So, what's everyone doing this weekend?

My cyber girlfriend is coming into town, as well as a chick I dated hot and heavy in college. They've worked up an interest in having a hot session with my S/O and myself, so we're renting a fairly pricey suite at a strip motel.
I'm thinking it's probably sex and room service, and time in the hot tub, for about 36 hours straight.
I just wish my weekend could compare somehow to yours.
Ham Murabi said:
My cyber girlfriend is coming into town, as well as a chick I dated hot and heavy in college. They've worked up and interest in having a hot session with my S/O and myself, so we're renting a fairly pricey suite at a strip motel.
I'm thinking it's probably sex and room service, and time in the hot tub, for about 36 hours straight.
I just wish my weekend could compare somehow to yours.

Actually, I'm having a 6 day weekend. So imagine something like that going on 3 times as long.
RastaPope said:
Actually, I'm having a 6 day weekend. So imagine something like that going on 3 times as long.

Then, on Monday, the Dallas Cowgirls cheerleaders and their sisters …
Unless my friend & I can decide on a movie to see, then, probably nothing. Other then working.
nasty1 said:
Unless my friend & I can decide on a movie to see, then, probably nothing. Other then working.

Look on the bright side. They don't call you "party pooper" for nothing.
My plane leaves Thursday for Daytona Beach yes i am going to the

Daytona 500
Long weekend here in Alberta.. A few friends and I are going to hang out at my place all day Saturday, play a little Xbox golf and enjoy watching "Hockey Day In Canada" (three games in one day starting at 11 am) before going out clubbing .. Sunday wil be a recovery day of sorts.. watch the Daytona 500 .. go out that night for hockey then bring back a "Bubba" (Canadians know what I'm talking about) and enjoy some more Xbox golf.. then Monday is just another recovery day.

Maybe not as good as yours but hockey, drinking and a paid holiday isn't half bad.
Ham Murabi said:
Look on the bright side. They don't call you "party pooper" for nothing.
I was definetely the Black Sheep of the family. Lucky me.
Don't question the Pope. He's fucking infallible. I'll be glad to confirm that he will, indeed, be having quite the 6 day weekend.


Ham Murabi said:
Then, on Monday, the Dallas Cowgirls cheerleaders and their sisters …
I don't know RastaPope, but if I told you, I'm sure you'd only tell me it was going to cause me to spend the rest of eternity in hell
This weekend? I was contemplating either brooding or meditating on my inner emptiness. I haven't decided which yet.
Sillyman said:
This weekend? I was contemplating either brooding or meditating on my inner emptiness. I haven't decided which yet.

wanna do it together at the waffle house? :kiss:
I'll be eating a goober-grape on wheat sandwich.

Beat that sucka!

RastaPope said:
Cause it sure as hell isn't as good as what I'll be doing.

I win!
As long as you take pictures, or let a Man watch (or even better yet, participate!) you can avoid the fiery flames! So have fun!

mytasteislikecandy said:
I don't know RastaPope, but if I told you, I'm sure you'd only tell me it was going to cause me to spend the rest of eternity in hell
Actually that does remind me to say that during this whole Waffle House expedition, I did see both a man and a woman go into the Women's Bathroom (they're little one seater jobbies) and then come out looking vaguely flushed. They paid their tab and left.

He was probably just in there because the men's room was occupied or something, but I'm a dirty old man and can hope.
*giggle* ok so we can do that first and then meditate on our inner emptiness. Here, follow me into the bathroom and see if we both fit. It will be fun to see the look on the waitresses faces when we finally reemerge too :devil: :D
superlittlegirl said:
As long as you take pictures, or let a Man watch (or even better yet, participate!) you can avoid the fiery flames! So have fun!

yeah, that's what I hear :)

I'll be sure to send him a tape to ensure my way through the pearly gates
Actually, you could just send that to me. I'm not sure if he'd appreciate it as much as I might.

mytasteislikecandy said:
yeah, that's what I hear :)

I'll be sure to send him a tape to ensure my way through the pearly gates
roxanne69 said:
*giggle* ok so we can do that first and then meditate on our inner emptiness. Here, follow me into the bathroom and see if we both fit. It will be fun to see the look on the waitresses faces when we finally reemerge too :devil: :D

Hey, fun. :)