So what's the deal with all the fucknuts here lately?

They always seem to come out of the woodwork when you're miles from nowhere. No, no, wait a minute, that's not it. When there's miles to go before you.... No, damnit, that's not it either.

miles, when you're not around they become more numerous and bold.
Honestly I haven't noticed any fucknuts....My ignore function must be working beautifully....:)
Fucknuts?! Where?
(eyes darting anxiously) He isn't talking about me, is he?

Actually, in the context of Lit and its lascivious nature, I could use a fucknut or two...


Blushing in Brooklyn,
New Fucknuts.

DreamGuy001 is a new fucknut with a big schlong..We can't get him to put any clothes on..He likes to tantalize everyone with that SUPER SCHLONG....

It's like that old shampoo commercial... One fucknut comes along, and invites two friends... and they invite two friends... and so on and so on. Pretty soon the fucknuts will rule the board. :eek:
Whose posts these are I think I know.
The fucknut dates the villag ho;
He will not see me watching here
Outside his window in the snow.

His mates may think that I'm a queer
Lurking here to peer and leer
But I can have and eat my cake
On snowy nights so cold and clear.

He gives her fancy bells a shake
He has no concept of mistake.
He's such a fucktard ingrate creep
He thinks he's what she needs to slake

The fire inside her, dark and deep.
But I have polaroids to keep,
And smiles to grow before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
Re: New Fucknuts.

Jabo 69 said:
DreamGuy001 is a new fucknut with a big schlong..We can't get him to put any clothes on..He likes to tantalize everyone with that SUPER SCHLONG....



why should I hmmmmm?
the gals seem to like it :D
unless you are jealous don't worry about it :D
You people have hijacked a perfectly good fucknut thread. For shame!
storm1969 said:
You people have hijacked a perfectly good fucknut thread. For shame!
Oh fuck you, lightning boy. Who gives a fuck if you can't strike twice in the same place, eh?

On second thought... Just what IS so wrong with being NUTS about FUCKING???
msmuffett66 said:
On second thought... Just what IS so wrong with being NUTS about FUCKING???
Did you know there's an extra ear on your mousketeer hat?
When "LOL" won't do

LukkyKnight said:
Whose posts these are I think I know.
The fucknut dates the villag ho;
He will not see me watching here
Outside his window in the snow.

His mates may think that I'm a queer
Lurking here to peer and leer
But I can have and eat my cake
On snowy nights so cold and clear.

He gives her fancy bells a shake
He has no concept of mistake.
He's such a fucktard ingrate creep
He thinks he's what she needs to slake

The fire inside her, dark and deep.
But I have polaroids to keep,
And smiles to grow before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

Bwahahahaha! (gasp! tear!) AhahahahaBwahahahaha!

Rolling in the Radicchio,
Well, as I am ever a lady, I will post to this thread with out using the "f word". *gasp*

Hmmm perhaps I should replace it with something else.

Oh, here goes,

I notice that not many of the fluffnuts are posting here. Did you scare them away, miles?

;) I like nuts, in context, so thought I would soften the blow...

err blow the.... me out here, guys!

This may make me a fucknut just by asking but what exactly is a fucknut? I'm very new here and not aware of this term. :D

Is there any such thing as a good fucknut? :cool:
msmuffett66 said:
On second thought... Just what IS so wrong with being NUTS about FUCKING???

absoutly nothing is wrong with that

Hi MsM :kiss: muahhhhh