So who on the board needs to get naked in 2003?

Dietrich K. said:
So am I. So what do I do with the rest of the year?

Post proof of it???? I think you need to be naked often here.
roxanne69 said:
Post proof of it???? I think you need to be naked often here.

I would but I don't have my webcam or my digicam working right now. Just trust me for the time being.

And really ... I think you could stand for a little more nakedness yourself. :p
Dietrich K. said:
I would but I don't have my webcam or my digicam working right now. Just trust me for the time being.

And really ... I think you could stand for a little more nakedness yourself. :p


I am in the same boat, digicam fell on the floor one too many times and gave up the ghost. I think it's for the best, I would just get in way too much trouble ;)
Now how am I going to make you writhe and moan, when I can't watch your silky smooth skin move as I day dream about catching you masturbating in the bed?

ridddder said:
Now how am I going to make you writhe and moan, when I can't watch your silky smooth skin move as I day dream about catching you masturbating in the bed?

You'll just have to imagine me as best you can, big boy. :D
I won't be naked.

I'll be more mysterious this way...

Besides, it's way too cold.

And I don't have digicam and stuff.
I NEED someone to get naken at my HOUSE in 2003. Getting naked on the board won't do me much good, but here in the livingroom, or kitchen counter, or bathtub, or upstairs, or on the stairs, now you're talking!