So, when will the US & UK start bombing Al Jazeera?


Urban Jungle Dweller
Aug 26, 2001
After all, they're airing all those inconvenient pictures of Iraqi victims of the US terror bombing. The US already knocked out Iraqi TV, which is most certainly not a legitimate military target. I just listened to a briefing by a British officer where he clearly made an implied threat against Al Jazeera, pontificating that it had gone beyond "the limits of taste and decency." What a hoot! Meanwhile, our very tasteful and decent mass terror bombing of Baghdad (one of the world's oldest cities) and other areas goes on apace. Phwew! I'm sure glad we're not tasteless and indecent like those nasty Arabs, aren't you?
After killing POW's Redwave

why don't you go to Iraq so that you can be with your crowd and cheer Saddam on
The US already knocked out Iraqi TV, which is most certainly not a legitimate military target. When it is used to pass on military orders, then it does become a target.

I just listened to a briefing by a British officer where he clearly made an implied threat against Al Jazeera, pontificating that it had gone beyond "the limits of taste and decency." What a hoot! I was watching that also, and he was very courteous in saying that Al Jazeera strives to create a place of honest reporting, but he implied that recent stories have proven otherwise. Sure, that was a major threat :rolleyes: Here's a threat for you...Redwave tries to show a view from the far end of the spectrum, but sometimes doesn't. Feel threatened?

Meanwhile, our very tasteful and decent mass terror bombing of Baghdad (one of the world's oldest cities) and other areas goes on apace. Phwew! I'm sure glad we're not tasteless and indecent like those nasty Arabs, aren't you?

Military targets are being struck...except for the first night when symbolic targets were struck. Leaflets telling people to stay indoors are being dropped. Leaflets telling people to stay away from military targets are being dropped. Great measures are being taken to prevent collateral damage and civilian casualties. And I doubt you'll find many others besides Hanns and Busybody to call any Iraqi or Iraqi soldier a nasty Arab.
After all, they're airing all those inconvenient pictures of Iraqi victims of the US terror bombing. The US already knocked out Iraqi TV, which is most certainly not a legitimate military target. I just listened to a briefing by a British officer where he clearly made an implied threat against Al Jazeera, pontificating that it had gone beyond "the limits of taste and decency." What a hoot! Meanwhile, our very tasteful and decent mass terror bombing of Baghdad (one of the world's oldest cities) and other areas goes on apace. Phwew! I'm sure glad we're not tasteless and indecent like those nasty Arabs, aren't you?

No shit, Redrave! You've hit the nail on the coffin, pointing out that one nasty Arab, Saddam, would never contemplate mass murder, unless it was on his own citizens or against neighboring countries.
We need you to balance Lit, to offer a fresh perspective.
God Bless Redrave, defender of Stalin (murderer of millions), Mao (murderer of millions) and McDonald's (billions and billions served).
Blow me.
Arab television is doing us a service in a back-handed sort of way.

This is their first televised war and their press is painting us to be a bad guy and Saddam a good guy, even running the tapes of him being firmly in control.

Now, on one hand, this is really strengthining the resolve and the will of those who want to fight, and they are fighting and taking matters into their own hands. That is to say that they are allowing their passions to bring themselves into the light of day and engage our troops. Better now than later, if you get my drift, while we are prepared, rather than while we are restoring Iraq.

The fact that some appear to be losing disciplne and are breaking ranks to attack goes to the argument that the top leadership is no longer in firm control, as the plan was to force the fight in the cities while gassing any massed coalition forces.

So, for the Arab world, their television has been a dualed-edged sword. They lack the experience that we in the Free World have with the medium and hence built in guards to some of it's more blatant aspects. In other words, we take it all with a grain of salt. They take it hook, line, and sinker.

Time will jade them...

As usual, you don't make a whole lot of sense, SIN. The main difference between Al Jazeera and the trashy propaganda outlets here is: Al Jazeera shows the Iraqi civilians who have been killed or wounded by the U.S. terror bombing; CNN, FOX, CBS, etc., don't.

If the American people saw the horror and devastation being brought down upon the Iraqi people by the U.S. government, they would demand an immediate end to the war.
Re: Huh?


If the American people saw the horror and devastation being brought down upon the Iraqi people by the U.S. government, they would demand an immediate end to the war.

Not likely. I'm sure that most people have a good idea by now that civilian casualties do happen from time to time...but not intentionally. Civilians acting as human shields or being forced to be human shields become casualties, but not because of the US.

I think that by now, the images of the fear on American POW's faces, and the images of their executed bodies will over-ride any images of Iraqi civilians. People are becoming hardened RED, you better get working fast.
Hey, Bob!

Aren't you about to get shipped out? I read the 4th Infantry Division, which is based mainly at Fort Hood, is about to be sent over there.
I had to chuckle when I heard that America became upset with Al Jazeera for showing American POWs. There had been no complaint the previous four days of Al Jazeera showing pictures of Iraqi POWs.
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Re: Hey, Bob!

Aren't you about to get shipped out? I read the 4th Infantry Division, which is based mainly at Fort Hood, is about to be sent over there.

Hey wife is active duty, not me. I'm a vet though.

BTW, in case you haven't read any of my numerous postings on the topic. My wife's last unit, at Ft Bliss, is the sister unit of the 507th...the unit that those POW's are from. My wife knows one of the guys taken POW, so talk about the POW's strikes home with her as well as me. Her last unit is now in Iraq in basically the same location as the 507th. So this also strikes home with her.

She is currently in a support unit for the 4th ID and could be going over soon. She isn't afraid of going to Iraq, but she is afraid she might not return home. I can tell you up front, all the people I have met in the 4th ID, 1st CAV, 3rd ID, 108th ADA, 31st ADA, 29th ID and numerous others, are not the types to intentionally kill civilians. They are just men and women doing their duties when called to do so.
Re: Re: Huh?

Bob_Bytchin said:

I think that by now, the images of the fear on American POW's faces, and the images of their executed bodies will over-ride any images of Iraqi civilians. People are becoming hardened RED, you better get working fast.


If there is anything more powerful in motivating Americans than images of their boys blowing children to's images of Iraqi boys shooting Americans in the head and turning the corpses to face the camera.

For as susceptible Americans are to the plight of others....once their fierce pride is attacked...all bets are off.

Americans are visceral creatures.

If there is mustard gas in Republican Guard shells and even one kills US troops...I wouldn't want to be in Iraq for any amount of money.

Because at some point, the USA will simply turn Iraq to dust.

In the end, the only thing that turned the tide of body bags coming stateside in Vietnam was carpet bombing the snot out of the place.

And though I think this war is illegal, immoral and a Big Lie....if I were President, I'm pretty sure I would have already taken out all the electricity, water and bridges in Baghdad and offered a 25 million USD Reward for Saddam Hussein, dead or alive before levelling the place and making the offer again a few days later....for 1 million USD....then bomb everything for another few days and ask the question again for $500,000....

Because if you're going to go to war, there's no fucking around.

Go Big or go home.
Re: Re: Re: Huh?

Lancecastor said:

For as susceptible Americans are to the plight of others....once their fierce pride is attacked...all bets are off.
Interesting. How many wars don't have pride at stake?

Americans are visceral creatures. Humans are visceral creatures.

And though I think this war is illegal, immoral and a Big Lie....if I were President, I'm pretty sure I would have already taken out all the electricity, water and bridges in Baghdad and offered a 25 million USD Reward for Saddam Hussein, dead or alive before levelling the place and making the offer again a few days later....for 1 million USD....then bomb everything for another few days and ask the question again for $500,000....
I just had to quote this. "If I were President".... BTW, good plan.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Huh?

Bob_Bytchin said:

I guess what I meant was the USA is relatively slow to get really pissed off...but when they get crazy, you really don't want to be in their path...and I don't think they're quite there yet on this one.

Seriously...I'd go straight to where it hurts and demoralizes them the most on Day 1...a city of 6 million people with no water or power?....then surround it and wait.

Refugees would be turned back with leaflets explaining a hot meal and cold jug of Evian awaits everyone when they bring Saddam & Sons....and until then, the bombings will continue.

Lancecastor said:
I guess what I meant was the USA is relatively slow to get really pissed off...but when they get crazy, you really don't want to be in their path...and I don't think they're quite there yet on this one.

Seriously...I'd go straight to where it hurts and demoralizes them the most on Day 1...a city of 6 million people with no water or power?....then surround it and wait.

Refugees would be turned back with leaflets explaining a hot meal and cold jug of Evian awaits everyone when they bring Saddam & Sons....and until then, the bombings will continue.

Yeah, starve and bomb them into submission. Notice how fast all that BS about "liberating" the Iraqi people has flown out the window. A cold blooded plan for imperialist mass murder and subjugation.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Huh?

Lancecastor said:

Seriously...I'd go straight to where it hurts and demoralizes them the most on Day 1...a city of 6 million people with no water or power?....then surround it and wait.

Refugees would be turned back with leaflets explaining a hot meal and cold jug of Evian awaits everyone when they bring Saddam & Sons....and until then, the bombings will continue.

It will happen. More and more fathers of the American dead will tell the TV cameras we're being too nice, that the pansy-ass liberals are tying their hands...
Re: Horrible

Yeah, starve and bomb them into submission. Notice how fast all that BS about "liberating" the Iraqi people has flown out the window. A cold blooded plan for imperialist mass murder and subjugation.

Oh I don't think for a moment that it's about liberating anything other than oil and making the world safe for anything other than US expansionism to feed the GreedMachine.

But if I were commander in chief and decided to march into battle? I'd use everything I had from Day1 to Win and keep my team safe. If you're going to lead an army into battle, it's balls to the wall.
Interesting, but . . .

Lancecastor said:
Oh I don't think for a moment that it's about liberating anything other than oil and making the world safe for anything other than US expansionism to feed the GreedMachine.

But if I were commander in chief and decided to march into battle? I'd use everything I had from Day1 to Win and keep my team safe. If you're going to lead an army into battle, it's balls to the wall.

Interesting perspective, Lance, and yes, I realize you're against the war (as is every sane person). However, I think you're forgetting Clausewitz's famous aphorism, "War is the continuation of politics by other means." Every war is political, at least to some extent, and military actions are often restrained by political considerations. So far, Bush has held back somewhat, not because he's a humanitarian, but because of international opposition to and condemnation of the war, including here at home. The kind of tactics you say you'd order as Prez, which are exactly what they'll probably start doing real soon, will only intensify resistance to the war, and likely lead to the overthrow of several U.S. client states in the Arab and Muslim world: i.e., Pakistan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. They also might lead to a GENERAL STRIKE against the war here at home.
Why waste an expensive bomb?

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hacker attacks continued to plague the Web site of Arab satellite TV network al-Jazeera on Thursday, as cyber-vandals replaced the news site with a stars-and-stripes logo saying "Let Freedom Ring".

Both the Arabic site, at (, and the English-language version at ( could not be accessed Thursday. Users who tried to log onto the site found a message that read, "Hacked by Patriot, Freedom Cyber Force Militia" beneath a logo containing the U.S. flag.

"This broadcast was brought to you by: Freedom Cyber Force Militia," the site said. "God bless our troops!!!"

Al-Jazeera information technology manager Salah Al Seddiqui said someone had hijacked the domain name and redirected it to another server computer.

"Our Web site is working but nobody can see it," Al Seddiqui said.

The al-Jazeera Web site has faced near-constant cyber attacks since an English-language version devoted exclusively to the war in Iraq was launched Monday.

Hackers have blitzed the site with meaningless data in an effort to squeeze out legitimate traffic and render the site inaccessible, a technique known as a "denial of service" attack.

That attack eased at around 3 a.m. London time on Thursday, Al Seddiqui said, but the domain name was hijacked shortly after.

The Qatar-based network had tried to switch the address back but was denied access by domain-name seller Network Solutions Inc. ,he said.

"We can't say it's their fault or our fault," he said.

A Network Solutions spokesman was not immediately available for comment.

The company also HAS had to search for a new home for the site after U.S.-based DataPipe said it could no longer host the site from the end of the month. Al Seddiqui said the company had moved its servers to a data center in France.

So much for freedom of speech.

Since when do US Constitutional freedoms extend to those outside the borders?

So much for understanding the Constitution.
I see. Foreigners don't have rights; only Americans do. What a totally racist, xenophobic outlook!

Everyone is equal in their fundamental human rights.
I see. Foreigners don't have rights; only Americans do. What a totally racist, xenophobic outlook!

Everyone is equal in their fundamental human rights.

You crack me up Red.

By saying that our rights aren't guaranteed to those outside the US, I'm suddenly a racist xenophobe? LAUGH OUT FUCKING LOUD

"Everyone is equal in their fundamental human rights." First off, why aren't you telling your comrades in Iraq this? Second, since when is freedom of the press a fundamental human right? Again, go tell your comrades in Iraq this as well.
Redwave: "What color is the night sky...?"
Bob: "Black last time I checked."
Redwave: "You imperialistic, blood sucking Racist."
Bob: "I just answered your question."
Redwave: "Don't try to deny you are racist."
Gunner Dailey said:
Redwave: "What color is the night sky...?"
Bob: "Black last time I checked."
Redwave: "You imperialistic, blood sucking Racist."
Bob: "I just answered your question."
Redwave: "Don't try to deny you are racist."

Redwave: "Quit trying to supress the night sky."
Bob: "I actually enjoy the night"
Redwave: "The only thing you like about the night is the moon...because it is white."
Bob: "I'm not racist dude."
Redwave: "You were trying to make fun of the night sky because it was black."