So who are the big LOSERS tonight?


Titty fucker
Jul 19, 2012
Looks like common sense prevailed in America.

Maybe there is hope.
Looks like common sense prevailed in America.

Maybe there is hope.

Common sense lol.......Common sense would be to put America on a path to balance out the budget. Neither Obama or Romney even touched on that. There is no common sense in this country. The per person debt in this country is 35% higher than that of Greece. At some point shit is going to hit the fan and it seems like any politician we elect is going to kick the can until it is too late.
Yeah, shut up.

Romney is a buffoon painted up like a politician.

People with common sense realized that.
America is the big loser. Republicans need to understand they cannot run a Republican liberal against a Democrat liberal. The party of limited government cannot run a big north eastern liberal and maintain it's credibility with the voters.

Quoted. Loser.
The BIGGEST loser is Texas Senator John Cornyn, Republican Senatorial campaign chariman.

He had 10 seats to defend and 23 possible takeaways.

What a fucking disaster!
Common sense lol.......Common sense would be to put America on a path to balance out the budget. Neither Obama or Romney even touched on that. There is no common sense in this country. The per person debt in this country is 35% higher than that of Greece. At some point shit is going to hit the fan and it seems like any politician we elect is going to kick the can until it is too late.

ahem...disregarding some of the more name-callingy, mudslingingy replies here....

i'd argue that creating jobs, increasing prosperity, and doing whatever it takes to put the USA back on top of the global economic pyramid IS the same thing as balancing the budget. We only got into this serious debt because of two terms under an administration that prefered to generate profits instead of prosperity.

I think this is a turning point for us as a nation. I think emphasis on economic solidarity, job creation, bolstering civil rights and strengthening the middle class (the powerhouse of our economic system) is the way to make for a new generation of industrious, compassionate, focused, and influential citizens.
America is the big loser. Republicans need to understand they cannot run a Republican liberal against a Democrat liberal. The party of limited government cannot run a big north eastern liberal and maintain it's credibility with the voters.

The part of America you stand for are the losers, loser.

America is the big loser. Republicans need to understand they cannot run a Republican liberal against a Democrat liberal. The party of limited government cannot run a big north eastern liberal and maintain it's credibility with the voters.

Romney lost women, minorities of all types, and educated voters. An even more conservative candidate would have lost them even more.

In 2016 and 2020 it will be even less possible for a party to win without appealing strongly to women/Latinos/Blacks. America is changing and trying to campaign like it's 1984 is just a path to humiliation.
i'd argue that creating jobs, increasing prosperity, and doing whatever it takes to put the USA back on top of the global economic pyramid IS the same thing as balancing the budget. We only got into this serious debt because of two terms under an administration that prefered to generate profits instead of prosperity.

I think this is a turning point for us as a nation. I think emphasis on economic solidarity, job creation, bolstering civil rights and strengthening the middle class (the powerhouse of our economic system) is the way to make for a new generation of industrious, compassionate, focused, and influential citizens.

Geezus fvck...

...can you even drip any more red, comrade?
America is the big loser. Republicans need to understand they cannot run a Republican liberal against a Democrat liberal. The party of limited government cannot run a big north eastern liberal and maintain it's credibility with the voters.

That's right....conservatism cannot fail. It can only be failed. :rolleyes:
Geezus fvck...

...can you even drip any more red, comrade?

lol, can you even drip any more uninformed, douchebag?

its easy to undermine someone's argument when you have none of your own--even me replying to this is difficult because all you did was accuse me of being a socialist...or perhaps you were trying to imply that i was a communist, which is VERY different.

what exactly are you arguing?
Half the country, asshole. A country you don't live in. We're going to get the government the other half wants and deserves, it isn't going to be pretty.


Old people are so cute when they talk like that.
The big losers are the people who are surprised tonight because they only saw what they wanted to see, and not what the evidence was telling the rest of us -- that even after Denver, Romney was never a likely winner.
The result of this election will disturb your life just as much as it does mine. Marco Rubio can appeal to Latinos, his time will come.

Not necessarily, if the GOP keeps up with their anti immigration/anti hispanic attitudes. The only significant group of Hispanics who support the GOP are Cuban voters in Miami and they represent a small minority within the larger group.

Jeb Bush laid out the problems of the GOP, he said that unless the GOP stops being the party of older, white voters from the south and farm belt, they are going to lose. The GOP took only 30% of the young vote, and they are the future, and the GOP's extremist positions have alienated independent voters, they want to hear about how to revitalize the economy, they don't want to hear about school prayer, abortion or guns. They had a 19 point 'gender gap' with women (women supported Obama by 13 points, men romney by 6 points)....the Southern Strategy is not going to work, because many parts of the south, other then the hookworm belt, are changing, and even among white votes those under 45 are tending more and more towards the democrats or if independents, likely to vote for them. I looked at Romney's campaign headquarters and it was pretty much lily white, and over 45, Obama's headquarters looked like a lot of America these days.
The big losers are the people who are surprised tonight because they only saw what they wanted to see, and not what the evidence was telling the rest of us -- that even after Denver, Romney was never a likely winner.

As I said earlier today, tonight was the quadrennial insertion of cold bucket of reality into their carefully constructed reality-distortion zones.

Tomorrow they begin the unenviable task of rebuilding their cocoons, in a never-ending battle to avoid facing unpleasant harsh reality.
The biggest losers were the republican party and their agenda of grandstanding without a feasible economic plan.

They are never going to win florida again, unless they go more moderate. They are never going to maintain their base of racist idiots if they go more moderate.

They'll go the way of the Whigs, and hopefully that will open up the floor to a multiple parties, who will better represent the people of this country.

So in reality, no one loses, except for politicians... who can all go fuck themselves anyways.

The result of this election will disturb your life just as much as it does mine. Marco Rubio can appeal to Latinos, his time will come.

Marco Rubio is your answer for the republican's complete failure?

He's got about as much appeal with latinos as Bill Cosby in his sweater vest does with blacks...

You really are a clueless partisan hack.