So where will the next Columbine incident take place?


Literotica Guru
Feb 1, 2005
There is a pattern to it.

Copy cat homicides and suicide, todays kids are screwed, the parents of the kids are in shock.

Premeditated murders are the craze of American youth brought on from parents.
There is a pattern to it.

Copy cat homicides and suicide, todays kids are screwed, the parents of the kids are in shock.

There may be a pattern in the copy cat sense but not in terms of location. Information is simply too widespread and available to predict anything specific.

Who would have prdicted CT for something like this?
  • One guy tries to use shoe bomb = Everyone who flies takes shoes off.
  • 31 school shootings since Columbine = no change.

My living room...don't worry I paid them to come in and blast me they aren't aiming for anyone else so sit still and act real scared when my brains wind up on your Adidas k?
  • One guy tries to use shoe bomb = Everyone who flies takes shoes off.
  • 31 school shootings since Columbine = no change.


Certain issues don't seem to be comprehended by certain people. Seems they are so afraid of someone taking their own guns, screw everyone else. The question is, if they are law abiding gun owners, why are they so afraid? It's not the sane gun owners people are concerned about. It's the nuts who murder innocent children. And as if anyone wants to get rid of the second amendment. Only in their rwnj paranoia.
Certain issues don't seem to be comprehended by certain people. Seems they are so afraid of someone taking their own guns, screw everyone else. The question is, if they are law abiding gun owners, why are they so afraid? It's not the sane gun owners people are concerned about. It's the nuts who murder innocent children. And as if anyone wants to get rid of the second amendment. Only in their rwnj paranoia.

So what new gun restrictions would you put in place that would prevent tragedies like yesterday?
So what new gun restrictions would you put in place that would prevent tragedies like yesterday?

I don't know if we need new regs..It may be a matter of actually enforcing the ones we have. But obviously what is currently in place is not working (for whatever reasons).
for whatever reasons

Because no laws will stop crazy people from doing crazy shit....

Or irresponsible people from allowing their psychotic kid access to their weapons.

Personally I don't think it will ever change with bans/restrictions....we need to start a shift in our cultural values.

Why is gunning someone down ok in a PG movie but a titty = R and some cock? NC-17. We demonize sex a normal thing that should be pleasant, affectionate and perfectly normal aspect of being a human and revel in violence...all anyone has to do to get famous in our sensational news media pop culture is go be an asshole and shoot some shit up. A titty is offensive but brutal murder is totally the norm.....

Until we fix this ^^ any attempt at gun prohibition in the US will be pissing further up the flag pole than the drug war.
Because in China that guy had a gun. In fact we hear about gun violence around the world on a daily basis. This is a uniquely American problem. I'm not saying there aren't other things to blame but still.
Because no laws will stop crazy people from doing crazy shit....

Or irresponsible people from allowing their psychotic kid access to their weapons.

Personally I don't think it will ever change with bans/restrictions....we need to start a shift in our cultural values.

Why is gunning someone down ok in a PG movie but a titty = R and bush/cock? NC-17. We demonize sex a normal thing that should be pleasant and affectionat and revel in violence...all anyone has to do to get famous in our sensational news media pop culture is go be an asshole and shoot some shit up. A titty is offensive but brutal murder is totally the norm.....

Until we fix this ^^ any attempt at gun prohibition in the US will be pissing further up the flag pole than the drug war.

There has to be a better way to prevent guns getting into the wrong hands. Maybe the problem is there are too many guns. How many guns are enough for the "average" gun owner? That's the core fear of a lot of gun owners, imo. I don't get the sex thing being brought in, and I'm on my droid.
There has to be a better way to prevent guns getting into the wrong hands. Maybe the problem is there are too many guns. How many guns are enough for the "average" gun owner? That's the core fear of a lot of gun owners, imo. I don't get the sex thing being brought in, and I'm on my droid.

Not without making gun ownership a privilege for only the elite home boy club...or they could simply disarm the entire population through a nation wide sweep/search and seizure of weapons. Then we would only have to contend with the black market. Those would have an effect but it would be a legal and logistical nightmare that would be damn near impossible to accomplish effectively.

Now I think there are some things we could do for huge upgrades to our laws.

For example having a federal licencing/ownership/carry card/program that would be centralized, apply nation wide and check applicants out. Psyc eval's would be a very reasonable measure to add to the usual back ground check, photo/fingerprint/DNA submissions and LEO/ATF interviews and such that we already have.

The sex thing I was getting at is that we as the american culture show admonishment and shame about sex/love/intimacy and we celebrate violence and accept it being integrated into every facet of our culture. I believe changing that along with getting mentally messed up people the help they need will have a bigger effect on our violent crimes than any new gun bans or restrictions.

Unfortunately culture shifts don't happen very quickly.
Not without making gun ownership a privilege for only the elite home boy club...or they could simply disarm the entire population through a nation wide sweep/search and seizure of weapons. Then we would only have to contend with the black market. Those would have an effect but it would be a legal and logistical nightmare that would be damn near impossible to accomplish effectively.

Now I think there are some things we could do for huge upgrades to our laws.

For example having a federal licencing/ownership/carry card/program that would be centralized, apply nation wide and check applicants out. Psyc eval's would be a very reasonable measure to add to the usual back ground check, photo/fingerprint/DNA submissions and LEO/ATF interviews and such that we already have.

The sex thing I was getting at is that we as the american culture show admonishment and shame about sex/love/intimacy and we celebrate violence and accept it being integrated into every facet of our culture. I believe changing that along with getting mentally messed up people the help they need will have a bigger effect on our violent crimes than any new gun bans or restrictions.

Unfortunately culture shifts don't happen very quickly.

I think the thought of a federal licensing program as you describe would be many gun owner's worst nightmare. I don't think I have to explain why. But, I will say it would trigger their concern (much, not all, of it paranoic) over the evils of big government.

Mental health is still seen by a great majority of people as a problem of not being personally responsible so screw trying to help them or keep them from guns.

America has a Puritan history and there has been a renewal of the Puritan movement in the US. Expecting all Americans to be reasonable about sex and love, and what one does is the privacy of one's home, is unrealistic, for now.

It would be nice of peace were given more status than violence, but considering how the US came into being and how it still is....

As you say, culture shifts don't happen quickly...