

Jan 24, 2003
If I lick your ear will I get slapped?

Just wondering how many girls like ear licking in foreplay.

No wise comments from guys please
Pixie Mischief said:
I love having my ears licked hehe

As long as thre isn't one of those loud smacking kisses
That can deafen ya, break an eardrum

Hiya, Pixie:heart:
just pet said:
As long as thre isn't one of those loud smacking kisses
That can deafen ya, break an eardrum

Hiya, Pixie:heart:

LOL ouch yeah really LOL but mmm hehe I love the tongue dragging against my earlove and tracing the edges hehe
just pet said:
You have a wet willie, lambchop?

Now yours has appeal

I love the smell of wet wool

my beak is to hard for wet willies? Is that it?

*waves to everyone* Got less then 10 minutes to get to work :eek:
just pet said:
You have a wet willie, lambchop?

Now yours has appeal

I love the smell of wet wool
And the natural lanolin is so good for the skin.
Zmey said:
*waves to everyone* Got less then 10 minutes to get to work :eek:
tuck your pointy nicely before :D


have A great pointy dayyyyy Zzzemyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~wink*

Pixie Mischief said:
I was talking abou the lamb in the av!!!! it was all fuzzy and stuff wanted to pet it.


I'm so disappointed