

Morgan was sure she was in shock or well she wasn't sure but she couldn't move and her body seemed to be aroused and she had no idea why. An assistant came out and caught her arms guiding her off the block and to the side to wait for her owner to come retrieve her.
Claps on the back all around. "That was quite a show," and "I didn't even see you come in," and "you had us all." Alfred's dog wagged his tail madly as the crowd shook their heads, smiling, and slowly gathered themselves for the next auction.

Alfred had one thing on his mind, though--that girl. She was his now. He smiled. He owned everything about her.

He walked through the grass to the place where the auction assistant had taken the girl, looking into her eyes for the first time. He swallowed down the lust that was just at the surface of his skin. He probably smelled of it.

The assistant reached out and grasped Alfred's hand. He shook it vigorously. "You are always welcome here, sir."

Alfred didn't stop watching the girl. He nodded in the direction of the assistant and with two thick fingers, motioned for the girl to follow him. Bruno nuzzled up underneath her delicate hand and licked her fingers.

They walked to the pay-station, received more complements, and before anyone knew what was happening, Alfred, the girl, and the dog had ducked back into his car and the driver was rolling down the local road, away from the auction.
Morgan followed the man as he had bid her to do when the dog slipped under her fragile looking hand she smiled at him and caressed his head. He seemed like a lovely beast his fur was soft and golden. She lightly caressed between his ears as they followed their owner around. She had always wanted a pet or to be around a pet as she was a slave and knew the chances of her having something of her own was unlikely to happen, so for her new owner to own a pet as well thrilled her.

Morgan watched as the man accepted congradulations and paid for her. When finally they made it to the car she was nervous again. She had never been bought or sold before and she didn't know proper edict yet still she didn't know why he had bought her though she did have her hopes. She kept her head down not wanting to offend him by looking up and waited for him, to see if he would speak or simply act. As she waited she kept her hand on the dogs head hoping she wouldn't get in trouble.
They sat in silence for a few moments, listening to the hum of the car's air conditioning and the sound of the street rumbling underneath them. The dog settled up on the seat next to Alfred and they both watched the girl. Everything was bathed in silence.

But he enjoyed it. He enjoyed watching her cheeks flush, watching her mouth move as she tried to discern what to do next. She was a prettier plaything than he had originally anticipated. He licked his lips as the dog yawned next to him.

Then, with strong, thick fingers, he touched her chin, lifting her gaze up to meet his. He inspected her eyes, her face, her soft lips. He could smell her, now, ripe as a blossom. His heart pounded inside his chest.

"What should I call you?" he asked.
At the feel of his touch even such an innocent one sent goosebumps racing over her body. As she looked up into his eyes she was sure those chocolate eyes could swallow her whole and never spit her out.

"What should I call you?" he asked.

Morgan nervously nibbled her lush lips before speaking for the first time.

"Morgan is what I have been called Master." She whispered her voice enchanting light and musical as if she wasn't wholly of this earth.
Morgan. It was a good name. Exotic, old. It suited her perfectly.

He touched her flaxen hair, letting it drop slowly through his fingers. He breathed her in, savoring the sound of her sweet voice. His voice, now, he reminded himself.

"Come sit by me, Morgan." He patted the seat next to him. Bruno lifted up his golden head and put it back down on his paws. "You can call me, sir."
"Yes Sir" Morgan said softly.

As gracefully as she could in a moving vehicle she made her way to his side and sat beside him. Now that she had really gotten a look at more than his eyes she could tell he was very handsom indeed. This knowledge did funny things to her body she was fully sure of and those feelings only rose as she got closer to him.
He took her hand in his, such a delicate little hand, dainty really, and inspected the fingernails. Her lithe little body next to him drove a spike into his gut, and he felt himself become aroused, thick with the need of her.

"Did you receive any formal training before today?" he asked, his fingers strong around her wrist.
Morgan shook her head before rembering to speak and squeeked out "No Sir."

Realizing she had squeeked she turned a furious shade of red in embarassment. She wanted to please this man and have him happy with her but as he pointed she had no training and no idea what she should do or say.
He grimaced. The lack of training could prove a problem with the other slaves and servants in his house. He adored her ripening cheeks though, and couldn't help but smiled when she flushed in embarrassment.

He pondered the situation, trying to make the best decision. He liked his plaything, wanted to unwrap her like a Christmas present, but he knew that the others would make her life miserable if they knew the truth.

"Driver," he said at last. "Pull over and take Bruno for a walk."

The driver obeyed him immediately, pulling the car to the side of the road, and opening the back door, letting Bruno bound out into the humidity.

When he shut the door, Alfred could feel his heat pounding, his sexuality sticking to him like sweat.

"We'll have to remedy that before we take you home then," he whispered, huskily.
At his words and the way his voice dropped caused a shiver of both nervousness and anticipation to shoot down her spine. She licked her lips as she looked up at him and fell a little deeper into those eyes that she knew would one day hold everything she was and never let it go no matter how miserable or happy she was she knew he would never willingly let her leave him nor would he get rid of her. She could see it in his eyes as far as he was concerned she was and always would be his. His slave his possession and nothing more.
The windows were tinted, and cars rushed by outside, but inside all was hot and thick with anticipation. Alfred wondered what her body looked like, and he knew it was time, time to peel away the wrapping on his purchase. He opened his mouth and breathed in her nervousness, her apprehension. He could feel his cock pressed hard against his zipper.

"Take off your garment," he whispered.
Morgan whispered softly "Yes Sir."

Her hand trembled only slightly as she becagan unwrapping the silk wrap she let her own hands caress the flesh as she exposed it to his eyes. She was use to her own tough but for some reason with him watching it felt ertic and caused her nipples to pebble and moister to flood her pussy. When she was bared before his eyes she looked up at him to see if he approved of her body.
Alfred watched her with mouth open, his heart beating blood into his throat. He wasn't able to hide the way his breath quickened when he saw her body--his body now--underneath those silk wrappings. He touched her on the shoulder, watched the pale skin flush underneath his fingertips.

"You are lovely," he said, "like a tiny desert flower."

His hand caressed her cheek, and he stroked his thumb across her lower lip. He wondered how soft the inside of her mouth was.
She leaned into his touch and tentively slipped her tonuge out of her mouth to lick at his thumb before softly whispering, "Thank you Sir."

She sat there now bared to him as naked as the day she was born and calmly awaited his next instruction. This is what she had wanted. This is what she had waited for all her life and she could find it in herself to be nervous instead she felt like she was becoming complete.
He took her hands and guided them slowly down his torso. He felt the warmth and softness in them, the youth and the vigor. She would make a fine specimen. She would make a perfect toy for fucking soon. But Alfred knew that an unspoiled slave was treacherous territory. He'd had them before, and learned hard lessons about moving too quickly. She had much to learn, yes, but she also needed a first lesson, that being a pleasure slave was better than being any other sort of slave in his household.

He guided her hands lower, slowly letting them rest on the thick bulge resting in his pants.

"Caress it," he whispered.
"Yes Sir." She whispered back

At first her touch was feather light as she traced over him learning his clothed shape before becoming more bold and firm. She used her eyes and ears to judge his reactions to what she was doing. Soon she came to be stroking him through his pants and wished they were long and far gone so she could touch his flesh and learn it.
Alfred gasped. "You must never touch me, unless instructed to do so."

He clutched at his zipper and dragged it down. He pulled out his cock, rich and rigid and thick with blood. "If you must touch me without instruction, you must say 'would it please you if your slave touched you?'"

He took her hand, placed the warm palm against his shaft and sighed, his heart racing.

"Do you understand?"
"Yes Master I understand." She whispered in reply.

She was soon distracted by the feel of his naked cock in her hand she stared down at it as her fingers traced then her hand caressed and then she began to stroke. A drop of what she had read was precum formed at the head of his cock and she took her other hand to wipe it up and suck it into her mouth to learn the flavor. She moaned in appreciation. She looked up at him to watch his reaction to how she was playing with his cock.
Her hands were incredibly soft and warm against his rigid flesh. It almost seemed a waste for such a beauty as this to be playing with man things her entire life. He groaned and lowered his trousers to his hips, panting heavily at her sweet little touch.

He suddenly wanted her more than ever, to open her up like a rose and watch the petals fall away. He wanted to know what that sweet cunt felt like around his shaft. He placed a large hand on her soft little thigh.
He seemed to enjoy what she was doing so she kept doing it adding diffrent things here and there like adding a light twist to her wrist when her hand was around the crown of his cock. When she felt his heavy hand on her thigh she instictively spread her thighs giving him access to all that was his.