So, what do you collect?

What do you collect?

  • Figurines (ie: Precious Moments, SnowBabies, Pretty as a Pictures)

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Sports Memorabilla (cards, pennants, autographs, used jock straps_

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Art work (Be it Monet, or the guy selling art from his truck at the gas station, along with shrimp f

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Beanie Babies (how long ago DID most people stop collecting these?)

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Lingirie (Sweet and innocent, naughty yet nice)

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Vehicles (from old and busted, to new hottness)

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • SO's (Ex, current, those with tons of them)

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Clothes (You know who you are, those with the polyester suit from the 70's, the leg warmers from the

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • STD's (Yeah, some people likely do, you never know)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Toe lint, belly button lint, toe nail clippings (Can we say EWW?)

    Votes: 1 5.3%

  • Total voters

Gilly Bean

Princess Spanky Pants
Aug 29, 2001
Sure, it's likely been done before, but what the hell, I'm just in a 'scrapper' mood, and apparently, I'm holier than thou, so I feel I am justified in asking.
Sports cards, memoribilia and yes... comic books. At least at one time. Kinda traded those in for kids along the way. ;)
Well, to answer my own poll, I collect Pretty as a Picture figurines, clothing (though, sadly, none from the 70's, 80's, or 90's, just a ton from the here and now), lingirie, and yes, sadly, I collect beanies.

Ok, not so much with the active collecting, but I still own em all. Cute lil buggers.
If STD's don't come out the clear winner, you're all a bunch of skankass lying motherfuckers.
I used to collect Hummel figurerines... actually they were all gifts when I was a kid...

But as an adult about the only thing I collect now is lingerie... got to have the pretty stuff on underneath... somehow it transmutes to my outer self...
none of the above I collect soda and beer bottle from all over the world my boyfriend is in the army so he travels quite a bit brings me back some really cool bottles some are full at times lol
I collect Pocket Dragons (sooo cute), coins, A&W Rootbeer mugs, and sci-fi/fantasy artwork to name a few. Can you tell I'm a pack rat.
I collect piano sheet music.

incidentally, if anyone has the piano sheet music to DJ Sammy's candlelight remix of "Heaven," I'll buy it from you. Really.
bknight2602 said:
Gilly you forgot the "other" choice!

I collect dust.:(

See, I ran out of lil boxes. They really should have 20 options ;)

Hot- I have a friend who collects old fashioned coke bottles, and the new bottles they put out with different things like race car drivers on them, that sort of thing. Last time I saw, he'd only been looking for a year or two, and had over 200. Some still capped and filled, others drained.
I live a minimalist life, without capitalistic embellishments.
You know, I forgot one of my own. I collect watermelon things: mugs, tray's, napkin holders, wall hangings, plates, chip dishes, towles, etc.

If it has a watermelon on it, I'll buy it.

It started out because my mother has collected them for as long as I can remember, so I was always picking them up from yard sales, and craft shows, until my stock pile of things to give her grew, and grew, and I realized I was collecting them for me.

Now, when ever we see something, we try to get two, and give one to the other.

Sadly, it's about all I've collected from my mother.
Other. I collect Christmas ornaments. Glass ornaments. Radko and Polinaise being a couple of my favorite brands, but really, any and all, old-fashioned, hand-blown glass ornaments will do.

I had a Baby Beanie Baby collection from McDonalds way back when my son was a baby (I'm thinking I was post-partum), that my daughters just discovered and are now in love with.
I put clothing, just because I have a hard time getting rid of clothes that still fit even though I'm tired of them.

What I really collect (not by design, though) is books. I've got so many I desperately need more bookshelves before the avalanche happens.
Rubyfruit said:
Other. I collect Christmas ornaments. Glass ornaments. Radko and Polinaise being a couple of my favorite brands, but really, any and all, old-fashioned, hand-blown glass ornaments will do.

I had a Baby Beanie Baby collection from McDonalds way back when my son was a baby (I'm thinking I was post-partum), that my daughters just discovered and are now in love with.

You might want to check these folks out. They have a Christmas store that's about the size of 3 Walmarts. I'm sure they do mail order.

Coffee Cups

I have them from where I have been including 1 from Mockba (Moscow) Russia celebrating the 850th anniveristy I got in 1997
I collect hard liqour and beer bottles. Well at least for my college years, this is a thing that is going to go away as soon as I graduate.
CarolineOh said:
You might want to check these folks out. They have a Christmas store that's about the size of 3 Walmarts. I'm sure they do mail order.


Bronners is an awesome shop. It's only about an hour from me, and my neice lives in Frankenmuth, so I go there to visit at least twice a year, if not more.

Bronners is huge, with department store-esqu 'departments', only instead of housewears and cosmetics, you have ornaments and stockings.

My kids each have a large glass bulb from there for thier first christmas's. My favorite area is the Nativity section.

They have everything from the smallest imaginable nativity, to life size realistic nativities.

My ex SIL (neices mum) worked there when she and my brother were married, and the owner, Wally, gives all his employess a Fontinini Nativity scene for a wedding presant.

Oddly, they've been divorced for years and my step mom still gets her a new peice for the nativity each year.

That's what I want to start collecting for Christmas, nativities, and I have my eye on the sweetest little Fontinini. -sighs- Sadly, they also come with a price tag attached.

However, if ANYTHING christmas is your gig, this place is it. They have a catalouge, but it's SADLY lacking, as it only features about a quarter of thier ornaments, and not even an either of any of the other merchindise. It truly is a place to visit.
My bookshelves runneth over with books, rare minerals, Tibetan Buddhist statuary, Statues of Liberty, and netsuki.
hey...i collect landlord who is Calvary Pentacost, won't come in my apartment because he thinks its filled with idols.